That would a nice way to get out some emotion from her, for me she is just a robot at the moment. It would add the next chapter of drama and forces Jill to make some grown up choices which she currently lacks as a character at the moment. She is like a princess at the moment. She needs to have some confrontations, hardships in her life to grow as a person.
Yes... Strange when you only chase one of them but eventually they are always a package deal. I chased one of them in each of my 2 playthrough but in the end secondary girl suddenly becomes infatuated with MC and MC with her.. Even though I only went for one of them. Brilliant writing.

I think this is just a forced union here for typical threesome route for fans to enjoy.
Oh not again, not again.. No! God no! Nooooooooooo!
This was truly the biggest dive in the writing for me. Both of the girls were on the brink of breaking up with each other. Josy geniunely seemed like affectionate with the MC, creating plans to live with him together in the university, Maya aswell getting closer to the MC, She literally says I didn't want to answer to Josy because she thought she was breaking up and the relationship was over with all the fights and lies.
Then they made up in a matter of minutes,forgot about what did they felt for MC in a matter of seconds.. Truly
untenable, senseless.
I hope something like this happens. If MC cannot take his anger on them and stucks in the friendzone, the moment he sees someone else getting close to two girls that he was romantically involved, and he crushes that guy in a rage and finally shows those two girls how much they hurt him, and friendzoned him, they truly understand what they did to the MC. It would be a good DIK choice and fix the ending that many of us disliked in the current version of the story.
Cannot agree with this enough.
Bella seems like a lonely women who jumps onto the first guy who is brave enough to advance through her frightening aura.
Jill seems like a doll. She is nice but what differentiates the MC from any other guy which was bullied ? If some other guy got bullied in the halls and she helps him, what stops her from living these things with that guy? She is just a nice option but nothing special happening in her route. At least for now.
As for Sage, my previous post which what I think about her. Shortly, she is the best.
Pretty much sums it up. Thats how I feel too.