We need
Mormont to talk more so we can just sneakily re-use his posts. We'll double the page count, beat the 2k,
and have "original" conversations for the new guys to observe!
Until Mormont gets to posting (get on that, buddy! We need material!), I was trying to think what the objective appeal of each LI's route was (route, not the characters themselves! This is not a waifu war! Something new!). I think that the ideal outcome of the routes are: Sage transfers her obsession onto the MC (hooray yandere!); Isabella indulges in her darkest desires with the MC (Viva la Isabella Liberation!); Jill protects and admires the MC (motherly love sans incest, banzai!); Maya comes to rely on the MC (I Shall Protect Thee, Milady!); Josy finds her independence alongside the MC (Choose your Family, and Make it Me, FLAWLESS VICTORY!); and Quinn grows to respect and then cherish the MC (the only thing that changes is the "What's best for me?" becoming "What's best for us?" in her head, because you are obviously included since you make her happy - those of you flexing your fingers for the "SHE'S NOT A LI" post, I say "yet" because in Season 2 it's def happening [I declare it so with all the power vested in me, not because DPC said so or because there's a shred of official proof]).
Did I hit the mark? I feel like each route has a flavor, and tried to tap into that flavor. However, I'm curious to hear if you think I got it right, and if not, what do you think the flavor is? We can talk about that while waiting on Mormont's insightful, hilarious remarks to blatantly steal (I still laugh irl that this is actually a thing that's happened
