
Sep 3, 2017
Or maybe MC likes Queen restuarant? I mean I brought all the foods. Then again I think Sage already knows but decided to be ignorant (If not that a plot hole as all of the hots knows about Quinn business)
Sage knowing and ignoring would be HUGE news, holy shit would that change the way I see her character... like WoW.

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Jan 30, 2021
Because you are not Dalii.
Sage laying in her bed, with a sad empty look... she is realizing that the whole fuck buddy is not longer an option. She is afraid that is too late, that she has become addicted to MC's cock for the rest of her life.
I am saying guys: foursomee is coming.
this forum reminds me of asoiaf forums and jokes about theons dick .
at least this one seems to have no feminists moderators that will ban me .


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2020
I really don't know what you mean...

My position is that if it turns out to be all a deception it makes Maya look like a fool, a fool who doesn't need to be fooled over and over again to wake up. so I hope that's not the case...

if it was all a deception Maya would have just told her father to go to hell to end it all, not to go through Quinn's bullying, not to kick Josy out again etc.

the fact that she's a lesbian (which isn't even true in reality) I don't see what relevance it has.
No on the story basis, it's all correct." I mean, you think a girl who lets her father run her completely through a bluff is a little slow? " here you just made it look like reality so I just thought to correct you a little that reality and this game are different no need to connect dots between them. My brain is not working properly cuz I should be sleeping right now.
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Conversation Conqueror
May 29, 2020
You do realize that if the Restaurant is ever exposed it will cause a scandal that will result in the end of the HOT's as a Sorority and will cause major consequences for everyone.
I already imagine that everything would come as it happened with Jeffrey Epstein


Active Member
Apr 3, 2020
You do realize that if the Restaurant is ever exposed it will cause a scandal that will result in the end of the HOT's as a Sorority and will cause major consequences for everyone.
Of course, but we still don't know about any connection between Quinn and Professor Burke and we all know MC ain't the only one who used her service, sooner or later it will all be revealed and it will surely be a surprise to see sage reaction. Maybe sage is the psychopath this time


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2021
Bruv, we had this discussion already just leave it alone. Let's talk about better things, like the render Sage that just dropped, fucking spectacular.

I don't know why you shit on the game so much, say it's not even top 10, but every day you're here with us. I think deep down this is your opinion on DPC and BaDIK.
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I don't think that DPC wanted to create a realistic scenario, it's just a parody and a comedy.
The college setting has nothing to do with reality, for example the Hot sorority, member whom are selected because they are potential sluts !
Wearing slutty outfits, practicing prostitution, using drugs and alcool, fucking anybody and son on.

All those fraternities spending all their time fucking, partying, behaving like assholes, fighting eachother....
And their seem to be no real authority in that college, a council with some teachers who fuck students and are dressed like sluts.

So no need to try to find some flaws in the scenario with student loans, tuitions or anything related to real college life.

It's a pure comedy and DPC does what he wants to make everything funny, don't try to play that game as a trainer for your new college life, or you may encounter some difficulties!!!:ROFLMAO:


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2021
Beware of what the future might hold.
There is a warning when you start the game, "Don't play it if you are easyily offended" That's a clear warning for some feminist freaks who may come here.
In the game they are depicted as fat, ugly, with stange haircuts and colors and a huge agressivity. DPC must have suffererd a lot from them to get in that full rampage!

So if a moderator would come in this thread to "clean" it from offensive material, the 6890 pages could quickly become 10 !!


Sep 22, 2020
Actually BaDIK isn't even in my top ten, but I get it you guys like the game. Just don't go overboard. There are a lot of flaws here.
Do not focus on positive aspects of the game you really like/love playing because I see some flaws here, stop having fun and awarding it top 5 or even top 1


Sep 3, 2017
There is a warning when you start the game, "Don't play it if you are easyily offended" That's a clear warning for some feminist freaks who may come here.
In the game they are depicted as fat, ugly, with stange haircuts and colors and a huge agressivity. DPC must have suffererd a lot from them to get in that full rampage!

So if a moderator would come in this thread to "clean" it from offensive material, the 6890 pages could quickly become 10 !!
You mean in college I can't go to class half-naked wearing a Dildo Helmet? Drink myself stupid every day, still get perfect grades. Fuck anything with a skirt and have a foot and a half dick. Why even live man... Guess I will just commit Sodoku... :KEK:

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Feb 13, 2018
You mean in college I can't go to class half-naked wearing a Dildo Helmet? Drink myself stupid every day, still get perfect grades. Fuck anything with a skirt and have a foot and a half dick. Why even live man... Guess I will just commit Sodoku... :KEK:
Now that you mention it, my university experience was nothing like this, I feel cheated. :(
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Zirael Q

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2017
I'm sure there are quite a few steps between a "goodie two shoes" and Quinn, so I don't think you have to be that confrontational about this. Selling drugs, running a prostitute ring, toying with and hurting people are plenty enough to deserve some kind of redemption.

I don't mind the way she acts or talks, that's one of her charms mostly because it contrasts nicely with the way she is when she lets down her defenses around the mc.
aside from being a pimp , drug dealer , junkie and a borderline prostitute ?
(im sure you have opionion if she is all those things . would the law ?)

whatever happened to Mona is also on Quinn's head .
(im not saying she did anything to her but her prostitution deals may have gotten Mona into trouble.)

when MC tells Tommy "if you hit rock bottom, the only way to go is up"
to which Tommy replys "you can stay at the bottom and get comfortable"
seems its what Tommy and Quinn been doing until now . getting comfortable.

the last episode seems like Tommy is quitting and last scene of Quinn looks like she
keeps away from drugs as well .

there is ton of stupid/illegal things we can point about most characters, its not only Quinn .
Thank you guys for explaining what Quinn does in the game throughout 7 episodes. It was very kind of you. I would never guess who she is and what she does before today but now I'm enlightened.

You should've re-read what I wrote before answering but no worries, I'll also do the explaining for you too.
Not every villain/antagonist/anti-hero, whatever NEEDS to have a redemption arc and become a "goodie two shoes". We are in 2021, this is a boring, an overused plot device.
X character is evil, does bad things to everyone. Then someone ordinary comes up/something happens and suddenly X realizes what s/he was doing was wrong and becomes a beacon of light.
What makes some characters interesting is them being villains/antagonists. When you take that from them, they lose their originality and become a generic character, there are hundreds of those characters.
Tell me, would people like Joker if he turned good after his first encounter with Batman? Or in Infiniy War, if Thanos said "nah killing half of the universe is too much, I'm not going to use the stones", would he be as amazing as he is? No.
So, stop trying to think a "redemption" for Quinn, Tommy or basically any other antagonist/villain is a must.
Also, please stop jumping at a post because it includes "Quinn". Read it first.


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2020
You mean in college I can't go to class half-naked wearing a Dildo Helmet? Drink myself stupid every day, still get perfect grades. Fuck anything with a skirt and have a foot and a half dick. Why even live man... Guess I will just commit Sodoku... :KEK:
Drinking every day and getting good grades might actually work. For me it did for about a month. Although now that I try to remember it, we probably weren't graded during the first month


Engaged Member
Sep 20, 2018
Ton's of plot flaws too.

Why give Maya such a vague warning about Quinn? Obviously because that would blow apart the whole Scavenger Hunt.

You're close to Sage but you never mention the restaurant to her?

MC tell's Maya about Josy but never mentions her name. Doesn't that sound a little odd? Anytime I've heard someone describe another person they always say their name.

Speaking of names, why don't we know anybodys? When I put someone's name in my phone I usually put the whole name. And Jill is famous, why haven't we heard her name before ep 5?

This is only four examples but it's all that I can think of right now (besides it's morning and I haven't finished my coffee yet), I know there are lot's more out there, we've discussed them here before.
The warning about Quinn is pretty bad writing, no question. But I'm not sure it really affects the plot that much. MCs who rejected Quinn's offer don't know any details, so it's not clear they could have convinced Maya at that point; she was pretty desperate. Meanwhile MCs who did patronize the restaurant would have a strong incentive not to spill the beans to Maya. At most this would make it more likely to blow Quinn's cover after Maya slaps her.

Which is why I think the inability to mention the restaurant to Sage is the much more serious flaw. By Episode 6 it's clear that a) the MC and Sage are friends (if not more), and b) Sage doesn't know about Quinn's empire. Given those points, there's really no excuse for an MC who isn't using the restaurant himself not to mention it her. It's way too big a deal to ignore if he has any interest in Sage's wellbeing or respect for her reputation. And that's completely ignoring the fact that an MC on Maya's path should be pulling strings to help her get that free tuition. So yeah, this one is a genuine plot hole.

Not mentioning Josy's name is at best a nitpick, IMHO. Going into details about a girl he's into would be a really weird thing to do out of the blue, so it's frankly more logical that her name didn't come up. The only time it would have made sense was when the MC returned after his second date with Josy, since that's the one time Maya was actually asking about how the relationship was going. But she was interrupted by a call from her father, and then the MC got sidetracked by the Chad investigation and the drunken Bella kiss, so the opportunity was lost.

Similarly, not know most people's last names doesn't matter much. Jill is the only one who's name would mean anything on it's own, and even with her it really made no difference: the MC's opinion of her and relationship with her was exactly the same before and after he learned she was a Royce. If the Lynette's family name reveal becomes a plot point in the future I'll be happy to complain about it then, but for now this is just a stylistic choice.

That's the thing about a bluff, you don't know it's a bluff. Maya thinks it's real. The dad really wants her to give up Josy, but how far is the dad prepared to go? We don't know.

Regarding reading the contents of a loan. A few years back I helped my sister out with a home loan, she trusted I knew what I was doing and signed where I told her to sign. A lot of people, girls or guys, aren't great with paperwork, and if someone else is gonna help them with the heavy lifting, they're happy to take a back seat. Me personally, I read fucking everything...

It comes down to whether Maya had any reason to disbelieve her dad at that time. He'd probably already lectured her about Josy, but she may not have expected him to come up with such a dastardly plan. So while she didn't agree with his stance, she still trusted him at the time. It's in episode 3 that Maya comes to the realization that she can't trust her dad (she's a bit slow).
But in the end the plot will still be about a problem that could have been solved 3+ months ago simply by ignoring it. I have to agree with felicemastronzo, that's a miserable anti-climax to build most of the game around.

From everything we see about Patrick and from the most basic need to preserve the tension of the story, I'll be very disappointed if it turns out Patrick was bluffing.

The image quality they are having now is incredible, it already sucks to play the first episodes seeing how the last ones look

It's kind of sad that I'm the only one for now mentioning Sage's image
What is there to say? This is Sage in the same context we've been seeing her since Episode 4. After waiting weeks for our first glimpse of Episode 8, we see a shot that could just as easily have been taken from anywhere else in Season 2. Meh.

The image render quality is the only noteworthy thing here, and even that is becoming fairly routine.


Feb 13, 2018
Thank you guys for explaining what Quinn does in the game throughout 7 episodes. It was very kind of you. I would never guess who she is and what she does before today but now I'm enlightened.

You should've re-read what I wrote before answering but no worries, I'll also do the explaining for you too.
Not every villain/antagonist/anti-hero, whatever NEEDS to have a redemption arc and become a "goodie two shoes". We are in 2021, this is a boring, an overused plot device.
X character is evil, does bad things to everyone. Then someone ordinary comes up/something happens and suddenly X realizes what s/he was doing was wrong and becomes a beacon of light.
What makes some characters interesting is them being villains/antagonists. When you take that from them, they lose their originality and become a generic character, there are hundreds of those characters.
Tell me, would people like Joker if he turned good after his first encounter with Batman? Or in Infiniy War, if Thanos said "nah killing half of the universe is too much, I'm not going to use the stones", would he be as amazing as he is? No.
So, stop trying to think a "redemption" for Quinn, Tommy or basically any other antagonist/villain is a must.
Also, please stop jumping at a post because it includes "Quinn". Read it first.
That's cute, but just because you like her the way she is doesn't mean she will stay like that and also doesn't mean that's the "interesting" or "original" way to develop her character. It's just as subjective as my own opinion. Thank you for your advice, but I won't stop trying to think about a redemption arc for Quinn. There are various scenes with her that clearly shown that there are much more to her than she let's on. We will see where will DPC go with the characters, but until then do and think whatever you want. I'll do just that. :D


Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
Yeah, this is sad. Contrivances, really? Is it really going to break your heart to admit that there are flaws in this game?
Don't be silly. I just don't agree with you.

I don't see why you get so worked up when people like this game. I've mentioned there are grammatical errors, I just haven't seen an actual plot flaw. Your examples don't cut it. Characters making mistakes, or being tricked is not a plot flaw.

I know, even DPC is at the bottom of a hole that he just keeps digging

View attachment 1219567
Now this is massively disingenuous of you. The very next line is:

Maya: "I don't know how those things work, and I trusted him."​

Are you telling me you didn't read the next line, or you just ignored it because it didn't propel your argument?

I really don't know what you mean...

My position is that if it turns out to be all a deception it makes Maya look like a fool, a fool who doesn't need to be fooled over and over again to wake up. so I hope that's not the case...

if it was all a deception Maya would have just told her father to go to hell to end it all, not to go through Quinn's bullying, not to kick Josy out again etc.
It was only the one deception and Maya is still currently being deceived. She believes it's a real threat, that is the deception.

Your point, "if it was all a deception Maya would have just told her father to go to hell to end it all" only makes sense if she's aware that it's a lie. The point is she believes it's real so she's looking for means to work around it.

Now the irony is that she is doing things (threesome sex to get into the HOTs) to circumvent the blackmail, how would her dad react if he realized what he'd pushed her into?

I don't think that DPC wanted to create a realistic scenario, it's just a parody and a comedy.
The college setting has nothing to do with reality, for example the Hot sorority, member whom are selected because they are potential sluts !
Wearing slutty outfits, practicing prostitution, using drugs and alcool, fucking anybody and son on.

All those fraternities spending all their time fucking, partying, behaving like assholes, fighting eachother....
And their seem to be no real authority in that college, a council with some teachers who fuck students and are dressed like sluts.

So no need to try to find some flaws in the scenario with student loans, tuitions or anything related to real college life.

It's a pure comedy and DPC does what he wants to make everything funny, don't try to play that game as a trainer for your new college life, or you may encounter some difficulties!!!:ROFLMAO:
The game blurs the lines between parody and drama, and for a lot of players they don't see where that distinction is. The drama has to be perceived as real otherwise we just laugh it off and it doesn't bring out the emotion that I'm sure DPC wants the players to feel (going by Acting Lessons, he's definitely big on making his players emotional), but at the same time the comical scenes often cross over the threshold into parody.

Also the clothing the HOTs wear, while characters like Maya call them sluts anyway, I don't think we are expected to believe they actually parade around like that on campus (even if they do), it's purely fan service.

There's plenty of poetic licence taken for the sake of making it enjoyable (on a humor, sexual and dramatic level), but at the same time, if something is a significant plot element it shouldn't be total bollocks either.

That said, the misunderstanding people continue to have with the Maya loan drama is they are taking the one character's (Maya's) poor understanding of the loan, and then trying to call it a plot flaw when it's a character flaw.

Maya doesn't understand the loan (her exact words, "I don't know how those things work, and I trusted him"). In her mind, he tricked her into getting a loan that has her over a barrel, whereas it's quite possible the he's tricked her into thinking he tricked her into getting a loan that has her over a barrel.

If it turns out that she really is a cosigner of a student loan that is made out to her (and not just that she thinks she is), then it's total bullshit, but at the moment we only have her word, and she doesn't even understand it.
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