Let me ask you instead, what do you base your opinion on? How extensive is your knowledge of the law? I based my opinion on the advice I received from my best friend, who is a lawyer with more than 25 years of experience as a litigator.
I am going out on a limb here, as I often do.... As you, my loyal face palmers know all to well.
I do not believe that the entire interaction connected to this post is unwarranted. Why? Because DPC thrives on causing trauma to his readers/followers. Clearly this has created a singularity of emotional combat. Clearly this is DPC's goal. Not for the sake of improving the story mind you. Simply to cause conflict amongst his readership.
Soapbox very briefly-
DPC has to resort to some pretty pathetic story points to cause his audience to engage, sometimes over reacting. He is not a great writer folks, he takes what he can and makes it work the best he can to cause us to have a hissy fit.
A far better way to handle it would be for Tybalt to tell Jill, quit seeing this troublemaker, he endangered your piano thoughtlessly while assuring a disastrously embarrassing end to our end of the hazing week party. Further they egged us. Further the cad struck me after I manfully attempted to strike him down... he also has been so brazen as to molest my watermelon while caressing your panties.... oh, why did I have your panties on a watermelon? My dear girl, this is all a misunderstanding. I simply think you belong in your social strata. At our level, we do engage in some eccentric behavior, all in the cause of good clean fun, such as my prepping the afternoon snack of watermelon that you and several guests partook of... Something we will laugh about to our grandchildren... Jill, oh Jill! Why are you running away Jill!?
That would have been far more humorous and made a point, than the poor attempt at blackmail. At best it will cause some hijinks and an appearance before the faculty. Cathy if still around will not vote against him. Jade will not vote against him. If Bella has taken Cathy's place she will promote making it Tybalt's fault. Stephen is embarrassed by his effete worthless son. So in the end, nothing will happen to the MC. Tybalt loses face before both his parents and a peer teacher. And Jill gets to more to the next level above watching Tybalt sniff her panties and pound a helpless melon thus raping said melon, which could not give consent.
End Soap Box
That, my friends is how a true college comedy would have gone....