Come on, nothing special happened there.
Burke is not just getting divorced, it looks like he is leaving B&R, which means that their collaboration with Quinn is ending.
It doesn't matter to Burke, but it matters to Quinn, because not only does she lose part of her income, but she also loses her "patron" at college, thanks to whom she didn't have to worry about studying. Now it's over, and she's furious. This is not surprising. She just doesn't know what to do now. That's why she tells MC that she's going to drop out of college soon.
And i think this is the reason too why DPC has showed us Steven's past and revealed that he was a "good guy" back in the days.
I think when Maya told Burke about the rumours he had multiple relevations:
a) this shit is fucking dangerous for him and its getting known at the campus
b) he endangers Sage due to the involvement of her sorority
c) he has became a shithead over the years and he sucks
d) his life sucks
e) his marriage sucks
f) tybalt sucks (okay i made that one up but probably still true)
g) he wants out, close the door behind him and just leave
If we dont leak the jade video its kinda showcased in his discussion with Jade too, he just doenst give a fuck anymore, Jade threatens him to take all his money if he goes on with the divorce, telling him how much 50% of their wealth already are and he just doesnt care, all he wants is out.