about Patrick
being religious isnt problem
not liking the lesbians isnt problem
it is understable to being religious after god help you with selling cars. or thinking this.
it is understable to every people cant like the same.
but these are NOT reasons to attack own daughter
keeping up a family with two kid and an auto-immun sick, every time ready to die + moveblocked wife is a nice thing.
to be fair, most of "mans" would "go for a beer" and this "going" is about 15+ years and start a new family. Patrick did not run away. but it still dont give right to attack own kid, not mention if it is a male-female aggression.
however, Patrick is that type guy, who always has problem, no matter what.
Maya roommate is girl -> problem
Maya roomate is boy -> problem
what kind of dorm would be good enough than?
and one more thing. how much need to be stupid to think, the force will "heal" or "cure" the lesbianism? at least he would force Maya to go a sexual pyschologist or something...