First of all, I don't think Burke is stopping the restaurant, I just think he give Quinn some kind of slap on the wrist and a warning about the rumour and whatever he said or threatened her with has made her feel like those walls are closing in a bit.
As for the thing with Maya causing that meeting, even without that, Rio still gets taken because that's unconnected to the restaurant stuff and that's probably the biggest things that will bring this all crashing down. So even that Burke meeting isn't necessarily a big deal for main plot stuff.
Well I get that, that's why I said I am making a lot of assumptions, Until we know what that meeting was about, we will never know
I might be wrong about this and I'll hold my hands up if I am, but I always got the impression the restaurant income was also used to supplement the fact Quinn was skimming off the top of the drugs for herself. I mean when Her and Rinoa were talking about coming up short, they mentioned the money Camila was bringing in.. and obviously both Maya and Mona were vital plans in her expansion plans going forward.
Now you're right, she had already gone off patch so to speak and sold to Lily before she'd lost both Maya and Mona, so perhaps the restaurant is maybe not that important in this situation, but I feel with it, with the members she planned, when vinny comes on and tells her to back off, shed be in a better position too. (Though its Quinn so likely not) you're still right though Rios getting take regardless
My point is the restaurant is actually in some way important here and while we may not know the importance of that meeting with Burke, it was definitely Mayas meeting with him that caused it.
I feel like they probably worked before Patrick found out, but this has now been sent to test them and how they deal with adversity. That's why I think that, if given the chance to be openly together without him hanging over them, they have a chance to get back to that.
yeah you could argue without Patrick the girls could work, the argument/disagreement between them about Josy still wanting to join the HOTs wouldn't have happened, The MC probably wouldn't have got between them, Josy wouldn't pine over the MC rather than focus on the relationship, etc etc. but that's not how it played out, \patrick did get involved, The MC did come between them, Josy was selfish and express her desire to join the HOTS rather than comfort her girlfriend, Josy did tell the MC she wanted him so much it hurts, despite being with Maya. The fact is Josy is a selfish person and Maya who has who expresses his care in the wrong way and a mother who thanks to her illness cant give her the care and comfort she wants. these are two people who are complete opposites and they need MC to work. without him balancing the pair out... they just don't work