Yes, it's entirely contradictory. We still don't know anything about Quinn.
We don't even know why she likes the MC except that it's a game where everyone wants to fuck the MC.
Even as far back as Sage telling the MC Quinn likes him, why? Because she likes fucking with people and he let her? Weak.
Name three things we know about Quinn that don't involve drugs, prostitution, or using people.
Other than feeling sorry for her name one reason the MC would even involve himself with her.
Quinn doesn't have a single redeeming value that would make anyone like her. That might change but it hasn't changed yet.
Her primary motivation is still money, which, for some stupid reason, the MC offered her for nothing in return.
Hell, she even called him stupid for it.
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And then she got defensive.
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So, if the argument is she likes the MC because he didn't like seeing her bleeding from her face in the rain ...
what decent person would?
No sale on the depth argument. Or the character development.
If we're going to get down to it, character development is one of DPC's weaknesses. I could write a novel on why that is, but, in short, we don't even really know anything about the MC beyond his ability to have multiple personalities depending on whether he wants to fit in with the DIKs or the CHICKS.