
Aug 1, 2017
I honestly think you're missing completely the point of this discussion. No one doubts this is his game and he's doing it more than OK and should stick to his vision. We're just stating that he (or his mods but probably following his orders) has decided to shut every possible dissident voice that says he's doing a)something possibly wrong (of course in our humble opinion); b)something that a paying customer of him doesn't like. And there's a line between discarding those suggestions and complains and directly forbidding his players to raise a critical voice against his work in his official channels. Any opinion stated in a respectful way should be allowed and some of them might even help you to improve, as any serious business out there knows, but he has chosen to close himself in an echo chamber where people only can praise him or stay quiet. His choice, but that's not a smart (nor a classy) move at all. In the end, he (his staff) is going to hear insults and idiotic comments anyway before banning those users, but by banning abolutely everyone who dares to differ he's also missing some valuable inputs from interesting and well-intended people.
Does he ban everyone though? I haven't checked myself and only heard around 2 or 3 people here say they were banned and one of them, upon repeating his criticism, seemed to be mocking/insulting DPCs writing rather than offer constructive criticism. The leaves 2 people so it's really just between 2 options: 1) People that offer constructive criticism or voice it in a reasonable way are not banned, people that throw out insults and call it criticism are (this is rather common and usually leads to "muh free speech" discussions), or 2) DPC quite literally bans anyone that voices any criticism whatsoever but only around 3 people from this board have joined the discord and done so in the last 2 years because it's an unwritten rule on the discord to never voice criticism and users warn each other about it (sadly also common with indy devs/devteams recently and I think people are aware of YandereDev...).
So I'm not really ready to either completely dismiss or fully believe the claims about his ban-happiness, since we're mostly going by word of mouth at this point and both versions could be true.


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2020
If DPC were to take into consideration every bit of criticism, suggestion or request he gets from his fans and patrons, then Maya would be dead for undisclosed reasons by the time ep.4 started.
Quinn would accidentally trip over a gun and get shot half a million times.
Tommy would OD while watching MC have a threesome with Josy and Heather.
Sage would simply forget Chad ever existed and move on unscathed.
The DIK frat would disband after the whole Cathy cluck drama, because who the fuck needs dudes in an adult VN, amarite?

And with all that bullshit out of the way, every subsequent episode would revolve around MC courting Bella and Jill, with some optional, noncommittal side action from time to time.

No drama, no story arcs and definitely none of that silly character development.
Just sunshine and rainbows with one lewd scene after another.

Constructive criticism helps us improve and see things from different perspectives. I'm sure DPC knows that. Unfortunately for him not all of his fans understand what constructive criticism is. Most can only regurgitate things like: "u sux", "ur gaem sux", "Jill is best girl" and my personal favorite: "ur mom is gay lol".

When you have 9K+ patrons and at least half of them have an opinion to voice, then things get a little crazy. I can't blame him for ignoring every bit of criticism he gets. But if you care about your sanity and wish to see your work through to the end, then that's probably the only sensible thing to do. It's far from ideal, but what else can a single person do and still be productive?
No, commentary of 'Jill is best girl" variety is 75% of the Patreon comments. I also don't direct my criticism to DPC, I pay for Patreon to get the news and interact with other people who follow games. When I was banned I was actually in a conversation with another member who was also less than enthusiastic about the episode.

There's also the concept of customer service. I realize this is an out dated concept in this brave new world but I come from a generation that believes that you owe something to people that give you their money. Actually this is also my biggest criticism of the Patreon game development system. I've supported many game's on Patreon that seemed very promising only to have them devolve into a monthly nothing update just to keep those sweet Patreon bucks coming. In fact the way Patreon is set up I feel like it incentivises this very behavior. One of the dev's that I follow is the very antithesis of this. After every update they release their updated road map on the games development where they tell their patrons where they are, where they are planning on going and how long it will take to get there. I would love to see such roadmaps become the required standard on Patreon.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 17, 2019
Does he ban everyone though? I haven't checked myself and only heard around 2 or 3 people here say they were banned and one of them, upon repeating his criticism, seemed to be mocking/insulting DPCs writing rather than offer constructive criticism. The leaves 2 people so it's really just between 2 options: 1) People that offer constructive criticism or voice it in a reasonable way are not banned, people that throw out insults and call it criticism are (this is rather common and usually leads to "muh free speech" discussions), or 2) DPC quite literally bans anyone that voices any criticism whatsoever but only around 3 people from this board have joined the discord and done so in the last 2 years because it's an unwritten rule on the discord to never voice criticism and users warn each other about it (sadly also common with indy devs/devteams recently and I think people are aware of YandereDev...).
So I'm not really ready to either completely dismiss or fully believe the claims about his ban-happiness, since we're mostly going by word of mouth at this point and both versions could be true.
You have a point


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2020
A random question, who likes KRJ? seriously xd is a normal girl, does not stand out in anything, and socially is a 0 lol pretty boring and normal
People like what they can't have, and so far we can't bang nerd chicks.

With only two, Sally and KRJ, and Sally might not be an option, since at this point we can't bang taken girls, yet.

Leaves us with only KRJ. She'll be screaming so loud her hearing aids won't stop going off.


Engaged Member
Oct 20, 2020
Unpopular take here but I have zero sexual interest in Riona, she's cute and all and I have some high hopes for her character but she does nothing for me in the nut department so to speak.
She does anal and deep throat, what's not to like? If worst comes to worst, when Riona goes down on you, just close your eyes and think of England. If it makes you feel any better, she's not going to nut with you either.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
A random question, who likes KRJ? seriously xd is a normal girl, does not stand out in anything, and socially is a 0 lol pretty boring and normal


Unpopular take here but I have zero sexual interest in Riona, she's cute and all and I have some high hopes for her character but she does nothing for me in the nut department so to speak.


Engaged Member
Sep 6, 2019
Sorry shurmano but she is a low tier girl :LUL:
People like what they can't have, and so far we can't bang nerd chicks.

With only two, Sally and KRJ, and Sally might not be an option, since at this point we can't bang taken girls, yet.

Leaves us with only KRJ. She'll be screaming so loud her hearing aids won't stop going off.
Sally is objectively better at being a nerdy girl, but KRJ is ok too. For now Sally seems more of a running gag than a serious character except for the Xanax part. So maybe there is a future for her with character development and/or banging options?
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