He usually doesn't give a count every week.
You are talking bollocks
05/01 there was nothing
27/12 there was a render count (55 animations in queue)
20/12 there was a render count (91 statics and 61 animations in queue)
13/12 there was a render count (308 statics in queue, 66 animations in queue)
05/12 there was a render count (couple of hundred static and 62 animations in queue)
29/11 there was a render count (60 animations in queue)
22/11 There was nothing
15/11 there was a render count (68 animations and 2000+ statics in queue)
08/11 there was a render count (animation has grown to 77files)
01/11 there was a render count (50 animations in the queue)
So over the last 10 weeks he has given us 8 render counts... 80% is not "usually doesn't"