The developer states that the development has been permanently suspended.
After 3 months of inactivity from the developer's public creator/crowdfunding accounts (Patreon, SS, etc), we will resolve special circumstances or scenarios on a case-by-case basis (no creator accounts, creators developing for free, Patreon accounts under review/ban).
No game update has been released for an abnormally long period of time (>18 months).
I read a post in reddit about a scene where if you drink too much you'll have a dream about the school receptionist and Stanley. I replayed the games alot of time but I never seen this scene. So i'm asking is this for real?
I read a post in reddit about a scene where if you drink too much you'll have a dream about the school receptionist and Stanley. I replayed the games alot of time but I never seen this scene. So i'm asking is this for real?
I read a post in reddit about a scene where if you drink too much you'll have a dream about the school receptionist and Stanley. I replayed the games alot of time but I never seen this scene. So i'm asking is this for real?
Its the little things and yes it happens LOL at the HOTs Party
Like if you smoked and sage (using her as an example) is your loved interest, you see here in the DnD costume and you don't get a wholesome scene, she calls you super cutie tho c:
I read a post in reddit about a scene where if you drink too much you'll have a dream about the school receptionist and Stanley. I replayed the games alot of time but I never seen this scene. So i'm asking is this for real?
Here's where I disagree Zoey's tattoo are good it just does not fit Zoey. Her tattoo is just too masculine and loud to suit her blue hair and skin tone
For me it's too big that it covers her chest. I know it's to honor her grandma with the quote written but the overall design is screaming manly for me. As I said it's just my opinion.
Regarding if mc having the same tattoo. I think that style of tattoo is better on the back View attachment 4485809
That's just one opinion of many, it just show that Tommy is an insecure person if a person shows any sentimentality or emotion. Him and Dawe are two peas in a pod, the only difference is that obe has large dick while the other has a micro dick, but they are both dicks
For some reason, during the Halloween party, Zoey was giving of masculine vibes, but it wasn't the tattoos. Her outfit, her height, I dunno, it was a little off.
That said, you can be tatted from head to tail and still come across feminine, porn star Tiger Lily is a good example (when she's being normal, not when she's screaming "fuck my ass").
If you search for "status update", it's simple to find. View attachment 4485976
Even if it's towards the bottom, a bunch of search results above it are quoting the original post.
I meant a post with all the links of the status update posts on this thread like we have for previews, rooster's and stuff. It's obviously a bit hectic to find all of them other than the recent one with the search bar.
I don't think anyone is maintaining a list, but if you do a search for "Status Update" with "LizaS" as the poster, you'll find them all pretty easily (just make sure your preferences are set to sort on date, not relevance, otherwise it comes back in some weird ass order):
I read a post in reddit about a scene where if you drink too much you'll have a dream about the school receptionist and Stanley. I replayed the games alot of time but I never seen this scene. So i'm asking is this for real?
That said, you can be tatted from head to tail and still come across feminine, porn star Tiger Lily is a good example (when she's being normal, not when she's screaming "fuck my ass").