In order to know who Quinn and Riona is talking about, we should know what is the second part of the plan, but we don't know .
all We know, is that Her plan involve to make a deal with the Preps, and to that she ask Sage help, and Sage makes the deal. How Much, Sage actually know about Quinn background operation, the restaurant and the drug business, is yet to be seen.
as for the MC involvement. At this moment, he is not in possession of any power, HE is "No one of consequence.".

. but truly, at this point he is not beneficial for Quinn. In fact He is a wildcard, He cannot be manipulated, because She doesn't know him enough to know how MC will react.
I know there are peoples who are planning their own little underground shadow organization, with the MC and Quinn as the villain couple.

. But as for now, MC is more of an Antagonist to Quinn, and not an ally, or not even someone she can use for her own benefits.
Now, if we wanna go wild,
Derek, may can be more easily manipulated, so may be the whole leaking Caty photo, was also part of Quinn plan, may be She wanted to remove Rusty ( not knowing how much of his money is actually important ) to help Tummy became the leader. so in the long term, She fuck with him now, but she planning to gain his forgiveness later when Tommy will be the leader fo Dik. this can be considered Chess. sacrificing something for a later more beneficial thing.
and who know may be deep down Derek is a bad guy. HE is the first one who say he wants to find out who is the big deal here, that there is more to this place than it's seems.