Are you trying to make me look like a self-righteous prude?
OK, I accept.
Does the fact that it's a joke matter? Is smashing windows by throwing dildos a joke, or ransacking a house?
I don't see Burke and Quinn as moral role models. Just because they do worse doesn't excuse the rest of the college.
to summarize what happened:
Mc telephones Jill manipulating her for information about who's at the Preps (that Jill who would constitute his right to shit in Tybalt's sink if he felt like it)
then they spy inside the Preps' mansion with a stolen drone (but even here it's a joke and the owner is a nerd so...)
they sneak in, but Jill has said they can do it so they are generous to do it secretly, otherwise if someone had stopped them they would have committed the terrible crime of not agreeing to Jill's word
they steal two suits, but they steal them from the Preps so it's an act of social justice
they pull the fire alarm (which if connected to the fire station would be a crime even that...)
they interrupt a fundraiser, but again it's the Preps' fundraiser so it's a credit to them
damage the Preps' home, but theirs was damaged too so again it's social justice
but it's MC and Derek!!! come on! how can they do anything wrong with those little faces