Are some of the math test minigame stages just unsolvable or am I missing something? On a 5x5 square two crystals should be diagonal to each other and have a distance of 6? Best I got so far is 80 %.
This decision was actually already done in Episode 8 when mc had breakfast with Tommy+Heather and JohnBoy+Elena talking about serious relationships and when DPC forced the player to choose a monogamous path or the Others path ...
Instead of burying corpses, the mc then had to bury the hopes of all the girls he dated and who were not on the chosen path.
I wonder if something private happened in DPC's life at that time having him change the tone of the game from having fun with many girls to the concept of the one-and-only right girl to get for a monogamous future life? Maybe he lately realised that he missed out on his true love while having fun with other girls during his college times ... or he found his true love?
You know, the entire porn industry is built around the denial that there is any such thing. And that sexual appearance based sex is better than feelings based sex. dpc wouldn't endanger his paycheck by going against that.
Although, dpc does allow the presence of 1 girl in the game who does know what true love is. Who could that be?
The situation where her love is not requited and is not valued as a treasure is true to rl though.
Of course, requital is never guaranteed, and always the risk you must take, but mc should be aware of how rare her feeling is and how deserving of
careful consideration she is. It might be that the mc can be forgiven for not noticing before the pillow fort event where she wants to kiss him so badly, but she knows she must not, must at least talk to Maya and maybe even break up with her, before allowing herself to rejoin with the mc.
But at the beginning of a relationship, there is no way to plumb the depth of your prospective partners feelings, so you take your chances, and, at least, plumb your own. If you find you don't really have it, the gamble on your partner is not worth it, odds being what they are.