Man says Josy has insecurities but then bashes liking "broken women", like he can't see these are essentially the same thing
All the MGs are somewhat broken in this game, yes, even Josy, because they've all got issues they deal with and ignoring that to pretend they're perfect and they don't need anything to be better or change is ridiculous simping that, if you did that IRL, would be very unhelpful and harmful to the girl.
Also, if things were different and they weren't together, Maya's main issue would still be an abusive and overly controlling father, even if he's not threatening her academic and financial over her sexual orientation because that wouldn't be known to him, as well as her mother's illness making things at home traumatising. Josy's issue would be...not getting along with her step-mother and brother. Also some issues with fearing loss of love and having little in the way that makes her stand out from a crowd, but both have their issues, and Maya's are still probably far greater than Josy's.
Sorry dude, but the way you talk about Josy like she's the most pivotal character in this game with a story that dwarfs all others is like praising the inanimate carbon rod for saving the lives of Homer and the astronauts in The Simpsons