- Dec 20, 2019
- 1,213
- 1,262
DIKs' pledge board is just a test and they don't need to complete it in order to be accepted. I'm wondering if Scavenger Hunt is the same. If Sage is running it as intended as a entrance test, then she should not be playing favorites.The scavenger hunt is HOTs tradition, which Sage is involved in running, so not a red herring. Presumably it's central to getting accepted, much like the DIKs Hell Week. Quinn has Sage's ear though, so would no doubt push for accepting her favorites.
I know they are different, but if girls start not getting accepted and they are just dropped just like that, then that is not a good business expansion plan.The restaurant is Quinn's thing, not a HOTs thing (despite recruiting exclusively from HOTs). Quinn probably doesn't give a toss if certain girls don't get accepted into the HOTs, they'll just be dropped from the menu. Doesn't seem Quinn wants Maya or Josy as HOTs for instance, just playing with them.
Most likely it's just a lie and bait dangling to get more people to join HOTs and more importantly the restaurant. If Quinn wishes to stop the rumors, she shouldn't be expanding in the first place.I'm not convinced there is any free tuition. Again it's a Quinn thing, not a HOTs thing, given Quinn tells them to shut it anytime Sage is around. Quinn & Riona talk about not knowing who's spreading the rumor, rather than the fact. The later isn't definitive, could just be worried about being outed - though if it were real you'd expect them to publicize it to max the recruit talent pool. Suspect Quinn's just taking advantage of the rumor to expand the restaurant & cover her issues with the drug peddling.
The whole point is Quinn sucked at running the restaurant business with all these bad decisions.