DPC is a fucking mad man for giving us our first look at Bianca naked in a preview. And only for $10 too! I'm not complaining though
I've been seeing a lot of people say that this scene is happening without MC, which has a certain logic to it. But I'm putting my tinfoil hat on and agreeing with you that it's a flashback. In fact, I'd go a bit further too...
I have nothing to really substantiate this, but I'm gonna get wild and say Bianca and James are cheating with each other. They're having an affair, and Bella finds out. She's hurt, but foolishly tries to make lemonade: she gets drunk enough to offer James a threesome here, and it happens. But she immediately regrets it, kicks James out of the house, and doesn't have the heart to tell Jill about it.
But James disappears, so anger turns into guilt, and Bella is now forgiving and just wants him to come back, even twisting the events in her head that she was the unfaithful one by initiating the threesome.
Again, I have nothing to really back this up, other than the most circumstantial evidence. And I'm only really theorizing like mad because I don't trust this preview to be a legit threesome with MC, and girl time with Jill feels a little too reasonable.
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