It's you who doesn't get it. It's not about fucking or anything. The point was you can't compare Riona and Sage relationship with the MC. Because while Sage and MC is something canon and they get close no matter what, it's not the same thing with Riona. Helping her with money, getting close to her, helping with her stalker depend on your previous choice. The MC will miss a lot of thing about Riona or Quinn if he's not closed with her, while he will stil get a lot of information from Sage because the're friends and share the same goal, helping Maya no matter what you did.
Of course she is. The fact the character doesn't know, doesn't make it no canonical. And we, as the player see that, that's excplicitely mentioned during Riona and Quinn conversation even if you don't do anything with them.
There's no evidence Burke is involved in the drug operation. The whole thing about Quinn and Burke is more likely about the tuition situation, because after the Mona's incident and Maya directely talking about the tuition rumor. Burke most likely scold her or even cut the ties with her. Especially if you take into consideration he's planning to divorce and already knows that Jade suspects him to sleep with students. He doesn't need any complication or scandal.
That's completely false. You know this but your MC doesn't. And once again, not only Riona herself doesn't know everything about Quinn's activities, but the fact that Riona will tell everything to your MC is nothing but an assumption. It's not settled in stone, that's just extrapolation. It could happen but nothing is guaranteed.
You're making mistake. You're just telling you're completely fine with having just small pieces of the global pictures. Instead of having everything from all playthroughs. And then you assume that it doesn't matter because you will never need to play other path to get most information for all characters and that you'll be able to face all the probable outcomes. You realise that just having a few sentence from some characters is clearly not the same thing that having a whole relationship and constant exhanges with the characters right ?
Once again, it's an assumption not something guaranteed.
You're in his head and knows exactely what's he gonna do now.
And you wouldn't need to learn that from me, if you made the effort to see it for yourself. You realise that you only learn what I tell you from that scene ? You can't even proprely analyze the scene yourself because you only take what I'm telling you. That's why all those conversations end up being redudant because you refuse to watch to global picture and only chose to make all these theories, all theses analyze with incomplete datas.
That's the whole point. That way not only the MC has no way to know who exactly are involved in the prostitution circle. So he doesn't know about Camila, Riona, Sarah & Melanie but he doesn't even know about the glory hole. And he can't really get why Riona and Quinn have money problems.
And here amigo, you're speaking exactly like those who claim that Sage path is doomed to fail because she's in her last year, like those who claim that Bella path will fail because she's a teacher and James will come back or that the throuple will inevitabely fail because Melanie had a similar experience that didn't end well. But the truth is, you don't that, I don't know that and none of us know that. Only DPC can know, all the rest is nothing but assumptions. And we don't even know how many outcomes the different paths will have. You can't tell me that Quinn path will inevitabely ends in disaster the same way you can't tell me that the throuple will inevitabely fail. And if there's only one possible outcome amigo, what's the point of choices and decisions ?
And everything you're writing here is factually wrong. And I can tell you that because I played those scenes. Quinn see no reason to change ? You're speaking like the DIK MC is nothing but a Yesman who's only affected by her and not the other way around. But that's completely wrong. The MC is constantly affecting her and breaking her walls. Many times, he made her get her out of her comfort zone. Breaking her no kissing rules, breaking her no sleephover rules, forced her to tell her more and more about her. And you know what ? During that same night, he told her has enough of her attitude, enough of her shit and stormed out, and she ran after him. He not only made her confess everything about the drug activities but she even explains that she's afraid to open up to him because she's afraid he will be scared of her. So, despite everything you said, Quinn knows that she's dangerous for him, she knows that he could judge her and litteraly admits she's afraid of that. And now you're telling me that she has now reasons to change her ways ? That he can't have any kind of positive influence on her ? In the end of Episode 10, we have reached the point where she doesn't even deny liking him anymore. And yet, you're still focused about the whole dog sentence.
The DIK MC and Quinn aren't the same. The DIK and the CHICK MC are the same person. They have different impulse and they handle things differently but they care for the same things, the same people, the same family. The DIK is fighting for Maya and friends with all the LIs just like the Chick MC is. If you believe that the DIK MC will suddently become the next Vinny and starts to use gun and become the top dealer of the street then you're deluded yourself. If you've played her path you'd seen that ironically he's acting like a CHICK with her. He's caring, comforting, protective and constantly teases her about her tsundere tendencie.
I would respect your opinion if it was based on your experience from the game. I have no problem with your personal opinions on characters or path or what's best for the MC. Ypur move. I have a problem with you making assumptions on things you haven't seen and then telling that we should see things that way. End of the story.