The MC's Mom was likely shunned by her family after she ran away to be with Neil, and the feeling was likely mutual. If that were the case, then why would Neil think there's any danger in his son going to the college of his Mom's possible namesake? I don't see Neil having any reason to believe that the MC would be found out, or that the Burgmeisters (if it is them) would even care if they did find out about him.
This is rich, presumably big family we're talking about. Even if Lynette's father disowned her after the runaway, there's always a possibility that some influential granny disagreed, some did support her, some didn't but the risk of revealing the fact in this course of events is high enough. Why not simply supervise choosing another college for MC just in case?
Some sort of power grab for them? or getting Sage out of the picture.
Yes but how exactly Sage hinders them? It's rhetorical, because obviously there's too little info. So far, however it's Quinn who are capable of something like that but M/S are not mentioning her at all. Just relationship between Chad and Sage which somehow were preventing from something all this time. Is Sage mentioned some sort of arrangement of her with Chad besides personal matters?
Just post here this. To note there is no secrets from dad or mom, just no details other than "important" and "about mom" either, so plenty space for assumptions
Speaking of crazy theories, how about this: MC's mom is fucking alive. A shame though that while "it's not something to talk about over a phone" fits, "I feared I would forget about it" doesn't fit at all