I have a question to add to your Masterplan theory (which I liked very much - except from Josy and Steve part, that one you went a bit off): Sage's mom. Is just a personal issue to her or do you think the character itself will be relevant to the story?
If I recall correctly, Sage was adopted from a foster home. Since she was able to bond with Quinn about her personal life, I think her mom might have been a drug addict. I doubt she will factor into the story beyond providing motivation for Sage to turn against Quinn for dealing drugs and for Sage to help with Jill's event she is planning with Jonathan to honor Lana.
and just like that every other theory's legitimacy comes into question
Do not doubt the genius that is Derek. He never studies and gets straight A's. Everyone assumes he cheats, but ye of little faith need to trust in your DIK bro.
In my most recent playthrough I printed some moments that I've found to be relevant. That was one of the scenes mentioned, my former theory was that Beth wasn't doing it alone. To me this dialogue was about the pictures on the wall (
BeingADikDik theory is that it is related to the drugs). I would add to my theory, based on his, that they are hot enought to seduce some tri-betas to do the hacking part, which also would be in their best interest.
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I thought about this, and while it could be correct, I think there are two factions of girls.
One set of girls are disaffected by the immature antics of the DIKs. They want to get revenge on the DIKs, so they post their Hell Week photos to embarrass them like they were embarrassed during their walks of shame. It might be instructive to get screenshots of the girls shown to do walks of shame to come up with a list of suspects involved other than Beth.
The other set of girls don't care about any of that. These girls, the Vixens, like to party hard, so finding heroin (or whatever is in the needle that Quinn/Tommy/Heather share in that flashback) is their idea of a good night.
But ... Beth and Avery are the girls that hook up with the preps at the dorm party, so they clearly associate with each other. Thus it is possible that the above quote indeed refers to the photos, but that still leaves open the question about the drugs. Why would DPC bother to render the needle in Tommy's room during the party and have it disappear as the party goes on? This is a detail that seems like it should play a factor in the story.
If it is not the Vixens responsible for stealing the drugs during the Halloween party, then who? Derek.
Why Derek? Recall during the mansion cleanup that MC finds Derek coming up from the basement and asks him what he was up to. Derek responds that he was using the bathroom. Oblivious MC simply remarks there is no bathroom in the basement, not noticing that Derek looks totally wasted. Perhaps Derek has turned to drug use to help him get over Ashley and Tommy is selling it to him. He takes the drugs and shoots up at the Halloween party which is why he is passed out for awhile (and not just regular drunk). He needed something to help make his troubles *poof* go away. Maybe this ties into MC's blackout and recalled memories while sleeping in the tent after the Thanksgiving party. Perhaps MC will recall seeing Tommy share a needle with Derek at the Pink Rose, which is where he first gets hooked?