Josy seems like the kind of girl who would want to stay with the HOT's even with the tuition, and if that's the case, I'm sure she could talk Maya into sticking it out with her; sort of parallel to the MC and Derek, how the MC originally just wanted a place to stay and Derek wanted to go where the action is.
I think Josy doesn't understand what the HOT's actually do. I think she's just in it to be with Maya. I also find it weird that it's the only sorority around that girls are pledging to.
As for the MC's mother not being dead, I'm very skeptical of that one, since she is said to have died during child birth. Neil probably witnessed that one first hand, unfortunately. That would be one heck of a twist, though, if DPC could find a plausible way to do it. I mean, if Neil wasn't actually in the room when she was officially declared dead, and her parents were rich enough to bribe some people to keep quiet about her surviving, and could also somehow keep her from contacting Neil or the MC... Naaah. That's just crazy talk.
I don't know, it happens on soap operas apparently, lol. But she's on the phone for a reason. I don't see any other reason to put her in the character list. Even that nerd with the orange hair is on there and there's hardly any interaction.
Okay, all of this talk of imagination has made me want to throw out some crazy conspiracy theories for people to go nuts with, just for kicks.
1) What if Neil and James were brothers? They look fairly similar and even have the same general haircut.
I could roll with this one
2) What if Neil has a horrible STD like HIV and that's why he's constantly harping about condoms?
Or... maybe he just wants him to be safe and not risk getting a girl prego. I think someone will end up pregnant---probably Sage?
3) What if Neil has some bastard children running around?
4) What if the MC isn't actually Neil's kid, and Neil knows?
Lmao, I like this one.
5) To go along with the MC's mom being alive theory, what if she's actually been in a coma and the letter is about her finally waking up, or showing signs that she's getting better?
... there's never been talk about a funeral, or visiting her grave. Nothing! Not even the husband of Isabella or the son/daughter. But I could be jumping ahead.
6) What if Bella's actually an alien and that's why she has such crazy eyes?!
Sometimes, but I also think she has a lot of pent up aggression and the MC somehow makes her vulnerable, so she gives him those crazy eyes or "desire" stares.
...Okay, I'll stop.