hey no kink shaming and considering what goes around in these forums anal is like a holding hands with Jill! a very important and fulfilling moment into a relationship!
welcome back
shazba you where missed! i sculpted 2 of my theories, Maya´s father is now a conservative politician and that is why he is so against homosexuality! and all this goes down on the American State of Connecticut !
as for the NTR debate the only time i felt it so far(in these games) was was in "my life with Mary" but then again i was a total asshole cheating on her with her best friend and forbidding her from going out clubing with her friends and when her driving exam arrived i wanted to go with her on the exam because the douche instructor was totally hitting on her and they drove off! if you played that game and understand how innocent and sweet the girl is portrayed as you would understand!
As for girl on girl not being NTR is total bullshit, its the worst kind of NTR they trade you for someone with a smaller dick than you... seriously how much of a blow to your self esteem is that, how much of a useless lover and a worthless peace of human garbage must you be for that to happen? Of course we are not talking about your "girl" fooling around with another girl, biologically its good... she wont show up preggers no matter how hard they go at it!
However, if she threaten to drops your lazy ass for a girl with all the emotional complications then yes its NTR, worst part if it was a dude you could land a punch or two to get get the "moral" victory so yes girl on girl can be the worst kind of NTR! depends on how its presented and executed!
i love dreamers not idiots, but if you believe in that... i got a few magic beans here i´m selling on the cheap m8!
and finally calm down damn it one goes out on a secret mission avoiding cops to be able to have dinner with the family during lockdown gets back and looses 4 hours trying to keep it up! geezzz some people...