This is just one of many such details/permutations. You have no idea how much you haven't seen and/or noticed yet.
Some of the most famous/memorable ones which leads to consequences episodes later or have a noticeable impact:
- MC finds Tybalt phone (if) during preps party (ep5) and decides on doing dickpic or not -> concequences in ep7 and further;
- How MC treats his own dad from the beginning - it's dragged through the game and shown (for example) during scene with Sage in EP10;
- If you are in Throuple - do you prefer Josy over Maya or not; if you do - you'll notice changes in her outfit episodes later in a pair of scenes;
- How you dealed with jocks and Dawe especially and if you're on Sage path or not, if you was too chick & sissy, you'll get an additional funny scene where Sage deals with Dawe by herself, but to get this scene you have to fit another reqs too (choise to sit in cafeteria with her & Quinn instead of Josy & Maya, which becomes a dilemma if you're playing a "harem" till the end of ep8);
- Multi-choices/paths dependent scene of MC (library) room cleaning in ep6. Your previous choices & LI path(s) defines and/or blocks the options who can and will help you. Nobody, Bella or Josy & Maya. And you have to make very particular and "right" choices to get each option. For example if you date Bella and J&M together - Bella will block the scene option with J&M;
- Stealing money from Jill. Not the common $ which is spread over all locations just to fill your MCs pocket, but specifically from the Jill's room during the DIK's "initiation" mission in preps mansion. You'll see the additional confirmation after you will try to take them. This will backfire in EP10, especially & additionally if you're on Jill's branch;
- Dealing with Patrick during your first meeting (ep7) with him and later, during Thanksgiving part of EP10, it's all tracked and have different outcomes (stealing the loan contract or not) with a small permutations and reactions during the dinner, which also depends on a lot of stuff and previous choices: are you in Throuple branch or not, did you shared what you know about Chad with Josy or not (so Sage accompany you or not because of this), and how Maya calls and treats you too in front of Patrick, then it's all multiplied with how you dealed with him in the past during your firts meeting...;
- Agreement to share your room with Derek - yes or not (minor consequences so far, but probably more of them in later eps);
- Going with Jade to her place in EP4 and sharing a sextape with DIKs later (started to backfire in EP10, will explode soon);
- Huge bunch of possible options and permutations for the Throuple path & branch - scenes (which blocks each other), reactions, outcomes, future consequences, as well as permutations/outcomes of breakup with them (EP9&10 and further) or potential solo paths (starting from your decision and answer to Derek in EP5);
- Tons of more or less significant moments which I didn't mention because I'm tired to type, to mention each new one, etc