Yeah, that being that Maya has way more on her plate and a far deeper story than Josy does. Josy's story is shallower than a rock pool at low tide

Dude, remove Josy from Maya's equation and she still deals with an abusive, controlling, bigoted father. Remove Maya from Josy's equation and Josy's just a high school prom queen type girl with not much to her besides her looks along with Daddy and family issues. One has it way easier than the other, and let me tell you, it's not Josy. If anything, Josy just exacerbates Maya's issues.
Even though I like the throuple and like both girls, I'm under no illusions as to who they both are and what they're dealing with, particularly Josy. She really isn't her own person at the moment and is more like an accessory to Maya's issues, but not accessory in the fashion sense of the word like she's a sparkly add-on, but more accessory in the crime sense in that she's kinda aiding and abetting this bad situation that's befallen Maya. Doesn't mean I think they should split or anything because I believe Patrick is wrong for doing this, but her whole purpose and that of her relationship seems to be as the focal point of Maya's story and drama which means Josy isn't much of an individual character right now. So in that sense, maybe, she's pivotal but not in a positive way, really.
However, I do believe her and Maya are in love with each other and can be good with each other, they're just in a shitty situation right now that can be improved. Josy, though, really needs to start getting something for herself, finding herself as her own person with her own identity and not just have her whole identity being "Maya's secret girlfriend", which is what it is now. Finding a hobby, finding an individual purpose, finding something that lets her stretch her own wings can be good for her and I want that for her because she needs it so it can improve her own sense of self-worth and identity.
To act like she doesn't need any of that, or that she already has that, or that she's "perfect" as she is and has an amazing individual story already is to be blind to the truth and is the literal definition of looking at someone with rose-tinted love goggles.