If a game's thread does not provide enough tags to judge what kind of content it offers, then it is fair to "Ask" what kind of content will be added in a game. But if a Dev/Mod has already specified through a lot of tags what kind of content will be in the game and what kind of content will specifically not be in the game, then anyone crying about adding their fetish in a game which specifically has already defined that specific fetish won't be included in a game is an idiot. Let that be an NTR fetish or a Non NTR fetish. If we take this thread for example, with the detailed tags mentioned here, it is pretty clear NTR will never come close to this game, but people asking that to be added in an already planned game is just completely idiotic and stupid. If your tags are not mentioned on a thread which has pretty defined tags on which route the game is headed, constantly bugging the dev about adding your fetish is stupid and irritating. If you want NTR go find NTR specific games, if you want non NTR games go find those games through tags, doing so is pretty simple on this site. Stop asking a Dev to change his entire game to fulfil your fantasies.