On the one hand, it would be great to let the MC interact with Nora in the real world. It would add some much needed depth to the Swyper app, and could give us some good scenes.
On the other hand, I can't help but feel it's the opposite of what the game needs. It's devoting too much time to what is, in the end, feature bloat. BaDIK already has a large cast of characters, with more than enough sexy girls to go around. Nora... isn't even a character at this point. Episode 5 just demonstrated how even objectively high quality lewd scenes can feel empty if they come across as gratuitous. I don't see how Nora's scene could be anything but gratuitous.
In the end, wouldn't the time spent on creating a scene with Nora be better spent adding additional scenes with existing characters? Think of the trade offs. A longer scene with one (or more) of the LIs. Another fling with Jade or Cathy. An extra chance to make Riona cum. Or even getting the update a week sooner. I'd take any of those over meeting Nora if it came down to it.