
Feb 3, 2023
Yeah... I never play with mods (this game, though I've remade some routes following PDF walkthroughs... I've played many other games with walkthrough mods -- and I'm not blaming anyone who does this for BaDIK; I just don't feel it's necessary for me in this game), but I've cheated to correct things I've done wrong in the past. Since I never did anything the game doesn't allow, I'm safe and my games never crashed.
I was exactly the same until yesterday, I manually played through every (or so I thought) combination and created saves for them. Then I encountered my Cathy issue - I’d played each Cathy outcome in the past, but found that the Cathy outcome that I needed was not saved in a path that I needed to trigger the scene in Episode 10. This left me with two choices - mod a path with the console or create a new save from starting afresh from Episode 1.

And what of the future - taking mushrooms or not causes the party in episode 10 to play quite differently but is that just confined to episode 10 or will it have consequences in episode 13? For example, if you take the mushrooms there is a more extensive interaction with Sally - could it be in a later episode you have a chance of a scene with Sally depending on whether you took mushrooms or not back in Episodes 10.

The number of paths and sub-paths is fanning out (as you would expect) making it more and more difficult to cover every single permutation through normal play.


Dec 8, 2017
I have been trying to play every route through properly and for the most part have managed it. But since episodes 9 and 10 the number of paths has been expanding.

For example there are a number of different HOTS paths. Also, as I found yesterday, there are other subtleties, like the MCs relationship with Cathy. I found that I had to resort to a console cheat to get the Cathy scenes because a long way back somewhere in episodes 1-8 I had neglected to leave my options with Cathy open in my HOTS path. I did have a Cathy relationship in some of my other paths but found that the MC would close that down in Episode 10 because he was in a steady relationship. I was faced with playing through every episode again or use the console to add the Cathy relationship to one of my HOTS paths.

Also, in episode 10 you have the option to take mushrooms or not - for the most part I chose not to but on one of my HOTS paths I took them and was surprised by how much it changed the party section of Episode 10 - not sure whether this will create additional sub-paths, maybe not, but, for example, the interaction with Sally is much more extensive if you take the mushrooms - will that make a difference in the future. And I never took the option to convince everyone not to take the mushrooms so no idea how that changes the party.

The point I am making is that the number of paths and sub-paths is expanding and may reach the point for some where there are too many to play through normally - especially when you find that you missed something way back in episode 5 that doesn’t have an impact until episode 10 (like I found with Cathy).
Yeah for the single path, the episode 9 is a already a "potential soon to be branch" for side girls (Quinn, Nicole, Lily, Riona, Nora etc...), so we're gonna end up with like 15 differents play at the end of the game at this pace ^^'.


Dec 8, 2017
I was exactly the same until yesterday, I manually played through every (or so I thought) combination and created saves for them. Then I encountered my Cathy issue - I’d played each Cathy outcome in the past, but found that the Cathy outcome that I needed was not saved in a path that I needed to trigger the scene in Episode 10. This left me with two choices - mod a path with the console or create a new save from starting afresh from Episode 1.

And what of the future - taking mushrooms or not causes the party in episode 10 to play quite differently but is that just confined to episode 10 or will it have consequences in episode 13? For example, if you take the mushrooms there is a more extensive interaction with Sally - could it be in a later episode you have a chance of a scene with Sally depending on whether you took mushrooms or not back in Episodes 10.

The number of paths and sub-paths is fanning out (as you would expect) making it more and more difficult to cover every single permutation through normal play.
I don't think the choices mushrooms will be much more than anecdotic dialogues changes at the future.
For Sally, if in the future a lewd scene is possible, I think that's gonna be a combination of most of the choices you made when you interact with her, and if a variable is already existing for her inside the console.


Active Member
Aug 21, 2019
I wouldn't recommend this, knowing DPC's dislike of people who mod the game it's very possible that if he does insert an RP check on a girl in the future it would probably have a less than as well as greater than rule meaning anyone who has set the RP to be higher than possible in the game would find the game break at that point.
You are correct. He does not like it one bit. He constantly add pitfalls to cause issues for people who mod. But that being said its always people using scrappy's mod that have issues. As hard as DPC tries with his tricks He will not stop Sancho his mod works always. Unless you are like all the idiots who played season 1-2 with scrappy's mod and then come and try installing another mod for s3 and then wonder why it loops with jacob and in ep10 during the hellen scene. But yeah to each his own. For me I now have 27 saves with his mod installed and not one issue ever. No loops, No crashing


Feb 3, 2023
Indeed. I did some cheat with Josy because I told Derek I didn't have feelings for her -- no idea why... maybe I didn't want to step out of my DIK character... Then I fixed with the console in this episode. But since the end of episode 9 I decided to wait to create new routes. I though about doing one for Lily, one for Quinn, and one for Sarah, but I'll wait to see if there'll be any difference. And I won't do any variation of the main girls' routes either... Unless it has a huge difference, I'll just use the console to jump to scenes I've missed and check 'em. Right now, I'm only keeping 5 routes. I'll split them when time comes.
In Episode 9 the single HOTS path splits into at least 3 paths

HOTS: Quinn
HOTS: Nicole and Lily
HOTS: Mel and Sarah

Depending on who you choose to finish the night with.

In Episode 10, these paths play slightly differently, plus you have a choice of adding Rio, or not, into the mix - plus there are other complexities such as whether you included Cathy or not in the path.

We will have to wait to see whether these remain sperate sub-paths in Episode 11.

If you are a 'scene and art' collector you will need to play all of these paths to complete the collection - or cheat with Mods.
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Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
There's no pathetic drama here.
This is a script move that shows the character's double bottom. Most of the time we see Derek, a cheerful and reckless guy, such a typical Stifler from teenage school comedies. Derek is a comedic relief and his task is to amuse the player.
But here strange things begin, it seems like we see that he is a complete idiot, but at other moments suddenly reasonable thinking awakens in Derek - dude is cunning, pulling off various schemes with his studies, and behaves consciously about Throuple relationships, stops following the image of a chatterbox. Something doesn't add up.
This is described quite cleverly in Ep. 10 - we can find the answer in Sage/MC's (Sage route) dialogue at the party when they discuss Maya's family: “I don’t know about Maya, but Derek seems to dull the pain with jokes and stupid things. I joke about it too, and it helps me.”
Derek is not a stupid idiot. This is his mind's defense mechanism. He found how to distract himself from the nightmare in which he lives, so as not to burn out. People are always trying to distract themselves from the bad things. Some people can’t stand it and fall into drug addiction and alcoholism, some find a hobby that helps them distance themselves, some behave unusually, Derek protects his mind with humor and stupid antics. Quite humanly and everything fell into place.

I don't see any problem here. MC being on Quinn's route is not going to harm Maya in any way, just like Quinn, who was the object of trolling on her part, but real harm? No. And Quinn is now completely neutral towards Maya, they act towards each other as if they don't exist, which is good.
And secondly, how does Derek know about this? MC didn't tell Derek that he and Quinn have become close, well, I see a problem here out of nowhere.
:unsure: :unsure: if you like pathetic scenes there's nothing wrong with that, lots of people like them. it's just a genre

but what you wrote has nothing to do with what I was saying, the point is not the depth of Derek's character or how he deals with grief, but that saying he's only at BR because of Maya is a totally exaggerated and not believable statement. during hell week was he defending Maya? Derek is enjoying the fun part of college like everyone does and occasionally gives his sister a look.

I don't give much importance to the issue of sending MC to Maya's room because it's due to plot necessity. but a brother who is so worried about his sister shouldn't send a guy he just met to live with her. however you are wrong about saying that MC's affinity/behaviour has no effect on Maya, apart from the possible heartache, MC's behaviour towards Patrick can be decisive in the outcome of the mission to their home. so if Maya at the end of chapter 10 doesn't have the loan documents it's MC's fault. but again, this is the least important aspect because it's related to plot issues.


Feb 3, 2023
Question about 2D art. I have 72 out of 72 so can't imagine that I am missing any, but there are some stand out anomalies that feel like I have missed something or they have been overlooked by the developer. I have the following

Camila - 2/3
Cathy - 1/3
Envy - 2/3
Isabella - 2/3
Jill 2/3
Josy - 2/3
Lily - 2/3
Maya - 2/3
Melanie - 2/3
Nora - 1/3
Quinn - 2/3
Riona - 2/3
Sage - 2/3
Sarah - 2/3
Zoey - 1/3

The 2/3 ones make sense, but Cathy, Nora and Zoey seem strange at 1/3. I believe I have done everything possible with Cathy, Nora and Zoey so surprised that they are not at 2/3 too. Zoey less so as she is pretty new to the game and it is clear that more may develop with her. But surprised with Nora and Cathy - there have been just as many, if not more, encounters with them as some of the other girls - and especially odd for Nora as she has practically put a stop to the relationship (though of course that can always change).


Active Member
Aug 21, 2019
That's because Sancho doesn't allow for changing options for multiple paths open at the same time, or allow changes to take variables out of range of the game. If you change an option on Sancho's mod it will automatically close the options that clash with it, rather than just open that particular option.
Exactly but you know people don't listen the gazillion posts about looping and crashing is proof of that.


Feb 3, 2023
Nora was a later addition to the game than other girls (though not as late as Zoey) and Cathy was missing for a large portion of the game. It does make sense that they'd have less time to develop the checkpoints that give the 2d art.
See what you mean but I'd counter that with

We have had the chance to engage with Cathy a lot more than some of the other girls - there was all the dream sequences, a number of encounters in Season 1 and 2, then the latest in Episode 10.

Likewise, there have been significant encounters with Nora, plus she has, for all intents and purposes, said that there will be no more (of course it is a game so that may change).


Feb 3, 2023
What are your thoughts about Zoey?

It is fairly clear that story is moving towards the opportunity to bring the MC and Zoey back together.

But for me, and I accept that we are all different, Zoey is my least favourite of all the girls.

I don't particularly like her character, she was fine as a childhood sweetheart, but then as soon as she came into a bit of money she ditched the MC and buggered off. Then when she found that she wasn't really into surfing and had spent her inheritance she came skulking back expecting to pick up where she left off.

Don't find that attractive, but also for me, and this is a personal preference, all that ink - yuk!

I find extensive tattoos a turn off, a small discrete one is okay, but I'd rather none. So Zoey's character and ink combined are a big turn-off for me.

Before you say it - yes Riona has a large tattoo, would prefer she didn't, but it is just the right arm and her being so cute and nice offsets that. Riona over Zoey any day.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2021
Hi, need some help.

Working my way through the different paths in Episode 10 and I am stuck getting two of the scenes (and associated 2D art) - Lily and Cathy. I think I know what the problems are - I have created saves for all the paths, or so I thought, but here are my situations

Of all the paths I played though in Episodes 1-8 there is only one where the MC told Cathy that he didn't want it to end - unfortunately that is my SAGE path so when I agree to go with Cathy it ends with the MC saying that he is now in a relationship (with SAGE) so it doesn't go any further. Think I need a HOTS path where I have previously said that I want to continue with Cathy.

I have a save called Nicole and Lily. I thought, in Episode 9 then they ended as a pair in the options, but when I start in Episode 10, although they are both with me it is clear that MC is attached to Nicole only and this proves true as I play through Episode 10 - the MC gets with Nicole but not Lily.

Any ideas how to get round this - suspect I could sort out the LILY one buy replaying Episode 9 and making sure there was only Lily in the picture. But not sure about the Cathy one - I don't want to have to go back and do a complete play through of Episodes 1-9.

Any thoughts or ideas?
It was a pain in the neck, but I created a separate path for Cathy...from the beginning...no other influence. It was a lot of skipping. But, done now so I can process that path in future episodes.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2021
Episode 4 breakup is better for future solo Josy path, episode 8 breakup stops you getting the potential solo path hints in ep 9 (telling her you think about her all the time) and ep 10 (pillow fort scene).
As I did with Cathy, I am in the process of creating a Josy only path from the beginning (80pc done) no other influence so I can take advantage of this path in future episodes. Like you stated, friends at throuple decision, minimize Maya to the max and tell Josy those things you mention. (no other side influence for this path).


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
The updated official guide for episode 10 was released
I have just realised that I have greatly jeopardised the recovery of the documents.

In almost every run I confronted Patrick and in all of them during lunch I, at least partially, provoked him.

it went well


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020

also very interesting, where we can give continuity to the choice on Maya

DPC remembered her and not only for the loan....


Aug 17, 2022
What are your thoughts about Zoey?

It is fairly clear that story is moving towards the opportunity to bring the MC and Zoey back together.

But for me, and I accept that we are all different, Zoey is my least favourite of all the girls.
I love her. Zoey's a classic second chance girl - even more so than Nicole or Rio. She made a big mistake and now life's maybe giving her a second chance to fix it.

I don't particularly like her character, she was fine as a childhood sweetheart, but then as soon as she came into a bit of money she ditched the MC and buggered off. Then when she found that she wasn't really into surfing and had spent her inheritance she came skulking back expecting to pick up where she left off.
I think this analysis of her character is why you dislike her, and I also think it's dead wrong. She didn't bugger off because she suddenly came into money, she did it to honor her grandmother.

Ever since she was a little kid - the flashback shows her as a child of maybe seven or eight - she's wanted to be a surfer. Doesn't matter that it was a dumb dream, it was her dream. And Grandma was always there to encourage her to chase her dreams. Grandma was the one who bought her a skateboard and encouraged her to learn to skate. When her shitbag stepfather ran her down and told her her dream was stupid, Grandma was there to pick her back up.

Now suddenly Grandma's dead. So how do you honor Grandma? By following the advice she's given you all your life. Chase your dreams.

Now she's in San Diego. Turns out surfing sucks. Jealous surfer chicks with more ink than an entire SEAL team really fucking suck. The grass is greener on the other side of the fence because the other side is a horse pasture and it's full of shit. Money's gone. But Grandma's advice? Still good. Chase your dreams.

And now Zoey realizes she done fucked up. She gave up a big dream - happily ever after with her best friend (and first love) - to chase a little dream - being a surfer chick. Time to admit she was wrong and try to fix it. Character growth.


Feb 3, 2023
Now suddenly Grandma's dead. So how do you honor Grandma? By following the advice she's given you all your life. Chase your dreams.
Fair points.

I know it is story so I have to suspend disbelief but it does feel that she was away a lot longer than it took to discover she didn't like surfing. Must take at least a year to cover your body in ink and for it to heal fully. Were there not closer places to learn how to surf - away for a few weeks, find it is not for you, get it out of your system and come back.

And I get the Grandma honour thing, but against the life long companion and love, there didn't seem to be that much dilemma.

But all your points are fair, it is just a story - to be fair my major issue is that she came back covered in ink - but that's just me, others and the MC may love that.
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