
Jun 12, 2019
Well all I know is if I had a daughter that brought home a smoking hot girl like josy. I'd give her a high five. Now if she brought home a short ugly dummpy looking blue haired femnazi. You know the type :sick: . Then I'd say that's it no more college tuition money from me!
That’s oddly specific. You’ll accept her being lesbian/bi if she’s dating a hottie but won’t accept her if she’s dating an unattractive woman? I would call that a bad father who’s looking to bang his daughter’s girlfriend.


Engaged Member
Sep 27, 2020
Now we get to a point where Maya's dad isn't bad? What? Seriously? Maya's father is shit, if it's because of me I would never end her relationship with Josy, the only thing I want is for her to be happy, whether with the MC or not, the MC for me is a 0 to the left
View attachment 1069114
LOL, this is exactly what I see whenever a poster praises Maya. Total lapdog obedience.

That issue has been alreasy argues about and, yes, you are right on that one. Or if you prefer is a plothole. Yet what i told is the canonical version of this problem. So in the real world could has no sense but in this world lovely daddy is screwing his daughter for being a perverted bisexual. Like Quinn by the way.
What is told, is again one side of the story, Maya's side. Not her dads, not the banks, not the schools, just Maya.

I'm not buying into this drama personally, Pinkcakes just needs a way to build up the Maya/Josy relationship so he can break them apart, with still enough time left in the story to either keep them separated or put them back together, with or without the MC.


Active Member
Jun 30, 2020
i was going to give you an :OK: you have some strong arguments there well done!

All kids are broke but some receive more support from their parents but aslong as the money is not earned it is not theirs! that is the entire point of the MC in stairwell speech!

that loan can be denounced if she never used it, it would hurt the father far more then her in accordance to the american credit score rules, and do not get me wrong the father might be willing to ruin his credit score on 10 points for every point it hurts her!

but until now we have seen nothing except a spurious threat that is actually working, Maya starts considering dating the MC and although we are lead to believe that she has feelings for the MC it makes far more sense in terms of regaining her fathers love!

and hey her father can be an horrible person, we just do not know, but if he was indeed so horrible why would she try to regain such a bigoted person love back instead of applying for a job as a Gym receptionist at dawe`s parents Gym? that is where she can make some cash to begin with and perhaps start getting some certificates to become a personal trainer and make those sweet 50 bucks an hour those dudes get!

no need for prostitution but even if she did, whats wrong with it? do you hate women who are strong and empowered enough to monetize their assets? do you hate big guys who monetize their assets as bouncers?

yes there is a big difference between Josy and a drug addict, Josie is far more addictive and you turned it well on its head! but i will turn it once again that the motivation from a parent is the same as they want whats best for their child and my example is one as such you can choose to dismiss it by muddling my words and creating a strawman or accept it as a motivation and intent on the parents side, your call! objectively there is a difference, in terms of where the motivation comes there is none!

As for him being an intolerant middle aged man, yes probably but you do not know that. besides there is nothing proving that he can not change all we have is conjectures from a scared adult who behaves as a immature child and yes i understand that is probably also the fathers fault, but you can not say he as not done his best, and you can not say he will not turn around when the push comes to shove and prefer his daughter to some of his beliefs!

so basically your accusations that he is a religious fanatic is enough for you to define him as a bad man without giving the man his day in court? good to know where you come from and that one can always expect a fair judgement on your part!

at this moment i consider religious fanatics on the same level as nazis or bogeyman its just labels to avoid listening to others opinions, if you are so sure that they are really so terrible why refuse to listen to them? surely such horrible persons will condemn themselves when they open their mouths, no?

i stated here on 3 different occasions that the man must be heard before a sentence is commuted, you may not like religious people, you may not like bigots but everyone as their right to explain themselves and when they loose that right do not whine when your time comes and you do not have it either!

your words and bigotry towards religious people reminds me of those who break the ladder after using them!
So you are kidding. Or you like to play lawyers devil. Ok, no problem with that.
I am not intolerante towards religious people except when they are being intolerant. That's the reason i supported Maya. I dont like her, sexually, and as godkingxerxes, i find her boring. But i reject to strongly reject a character wich is simple not for them, withouth a good reason.


Feb 13, 2021
Now we get to a point where Maya's dad isn't bad? What? Seriously? Maya's father is shit, if it's because of me I would never end her relationship with Josy, the only thing I want is for her to be happy, whether with the MC or not, the MC for me is a 0 to the left
View attachment 1069114
I can’t believe I’m using my first post just to say how cringey that image is.


Active Member
Jun 30, 2020
LOL, this is exactly what I see whenever a poster praises Maya. Total lapdog obedience.

What is told, is again one side of the story, Maya's side. Not her dads, not the banks, not the schools, just Maya.

I'm not buying into this drama personally, Pinkcakes just needs a way to build up the Maya/Josy relationship so he can break them apart, with still enough time left in the story to either keep them separated or put them back together, with or without the MC.
Well that's how literature works, sometimes. We never get the Sauron side of the story, and we re mostly fine with that. It seems you like to praise the "bad guys" of every story "kingodxerxes". Is not a problem, but sometimes is just hard to separete that of people who actually believe that, for example,religious fanatism is ok.
You were right about Maya being boring. Quinn is fun as hell.

Holy Bacchus

Conversation Conqueror
Dec 13, 2018
and hey her father can be an horrible person, we just do not know, but if he was indeed so horrible why would she try to regain such a bigoted person love back
Because it's perfectly natural to want to regain that. People grow up seeing their parents in a certain light and the vast majority will grow up feeling loved by their parents and having moments and memories that feel full of love. It's only when you get older that you might start to realise things weren't always as rosey and pleasant as they seemed when you were a kid and your parents aren't what you thought they were, and this is very common with people who have been disowned by their family for their sexual orientation.

But still, a part of them wants to believe that they can reach their parents, that they can reason with them and get back the love they felt they had for all those years, and that's where Maya is right now. Unfortunately, it doesn't always happen and that rift will be forever, but it can take some time for people in Maya's position to come to terms with that.


Engaged Member
Sep 27, 2020
Well that's how literature works, sometimes. We never get the Sauron side of the story, and we re mostly fine with that. It seems you like to praise the "bad guys" of every story "kingodxerxes". Is not a problem, but sometimes is just hard to separete that of people who actually believe that, for example,religious fanatism is ok.
You were right about Maya being boring. Quinn is fun as hell.
Maya's dad is not the "bad guy" though, he's barely a guy period. And just because he disapproves of her sexuality and wears a cross doesn't make him a religious fanatic, and it also doesn't make him a bad guy.

Its hard to praise bad guys in a game with no bad guys though. Burke is the only thing close to a bad guy at the moment and even then, he's done nothing worse than a DIK MC.


Active Member
Jun 30, 2020
Maya's dad is not the "bad guy" though, he's barely a guy period. And just because he disapproves of her sexuality and wears a cross doesn't make him a religious fanatic, and it also doesn't make him a bad guy.

Its hard to praise bad guys in a game with no bad guys though. Burke is the only thing close to a bad guy at the moment and even then, he's done nothing worse than a DIK MC.
Well, both of them got the scary music so... they are defenetely bad
  • Thinking Face
Reactions: ename144
Jan 16, 2020
Also this story probably resonates with a lot of us. I'm sure many had this dream of joining a college frat or something and partying like crazy. My college experience was very dull, so this game is like how I wanted my college experience to be :D.
Also doesn't help that my last 2 years at a university was plagued by COVID.

The Bush Diver

Active Member
Feb 21, 2020

This week I worked mainly on static renders and a few animations.

Something I worked extra hard on this week was environment design, and I will have to continue to work on this and the last free-roam event next week. It will be a fairly big free-roam event, but work should be progressing at a steady pace.

I have written plenty of the script too, and I only have a handful more scenes to write.

On top of the free-roam event, static renders and writing; I have some work left with phone content, mini-games and music/sound.

I cannot estimate how long this will take, but I can feel that the episode must be at least 80% complete in terms of content (static renders/animations/GUI elements).

The final percentages always take the longest to complete, as polishing and wrapping things up are needed, but we are in the end-game of development of this beast of an episode.

Something new that I can reveal for you today is the episode title, and it will be:

Episode 7 - True Colors

10,000 Patrons wallpaper series
For the fifteenth wallpaper, I give you Nora. Download the full resolution versions in the attachments below.

View attachment 1068664

View attachment 1068669
4 wallpapers remain in the series.

Have a nice weekend

Dr PinkCake
Woohoo, finally Nora! She is awesome! She has to rethink her approach when it comes to sex with the MC and has to fall for him at some point, or at least give us more fun times. :D

Nora appearing again in the near future is a must.
Nab the #TeamJill! lol
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