I think with Lily the important part to remember is she's a known stripper/hooker surrounded by teenage girls, I think the rolling is a mix of girl games and having someone. We've seen she gets defensive over how she's viewed which is why she's focused on status. It takes the convo from her been a stripper and throws their disdain right back in their face as that dirty stripper is with the guy they’re all drooling over, good luck having a go at her without looking like a jealous bitch. If they're talking about MC and Lily and all the showy bullshit like in class, rooster, king and queen, party etc it changes how she's talked about. She even disarms anyone fucking him when she says who cares he’ll always know who he belongs to. We can see Becky really didn't like it potentially neither does Quinn you'd think that's a sign a lot of B & R will react the same. She's become someone other girls are jealous off. I think the best part is she genuinely likes MC and tells him the rules yet still uses it all to her advantage. It seems Sarah saw right through her though, she knows Lily is hooked by MC before Lily does
She goes from slut to someone they're jealous off, gets a guy that knows how to fuck and with no strings, someone she can call for help and reinforces her link to the diks who throw great parties. For a teenage girl that's unavoidably seen as a slut it's actually kinda clever. It's not necessarily positive but jealously probably beats disdain.