Yes, 100 %. I wrote a longer post about this yesterday, where the sentiment was that the game is being convoluted with things that do not matter for the overall story; the mansion game, the multitude of free roam events and useless side quests such as the D&G session to name a few. I absolutely hate that DPC has spent time making posing and rendering 350 images and 27 aniimations, as well as writing 2500 lines of text for such a pointless thing as the D&G game. Imagine if that time would have been either cut completely from the development, or if it would have been spent somewhere else.
It seems like what gives him enjoyment in making the game right now is adding all these complex minigames, free roam events and special renders everywhere, that he completely forgets about progressing the main story. He is adding too much depth and detail for these things - it's like he is developing horisontally rather than vertically, and that is extremely disappointing.
When updates take five months to complete, they really need to be worthwile, which I just don't consider them to be if we have all this fluff on the side, rather than meaningful and impactful scenes with the main girls. I really rate DPC as a developer, but he needs to get back on track here, because I felt sort of the same for Episode 5, that he was just adding more things on the same occasion, rather than including more occasions, if that makes sense.
I thought the first four chapters were much better; they were fun, they had better balance between free roam and narration, and the included more meaningful scenes. It is almost at the point where I am considering going back to the $30 tier just to voice my concerns and actually have that count for something.