The only issue with Jamie is I feel like as a mainly new member himself (like him and Leon were a few months before the MC and Derek, no? They even stated their history beforehand was mostly just partying with the DIKs until they swore in) and as a newer member he probably wouldn't have a huge amount of access to the encrypted stuff on the laptop. Rusty made a huge exception for the MC because he stood up and motivated them all to recover their losses and made huge plans to rebuild, so Rusty trusts MC a lot to the point of giving him access that most of their brothers wouldn't have unless they were there from the start like Vinny and Nick.
However that phone could have been a gateway to actually get into the file access to get what they needed. Some of the party-goers were clearly there with more than just partying on their minds cuz the power went out (which, from Neil's perspective with the information given, the most likely scenario was it was manually cut) , Tommy's hidden drugs went missing, Jamie's phone went missing, and the photos got spread as posters all over campus.