bios_history_jill = "I met Jill today. She was upset to see the jocks bully me."
bios_txt_jill = "Jill Royce. Beautiful, nice and rich. She plays the piano and she's best friends with Bella. She hates bullying."
mc "(Fucking jocks!)"
uk "Hey! Stop that! You bullies!"
uk "Are you hurt?"
ty "Jill, we're going to be late."
ji "Give me a second, Tybalt."
mc "I'm ok. Thanks."
mc "This is not the first time in my life I got a wedgie. Haha."
mc "But it's the first time in my adult life."
ji "Argh! I can't stand bullies. Some boys never grow up."
sis "Hey... What happened to your hair? It's different."
ji "Uh... Mom cut it."
sis "Did mom cut it? Why?"
ji "It was uneven."
sis "..."
sis "Why was it uneven? Don't tell me someone did that to you!"
ji "It was Tucker. He brought scissors to recess."
sis "Did Tucker cut your hair? That...fucker!"
ji "Fucker?"
sis "No, please, f-forget that!"
sis "Listen..."
sis "Don't let him get close to you like that."
ji "I tried, but he still did it."
sis "Next time, scream loud and kick him."
sis "Kick him hard between his legs if he gets close again."
sis "It's a weak spot. Trust me."
ji "Are you leaving again?"
sis "I have to, Jillybean."
sis "But you know me. I'll always come back."