Sad but true. Mr. Perfectionist hasn't written anything for her other than "Maya's DLC"
I said something similar last night, Calling her essentially a crutch for Maya's story - cause obviously without her there's no same sex relationship drama that drives Maya's and therefore the main plot forward.
Ultimately, because Josy is front-ended into the story, that is to say, we know most if not all the important shit about her by chapter two and she's also practically in Love with the MC by here too. By the time she gets to B&R her character has nowhere to go now, whereas Sage has the breakup, the slow falling for MC, her true family reveal. Jill has the blackmail, her family reveal, the slowly falling in love with MC, Bella again the slowly falling for the MC, the mystery with her family, etc
All the others have yet to fall for the MC, and that's their story going forward. Josy is already there, so there's nothing to tell. She's a convenient plot device to allow Patrick to do a shady loan, which allows Maya to try and join the Hots for tuition, which allows Sage to break the bad news, which allows Maya to go to Burke and "expose" the restaurant.
I'm not saying she is not important, it could be argued she's the entire driving force for the whole thing, but once we set off on that journey, she's not really needed anymore other than motivation for Maya to keep going.