Yeah she basicly biten his head off.
Ofcourse she wasn`t happy,she`s a woman,no woman reacts well to rejection.
Still,nobody got raped,not even close.
My projection of the fact that we see Quinn and Tommy doing drugs together,Rusty and Tommy being besties and Quinn saying what her plans are - unlike your theory of Quinn RAPING MC,promising occasion to drug and rape Maya based on precisly 0 hints of any of it being the case - that`s not a projection of "demonic version of Quinn" that`s based entirely in reality - some alternate reality perhaps,not the reality of the game.
If there is no evil than there is no good either,therefore Quinn is neither bad nor good,she is what she is and since there are no absolute moral standards,nobody have any right to judge anybody,what makes your sens of morality any better than hers?
Shoulda,woulda,coulda - it wasn`t,for reasons discussed milion or at least two times before.