Well, I did it. I've finished the most liked game (atm) on this family friendly site. Is it overrated? Massively. Is it bad? Not really, no. Is it good? Probably, for what it is: a mass appeal entertain product called upon to meet or rather to surpass not quite high expectations of not so picky players. I don't want to offend anyone here, but seriously, guys who are praising this game to the skies, try to play some other games maybe for a change before claiming something as "best game ever"? So, despite it's kinda silly even to dig through such a game (it's like explaining to some 16 year old girl why exactly Twilight isn't much of a masterpiece), I'm gonna do it anyway, just for the sake of it and to make overall rating a tiny bit more fair.
The biggest known draw of this game afaik are decent looks coupled with common grounded setting and believable writing (I get to that later). The renders, posing and animation are indeed nice, but nothing mindblowing either, compared to some other projects. Moreover, few lewd scenes was looking not nice at all so I had to sorta fast forward them. Actually, I have not enjoyed good half of all lewd scenes, but I prefer even mediocre art over this level 3d-renders in the first place, so don't mind this mention much. Although I did have issue worth mentioning with the two particular main girl models: they are just look too fucking unnatural. I'm aware that some people dig that sort of thing but I didn't, especially when those girls were in the same scenes with very much more realistic skinny colledge type of models. However, recognising that the whole game development made by one guy, I have to cut some slack here. Anyway, you can check screenshots for that.
But what about the writing? It's okay and admittedly better than in a bunch of similiar VNs but considering that basically all the game has to offer are looks and potentially enjoyable lines it has to be better than that. First and foremost problem is that *things are happening* here. The plot contains waaay too much coincidences (there is even ironic line about it, I had a small laugh). Second - slow pace of the first few chapters. It wouldn't be that much of a problem if not the first one actually: all that character development and starting "points" basically are going out of the window later so why bother? Also, the beginning is too straightforward in general: we're picking up our mrbigdick at summer job before college, this is his dad, and this is his house, and this is his precious guitar and so on. He ends up meeting main characters and involving into things only much later. It would be less boring to get all that through flashbacks, communications or something else.
Third problem is caused by some kind of nice guy/bad guy game's system and oh boy, that's a hard thing to implement properly. Most basic example of a possible issue I can think of is when player doing something rude/brutal/dominant even (making bad guy's choice) and then literally two lines later MC saying something like "don't worry, I'm here for you" (unaffected by the system "neutral" kind of line) any possible suspension of disbelief to this point instantly fucks off. And it's not a rare case in this game, unfortunately. Many lines may have become completely out of place (depending on what player chose before). Moreover, the game sometimes doesn't count right previous little branches so it adds to that.
In a nutshell, I'd summed up the game's script as "mediocre teen drama/comedy". But it has some fine/fun moments for sure (it gets better later on, especially with in-game social media and such), also don't forget about relativity, so again, it's not bad at all.
I did mention branches but they are not very significant and all about which girls MC can and cannot do as the plot goes on. There 's also affect from mentioned earlier system which eventually is locking some content up. Overall, the game feels like most of visual novels: railroading to the end with some minor choices along the way and in this case optional (player have to choose at the start) nasty mini-games. Except for my favorite "free roam" parts when player gets illusion of an actual game. The purpose of these "parts" is not to offer some options/choices but rather to possibly lock them (if player missed something during it), to give an opportunity to find extra content (mostly just renders) as well as in-game cash (you are probably be lacking of it if you gonna choose to turn mini-games off but I cannot say for sure).
That being said, I did enjoy this game in general and do not regret much invested time on it. It still feels average at best but problem is, what's not? I've tried enough abysmal similiar games but haven't played yet a single similiar-but-above-level-or-two game than this. So I'm gonna try more and probably revisit my review. If someone have suggestions, you are welcome to PM me. Also, if by some chance you are reading to this point and did not read genre tags: game is not kinky at all, common stuff only (mass appeal, remember?).
Tl;dr: overrated okay game but at the same time it's hard to find better precisely of this kind so technically one-line reviews like "One of the best titles here!!!" etc are not that wrong.