the purpose justifies the means (I don't know how to write this quote from Macchiavelli correctly in English)
that single line justified the entire work of Kant on the moral principles and the creation of the empirical categories! No its always wrong to use another human being for your own gains, human beings should always be an end onto themselves except when that usage is their own end!
for instance its justifiable to use a masochist woman for your own pleasure since her end is also that specific gratification! turning an innocent girl into a masochist is just pure wrong unless she accepts of her own accord in accordance with her own designs and goals!
so somethings that are morally wrong can be justified if you pay them well enough so they can achieve their goals!
its stupid but morally speaking 2 wrongs can indeed make a right...
So Maya goal is not immoral despite her grudge against slutty girls along as she can cash in the check she is passing with her mouth!
the fact that she as not read the entire agreement/contract does not make Q a bad person since both of them signed a contract in bad faith!
except the original bad faith comes from Maya and not Quinn! Q actions only turned into bad faith when she smelled something was wrong with Maya!
some people can consider it immoral that Q launched a rumor of free tuition but there is truth to it so its not immoral its just giving young girls options!
As for the Josy debate she can do it! she can do everything!
So what if she finds a way to monetize her assets?
you are just jealous because you can not afford what she is worth and therefore begrudge those that can slip a few bucks into her tight!
She is a free adult who can make her own decisions! if you do not like it perhaps you should have given her what she is worth!