
Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
I don't know if I'd go THAT far, but I could certainly see the disclaimer as DPC being overly cautious knowing how fragile some of his players seem to be. People have ridiculous meltdowns over the tiniest of things, so it could just be him covering his ass. I doubt it... but it's possible.

That said, there's plenty of foreshadowing in the game that 'heavy' things are on their way to make the MC's life difficult before he eventually rides off into the sunset with one or more of the girls. It would be extremely lame (and boring!) if everything is sunny and happy from here on out.
there is nothing wrong with advertising yourself and your work ...

as a warning it doesn't seem to be taken that seriously. what good would it do? anyone who has to complain will complain anyway, we are on the internet ...


Active Member
Feb 9, 2020
I don't know if I'd go THAT far, but I could certainly see the disclaimer as DPC being overly cautious knowing how fragile some of his players seem to be. People have ridiculous meltdowns over the tiniest of things, so it could just be him covering his ass. I doubt it... but it's possible.

That said, there's plenty of foreshadowing in the game that 'heavy' things are on their way to make the MC's life difficult before he eventually rides off into the sunset with one or more of the girls. It would be extremely lame (and boring!) if everything is sunny and happy from here on out.
I mean it's college i'm fine with a few things going wrong but if it's something that;'s as dramatic as AL that will kill the game for me


Jul 10, 2020
A tragic storyline isn't necessarily a dark one.

I find people often misuse the term "dark" not understanding what it means. I think its because gaming and movies have blurred it so much that some people eventually fail to see the distinction. Hamlet...the one where pretty much everyone dies at the end, is a tragedy. It's not dark...unless a director adds "dark" elements to the telling of the story. The only "dark" version of Hamlet I've scene is a Dutch version (which was pretty terrible anyway).

Again...the best immediate and relevant example that I can think of demonstrating dark and what it is: Play the extremely excellent City of Broken Dreamers (my second favorite game in this format next to BADI). For movies, see Blade Runner.


Devoted Member
Jul 12, 2020

I find people often misuse the term "dark" not understanding what it means. I think its because gaming and movies have blurred it so much that some people eventually fail to see the distinction. Hamlet...the one where pretty much everyone dies at the end, is a tragedy. It's not dark...unless a director adds "dark" elements to the telling of the story. The only "dark" version of Hamlet I've scene is a Dutch version (which was pretty terrible anyway).

Again...the best immediate and relevant example that I can think of demonstrating dark and what it is: Play the extremely excellent City of Broken Dreamers (my second favorite game in this format next to BADI). For movies, see Blade Runner.
But that's where it's subjective. What is dark about Blade runner..at all? Curious how you see what I do not think is there.


Jul 10, 2020
We don't just think Bella is going to be the one with the 'dark' storyline... because of the line in the library, we know it's her (or that she's at least one of the characters with a dark, heavy, or tragic storyline). Again, that doesn't have to mean a death, or that anything bad will happen to her. It could be a tragic event in her past, a mental illness of some sort, some dark secret she's hiding, etc. None of that would prevent a happy ending down the road.
I think (more accurately, I hope) her storyline will offer the choice of a happy or tragic ending. Note I did not say Dark.

Though it is possible that Doc might choose to take her on a dark course within the otherwise comedy college drama since he has done so in his previous release HARDCORE, and was rather vocal about defending it.

I doubt it though...and certainly hope not. What happened AL did not go over well for the majority players, and I think Doc realizes that adding such elements to such a fun-focused story as BADIK will go over like a ton of bricks. Speaking for myself, that would lose me.

We shall see. I would LIKE to see Bella's story turn tragic (not dark, tragic). I like stories that provoke an emotional response; especially if there is a way to "do things just so" that it can be "overcome" to a positive outcome. That would be awesome in fact. Fingers crossed.
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The Freakiest of Lemons
Oct 24, 2018
To me, for a film, show, game or book to be dark it has to revel in that darkness. Se7en (1995), To Die For (1995) and Election (1999) are dark whereas Still Alice (2014), My Sister's Keeper (2009) and Schindler's List (1993) are heavy.


Jul 13, 2020
But that's where it's subjective. What is dark about Blade runner..at all? Curious how you see what I do not think is there.

This whole conversation about 'dark' vs 'tragic' vs 'heavy' vs 'snozberries' or whatever is suuuuuper subjective and kinda silly anyway. Everyone seems to be stating their opinions on what defines each as though they were fact. I'd love to see a credible source given that defines any real difference between them. Otherwise, I see no reason not to use them interchangeably.

Again, I'd go back to Jojo Rabbit. For anyone who hasn't seen it, I'm definitely NOT going to spoil it (...and no one else should either, dammit, or you're the worst kind of asshole, really), but for those who have... Would you try to claim that the 'red shoes' scene invalidates the film as a comedy? Is that scene dark? tragic? heavy? I'd sure as shit say it's 'all of the above'.
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Jul 10, 2020
But that's where it's subjective. What is dark about Blade runner..at all? Curious how you see what I do not think is there.
My understanding is actually as these terms are defined. I've been an writer, play-write, director, and actor (I'm a sucky actor) for a few decades so all this we're talking about is my bread and butter. I love it.

Google it. I don't want to write an article here and bore myself and everyone. I'm already enough of a blabbermouth. Hehe. The information is there if you take the time to check it out. You can discover the distinction of dark, tragedy, comedy, crime, slapstick, drama, western, sci-fi, romance, etc. Then you can see what makes slapstick sci-fi's; romantic tragedies; comedy westerns. What's a plot and a storyline? What are themes and tones? It's all out there.

Do it. It's kinda interesting (if writing or critical analysis interests you that is).


The Freakiest of Lemons
Oct 24, 2018
My understanding is actually as these terms are defined. I've been an writer, play-write, director, and actor (I'm a sucky actor) for a few decades so all this we're talking about is my bread and butter. I love it.

Google it. I don't want to write an article here and bore myself and everyone. I'm already enough of a blabbermouth. Hehe. The information is there if you take the time to check it out. You can discover the distinction of dark, tragedy, comedy, crime, slapstick, drama, western, sci-fi, romance, etc. Then you can see what makes slapstick sci-fi's; romantic tragedies; comedy westerns. What's a plot and a storyline? What are themes and tones? It's all out there.

Do it. It's kinda interesting (if writing or critical analysis interests you that is).
This is the internet, why would I take advantage of this repository of all human knowledge when I could state my ill-informed opinions as fact?

Debaser Pixie

Aug 23, 2019
Holy Shit.

Took a break from this a few seasons back to let the story progress, came back and started playing the game acting as I would in real life. The story writing and superb logic tree's made it possible, and since I am a bit of a dick in real life, I ended up on the moderate DIK route. Messed around a little but turned down sex with everyone but Josy and Maya, first because I liked both of their character writings the best (reminded me of friends), and then increasingly I saw an opportunity for a little harem. Can't choose between two beautiful, awesome chicks? Split the difference with chicks who would realistically function as sister-wives? Yes please! Polygamy here I come!......

Then I actually felt honest to God feelings when, much to my horror, I discovered that not only can you not have them both as a DIK, you can't have either of them. I'm a grown ass man, I don't get emotionally affected by fucking games. Yet here I sit, feeling offended and slightly betrayed, and yes even sad that I lost both of them. This speaks more to the talents of PinkCakes writing then anything I could say otherwise. This isn't some goofball male fantasy scenario, the characters display a complexity and depth that transcends typically simple, ham-handed and juvenile writing that you normally expect.

Dr. PinkCake, you actually managed to give me feels. I salute you for it, you cruel and magnificent bastard. If you need me I will be drowning my sorrow in a bottle. Fucker.


Jul 10, 2020
Thinking outloud....

Leaks about her genetic link to the main character.
Nothing wrong about thinking out loud.

But...what leaks are you referring to? There are no leaks on that subject. Just unsubstantiated wild theories on the Forum for people who want incest in their games.
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The Freakiest of Lemons
Oct 24, 2018
Holy Shit.

Took a break from this a few seasons back to let the story progress, came back and started playing the game acting as I would in real life. The story writing and superb logic tree's made it possible, and since I am a bit of a dick in real life, I ended up on the moderate DIK route. Messed around a little but turned down sex with everyone but Josy and Maya, first because I liked both of their character writings the best (reminded me of friends), and then increasingly I saw an opportunity for a little harem. Can't choose between two beautiful, awesome chicks? Split the difference with chicks who would realistically function as sister-wives? Yes please! Polygamy here I come!......

Then I actually felt honest to God feelings when, much to my horror, I discovered that not only can you not have them both as a DIK, you can't have either of them. I'm a grown ass man, I don't get emotionally affected by fucking games. Yet here I sit, feeling offended and slightly betrayed, and yes even sad that I lost both of them. This speaks more to the talents of PinkCakes writing then anything I could say otherwise. This isn't some goofball male fantasy scenario, the characters display a complexity and depth that transcends typically simple, ham-handed and juvenile writing that you normally expect.

Dr. PinkCake, you actually managed to give me feels. I salute you for it, you cruel and magnificent bastard. If you need me I will be drowning my sorrow in a bottle. Fucker.
I think it's more accurate to say you can't have either of them yet. You can indicate interest in one of them afterwards and, since I suspect Josy prefers more of a Dik than a Chick, she may very well be a potential LI for your MC (Maya seems so Chick focused that you'll probably not succeed with her)
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Jul 13, 2020
My understanding is actually as these terms are defined. I've been an writer, play-write, director, and actor (I'm a sucky actor) for a few decades so all this we're talking about is my bread and butter. I love it.

Google it. I don't want to write an article here and bore myself and everyone. I'm already enough of a blabbermouth. Hehe. The information is there if you take the time to check it out. You can discover the distinction of dark, tragedy, comedy, crime, slapstick, drama, western, sci-fi, romance, etc. Then you can see what makes slapstick sci-fi's; romantic tragedies; comedy westerns. What's a plot and a storyline? What are themes and tones? It's all out there.

Do it. It's kinda interesting (if writing or critical analysis interests you that is).
Taking your advice... Google 'dark vs. heavy in film' or some equivalent. No good information comes up, and what does is just more opinion. For instance, is something like Cabin in the woods actually a 'dark comedy' or not (I'd call it a horror comedy with some dark humor... but hey... opinion again!)? No one can seem agree.

Sure, the definition of Tragedy vs Comedy is very well known by most, even as it has evolved from the old 'sad ending' vs 'happy ending' of Shakespeare's days... but I don't think 'dark' or 'heavy' (the terms that keep getting thrown around here) are as well-defined as you're implying.


Jul 13, 2020
Nothing wrong about thinking out loud.

But...what leaks are you referring to? There are no leaks on that subject. Just unsubstantiated wild theories on the Forum for people who want incest in their games.
You're dead on. Plus, we know it won't ever be more than wild theories as DPC has firmly stated he's not a fan of including incest as a kink in his games...


Jul 10, 2020
Go through all the doors. Talk with Riona for a kiss. After talking with Rusty you will see Tommy talking with Quinn. Talk to him. You will have one of the best scenes in the game awaiting. I am not gonna spoil it.
Or one of the worst you avoid or skip through depending on you.


The Freakiest of Lemons
Oct 24, 2018
Taking your advice... Google 'dark vs. heavy in film' or some equivalent. No good information comes up, and what does is just more opinion. For instance, is something like Cabin in the woods actually a 'dark comedy' or not (I'd call it a horror comedy with some dark humor... but hey... opinion again!)? No one can seem agree.

Sure, the definition of Tragedy vs Comedy is very well known by most, even as it has evolved from the old 'sad ending' vs 'happy ending' of Shakespeare's days... but I don't think 'dark' or 'heavy' (the terms that keep getting thrown around here) are as well-defined as you're implying.
Following on from my earlier, uninformed opinion, I would suggest that dark and black are synonymous terms that contextually apply to different genres. So To Die For could be described as a black comedy or a dark comedy and Seven could be described as a dark drama or black drama. In both cases, one of those descriptions is just wrong, despite there being nothing technically incorrect about them.


Jul 10, 2020
Taking your advice... Google 'dark vs. heavy in film' or some equivalent. No good information comes up, and what does is just more opinion. For instance, is something like Cabin in the woods actually a 'dark comedy' or not (I'd call it a horror comedy with some dark humor... but hey... opinion again!)? No one can seem agree.

Sure, the definition of Tragedy vs Comedy is very well known by most, even as it has evolved from the old 'sad ending' vs 'happy ending' of Shakespeare's days... but I don't think 'dark' or 'heavy' (the terms that keep getting thrown around here) are as well-defined as you're implying.
Themes are an entire college course so it won't take you a few minutes. Be patient. Here's something brief to get you started.



Jul 10, 2020
So guys quick question ... should I redownload the 0.5.2 clean version so when the update comes out I will just download the update only files or the 0.4.2 version upgraded to the 0.5.0 should be fine ?
I think so, amineab. You could post that question on Doc's Patreon page and Doc will likely answer it.
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