
Magnificent Bastard
Apr 16, 2020
It happens in the CHICK path ONLY. He doesn't explicitly warn her in the DIK path.
I've just tried, the DIK MC said the exact same thing :


9.PNG 10.PNG 11.PNG 12.PNG 13.PNG 14.PNG 15.PNG 16.PNG

Or perhaps I had a bug ? :confused: Can anyone else try just to be sure ?

It doesn't really change anything anyway. In both case, the MC could have just tell her that Quinn offered him sex for money. It's nothing more than a plot convenience. Maya wouldn't have any plot at all for the 6 first episodes without the whole free tuition thing. Like DavDR said ; just bad writing.

Zirael Q

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2017
what Quinn really wants to do is very unclear.

Does she want Maya in the restaurant? Is that why she decides to make her hate her? How is she going to convince her to do something so extreme?

in quinn's plans maya is supposed to fail the scavenger hunt, how convenient would it be to have a restaurant girl out of HOTs? Maya would be the only one in that situation

So maybe the scavenger hunt is a test to see if she's really motivated? But then that doesn't explain Quinn's subsequent behaviour which remains highly aggressive towards her.
I still think Quinn took an interest in MC at first glance. Each time she sees MC and Maya she says something like "Barbie and Ken" etc. so jealousy might've played some part there. At least initially.
Add that the fact that Maya is nowhere near a girl who'd be interested in being a HOT, she just wants the free tuition. She is definitely not a partying type. That may have pissed her too.
Imagine someone trying to get close to you and your group of friends because they heard you give money away. And that someone doesn't even hide that fact, asks 7/24 about money.
You ask them to do something. She asks "if I do that I will get money, right?" :LUL: When that happens to a mean person like Quinn, well she'll mess with her for sure.
Additionally, I don't think Quinn made that list because she was only being mean to Maya. I believe she just wanted her to give up (every other daughter as present at the DIK party but nobody asked Maya to come, remember?), but surprisingly she started working for the list and that pissed Quinn off more.
Like, every other girl in HOTs likes to party, or was interested in being a member of a sorority. Even Josy. Maya? She literally calls them "sluts" right at the beginning of the game :KEK: Obviously looks down on them too.
I don't think the HOTs would fail to notice that, so she'll walk a rough path from now on. Hopefully she'll move on and try to enjoy her life in HOTs. I doubt that but hey, I also hope that. We already have enough drama in the game. It'd be fine if we stopped living through drama for a while


Dec 17, 2017
Hey guys, I'm sorry if it's a stupid question, but seeing how popular this game is, I'd like to also try it, but I'm not too much into visual novels. What I mean is that I like some actual gameplay, like seeing a map of the city and being able to visit any girl at any point I want, rather than only reading what's written and not being able to choose where I go next. So is the game like this or is there some kind of freedom of movement? Thanks!


Engaged Member
Apr 7, 2020
Hey guys, I'm sorry if it's a stupid question, but seeing how popular this game is, I'd like to also try it, but I'm not too much into visual novels. What I mean is that I like some actual gameplay, like seeing a map of the city and being able to visit any girl at any point I want, rather than only reading what's written and not being able to choose where I go next. So is the game like this or is there some kind of freedom of movement? Thanks!
Oh yes, there is a lot of actual gameplay, but the one you can expect from a straight visual novel, which is still gameplay. If you are looking for any sandboxish micro management, there isn't any. Just minigames interludes.


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2018
Hey guys, I'm sorry if it's a stupid question, but seeing how popular this game is, I'd like to also try it, but I'm not too much into visual novels. What I mean is that I like some actual gameplay, like seeing a map of the city and being able to visit any girl at any point I want, rather than only reading what's written and not being able to choose where I go next. So is the game like this or is there some kind of freedom of movement? Thanks!
This is primarily a visual novel, but with areas in each chapter where you can explore an area usually explore a house or dormitory. There are some gameplay elements with the fighting system which is basically a QTE minigame and other minigames for various situations. There is no map movement across a city as the game is pretty deliberate in where the story goes.
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Sep 3, 2017
I still think Quinn took an interest in MC at first glance. Each time she sees MC and Maya she says something like "Barbie and Ken" etc. so jealousy might've played some part there. At least initially.
Add that the fact that Maya is nowhere near a girl who'd be interested in being a HOT, she just wants the free tuition. She is definitely not a partying type. That may have pissed her too.
I can agree with you up to this point.
Imagine someone trying to get close to you and your group of friends because they heard you give money away. And that someone doesn't even hide that fact, asks 7/24 about money.
You ask them to do something. She asks "if I do that I will get money, right?" :LUL: When that happens to a mean person like Quinn, well she'll mess with her for sure.
Here we start having a disagreement. Supposedly according to the rumours (That Quinn quite obviously made) the HOT's pay tuition for their members. Not Quinn, So yes. If the HOT's had a scholarship program inside their sorority wanting to know all about and asking the VP is only natural, and when the VP keeps evading the questions instead of simply confirming or denying it won't help, especially due to the desperation of someone who is in need to tuition.

So it's not the same as just trying to pry money out of someone, it's more like asking for information about a supossed scholarship.

There is no way I can absolve Quinn of fault here and just go "She was askin' for it".

Additionally, I don't think Quinn made that list because she was only being mean to Maya. I believe she just wanted her to give up (every other daughter as present at the DIK party but nobody asked Maya to come, remember?), but surprisingly she started working for the list and that pissed Quinn off more.
Like, every other girl in HOTs likes to party, or was interested in being a member of a sorority. Even Josy. Maya? She literally calls them "sluts" right at the beginning of the game :KEK: Obviously looks down on them too.
I don't think the HOTs would fail to notice that, so she'll walk a rough path from now on. Hopefully, she'll move on and try to enjoy her life in HOTs. I doubt that but hey, I also hope that. We already have enough drama in the game. It'd be fine if we stopped living through drama for a while
I do believe when Quinn made the list she was trying to go for broke with Maya, either she would do everything on the list and be qualified to be used in the prostitution ring, or she would fail and Quinn would have an excuse to deny her application, it was a Win-Win scenario.

In the end, I don't think Quinn was personally aggravated by Maya (except for the jealousy of the MC) until Maya asked for a new Mother, there she was slightly pissed (for numerous reasons, like if Maya said Quinn was talking about scholarships), and after the M&J outwitter Quinn by showing the proof to the other Mother, Quinn knew her plan to blackmail Maya was out the window, lastly the Slap, that's when it stopped being personal just for Maya and became personal for both of them (She disrespected Quinn in front of her hookers, a pimp can't have that.). And if Quinn can be this mean without it being personal it only speaks of her character.

About the comments on Chapter 1 of Maya calling the HOT's sloots. Well, let's be frank here. THEY ARE. We are introduced to them with two HOT's (I believe Quinn and Sage) tanning topless on their front porch. Riona is seen suggestively on Jock's laps. That is the first impression anyone would have of them. Stop acting like Maya is fake because of that, Human beings judge things, and if what you put out are those things, people are going to think you are a sloot, no middle way about it. But then again this argument has been debated ad infinitum in this forum, always coming to the same conclusion that Quinn Stans don't acknowledge anything positive of Maya, because that would invalidate their demonization of her to protect Quinn.

Even the MC thought the DIK's were Dicks, and they still are, but they are his Dicks now.

Lastly, I hope Maya can get out of that Depression, and actually make friends that aren't her Boy/girlfriend and her twin brother. Ashley, Heather, and Elena would be good friends for her. Sage might be very risky. Riona wouldn't talk to her afraid of being admonished by Quinn. Quinn hates her out of jealousy and personal confrontations. Melanie and Sarah are cunts (hot ones tho). Camilla could be her friend, but she walks a tight rope with Quinn. And Arieth is everyone's best friend so she doesn't count.

PS.: I'm not a Quinn hater, if you look at my list, taking out the obvious Arieth and KRJ jokes, she is like TOP5, above Jill.


Conversation Conqueror
May 29, 2020
What if Maya is still lying and the free tuition is just an excuse to keep her cover from being blown.Her cover as an undercover police officer. Check out this screenshot. DPC has hidden something from all of us, according to the saying that many people go through the world blind with their eyes open. Look at the label of the package. "Evioence" what kind of evidence? This package is about the size of the MC junk box. Who collected the evidence? The mannequin is the same one that's standing at Bella's later.

View attachment 1247167

But what's scary is that the contents of the closet changed in EP7. There are books like the book "Vendetta" that Maya and Jill also have,
"Wolfsbane." Duct tape, acoustic screwdrivers. Two boxes, one clean and one dirty. Maybe that's a tent on top of the cabinet? But there is something else behind it, the part has round corners, but behind it is something straight. Maybe it is a passage?

View attachment 1247204

The next screenshot shows Heather's and Josy's desk. Take a close look at it. For example, there is a book with the title "Wedding Days". Or on the small pinboard there is a note (gone to Gym). On the pinboard in the upper right corner is a picture that reminds you of Halloween. On the desk is a picture frame with 3 pictures. Black Rose, Red Rose, Everybody Dance.

View attachment 1247205

The last screenshot shows Josy with one light and one dark leg. I think it is a hint to the triple picture of the Heather/Josy desk.

View attachment 1247222


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2021
Did the toxic posts end? Can I enjoy my crazy dalli_x theory reads without fear of groaning?

Also, need a Warscared post this week. I need me some frantic theory energy.
sorry got back to work not much time now! besides i am hitting it off with the girl i was fucking before the pandemic, seems that this time off as helped me see her as a human being instead of just a sex object... weird how life works!

and ofc hitting it off i mean emotionally going out for dinners and movies and shit like that!

Anyway still the same old talks about Maya! after i came all over her face i kind of like her a little more! but for me only Sarah can occupy my beating heart!

Also some stated something about Lana... hey no kink shaming if the body is still warm its almost like its not necrophilia ... we know its the same action quality of half the girls i have ever been with!
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Active Member
Jun 30, 2020
for me the story told is always right, what is shown to me is the reality of the character, there is nothing else

Derek's an idiot not just because it's the comic moment.
Maya needs someone to assist her in everything not just because she's the damsel in distress in the story
Jill trusts Tybalt
Sage trusts Quinn
Bella is the worst best friend ever

otherwise it all becomes a means to an end and then we're talking about vaginas looking for reasons to stick it in MC's dick
Really felice? Now the story is always right? One of our last arguments you claimed that this story was full of unbelieveble stupid people and that was breaking your suspension of disbelief. Now that i partially agree with your statement you denied it?
You love to have pointless arguments, do you?
I don't. I like to argue with a goal, wich is a mutual rational agreement where two people end with the same opinion regardless of what that opinion is as long as it'is the best. Sometimes it cannot be done but i always try and when i cannot means that i fail.

Well, not all stories can be always right. Sometimes a story contradict itself and then at some point it is wrong. Couse the only thing that is ever right is logic.
Also, you should not confuse "what you see" with "what it is".
You see Derek as an idiot, i dont. Who is right? well we will see, but at least one of us is seeing things wrong, or both.

Finally, when you analize a story there a lot more things that what is shown. Historical context, author's background, meta-narrative, narrative influences, narrative structure, public expectative.
It is Derek stupid? maybe but DPC sayd that he identified with him. I don't think DPC is stupid or that he sees himself as one. Then i dont think Derek is meant to be stupid, just goofy.
Yet if DPC sayd that Derek is stupid then it will be canonical to say that he is, regardless of my opinions over inteligence and stupidity.

"Maya needs someone to assist her in everything not just because she's the damsel in distress in the story"

"Damsel in distress". What an awfull expression. It is a discursive artifact made to blame the victim. You guys are going to somehow make me feminist even after all the fight that i put against thoose people.
I don't think thats your concient intention but it still is what it is.

Maya need help in one problem she has. That's not the same as everything. And that's how fiction works. If your understatement over someone needing help is to disqualified them putting the blame on him, calling "damsel in distress" and stupid then you will have a hard time reading any work of fiction.
Personally, you are cool felice, but beetween literature and you, i choose literature one millon times.

and in fact Mc warns her, tells her that Quinn uses the girls, does not mention the restaurant explicitly but warns her more than clearly. but it's useless, because Maya doesn't have a plan B and then pushed by Josy's arrival she comes back to fully believe in free tuition and therefore in who offers it to her.
No, he didnt. He sayd Quinn uses the girls. Maya ask the obvious question, ¿how? and he never answer. Later Maya include MC in the plan as a collaborator. So, why Maya was stupid couse she forgot to ask and yet the MC get free couse he forgot to tell?. He had every information to knew that Maya's "dream" was to become a prostitute, yet he didnt explain that detail to her friend.
Later he become both her collaborator and her kinda "boyfriend". So, he wasnt smart enough to figure that the "free tuition" meant prostitution? or he wasn't smart enough to figure that her prude girlfriend will not accept prostitution? Why he collaborate with a plan that was not going to work and actually didn't?.

Neither Josy nor MC have a better plan. Completing the scavenger hunt is not a problem, so why should they be the ones to stop it?

Josy wants to become a HOT, why should she give it up? By abandoning the scavenger hunt she could never be part of it.

Should Mc refuse to help her? So he should be blamed for not getting free tuition?

Maya isn't stupid but she isn't disabled either, and they aren't her guardians.

if i quit my job tomorrow and decide to become an AVN developer without having the skills would it be my fault or the fault of whoever doesn't stop me?
Man i literally answer that question the last post. They are friends, felice. You dont want your friends to fail and get out of college. That's why. You dont want to loose your girlfriend. That doesn't mean to be someone guardian for the love of god. That's the minimum friends do for each other, give advice, provide critial information and offer guide in difficult moments. But it is even worst, they were knowingly collaborating with that plan. They were a part of it, a team.

So, for you Josy didn't give a fuck Maya's position (wich is clearly not true "I give a fucking diarrea about you" Josy dixit). But she wanted to join the HOT's. She told Maya that the plan for the "free tuition" is excelent and will solve all thier problems, but the only thing she wanted was to join the HOT's. Lovely girl.

About the last question... is clear that for you guys to conclude "It is Maya fault" is an imporant thing. So let's talk about fault.

It is Patrick fault. Primarialy couse he started all of this and with malice.
Then it is DPC fault for building a story that doesnt have sense and does not takes into account details.

Then came the plot holes, and there if you insist in cannonized them:

Then it was also Maya fault for not asking, (happy?)
Then it is Quinn fault for having and ilegal ring and to fool Maya and not even clarified even when it was in her best interest.
You also get to Burkes fault for allowing and using this ring.
Then it is MC fault for being a shitty or stupid friend.
Then it is Josy fault for being a stupid friend.
Finally it is also Sage fault for living in Candy land when her sorority was being taken by an ilegal ring.


Active Member
Apr 3, 2020
Here another theory, what if Quinn is actually doing all that shit cuz her dad is sick and it is shown in the flashback that she cares about her father.
Jan 30, 2021
sorry got back to work not much time now! besides i am hitting it off with the girl i was fucking before the pandemic, seems that this time off as helped me see her as a human being instead of just a sex object... weird how life works!

and ofc hitting it off i mean emotionally going out for dinners and movies and shit like that!

Anyway still the same old talks about Maya! after i came all over her face i kind of like her a little more! but for me only Sarah can occupy my beating heart!

Also some stated something about Lana... hey no kink shaming if the body is still warm its almost like its not necrophilia ... we know its the same action quality of half the girls i have ever been with!
see you next lockdown . covid21 is coming :devilish: .but im not a jerk soooo ... good luck :coffee:
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Jan 30, 2021
I guess non-Italian speakers don't grasp the pun:

Felice MaStronzo (name + surname) = Joyful But An Asshole
google translated it as "happy but asshole"

Really felice? Now the story is always right? One of our last arguments you claimed that this story was full of unbelieveble stupid people and that was breaking your suspension of disbelief. Now that i partially agree with your statement you denied it?
You love to have pointless arguments, do you?
I don't. I like to argue with a goal, wich is a mutual rational agreement where two people end with the same opinion regardless of what that opinion is as long as it'is the best. Sometimes it cannot be done but i always try and when i cannot means that i fail.

Well, not all stories can be always right. Sometimes a story contradict itself and then at some point it is wrong. Couse the only thing that is ever right is logic.
Also, you should not confuse "what you see" with "what it is".
You see Derek as an idiot, i dont. Who is right? well we will see, but at least one of us is seeing things wrong, or both.

Finally, when you analize a story there a lot more things that what is shown. Historical context, author's background, meta-narrative, narrative influences, narrative structure, public expectative.
It is Derek stupid? maybe but DPC sayd that he identified with him. I don't think DPC is stupid or that he sees himself as one. Then i dont think Derek is meant to be stupid, just goofy.
Yet if DPC sayd that Derek is stupid then it will be canonical to say that he is, regardless of my opinions over inteligence and stupidity.

"Maya needs someone to assist her in everything not just because she's the damsel in distress in the story"

"Damsel in distress". What an awfull expression. It is a discursive artifact made to blame the victim. You guys are going to somehow make me feminist even after all the fight that i put against thoose people.
I don't think thats your concient intention but it still is what it is.

Maya need help in one problem she has. That's not the same as everything. And that's how fiction works. If your understatement over someone needing help is to disqualified them putting the blame on him, calling "damsel in distress" and stupid then you will have a hard time reading any work of fiction.
Personally, you are cool felice, but beetween literature and you, i choose literature one millon times.

No, he didnt. He sayd Quinn uses the girls. Maya ask the obvious question, ¿how? and he never answer. Later Maya include MC in the plan as a collaborator. So, why Maya was stupid couse she forgot to ask and yet the MC get free couse he forgot to tell?. He had every information to knew that Maya's "dream" was to become a prostitute, yet he didnt explain that detail to her friend.
Later he become both her collaborator and her kinda "boyfriend". So, he wasnt smart enough to figure that the "free tuition" meant prostitution? or he wasn't smart enough to figure that her prude girlfriend will not accept prostitution? Why he collaborate with a plan that was not going to work and actually didn't?.

Man i literally answer that question the last post. They are friends, felice. You dont want your friends to fail and get out of college. That's why. You dont want to loose your girlfriend. That doesn't mean to be someone guardian for the love of god. That's the minimum friends do for each other, give advice, provide critial information and offer guide in difficult moments. But it is even worst, they were knowingly collaborating with that plan. They were a part of it, a team.

So, for you Josy didn't give a fuck Maya's position (wich is clearly not true "I give a fucking diarrea about you" Josy dixit). But she wanted to join the HOT's. She told Maya that the plan for the "free tuition" is excelent and will solve all thier problems, but the only thing she wanted was to join the HOT's. Lovely girl.

About the last question... is clear that for you guys to conclude "It is Maya fault" is an imporant thing. So let's talk about fault.

It is Patrick fault. Primarialy couse he started all of this and with malice.
Then it is DPC fault for building a story that doesnt have sense and does not takes into account details.

Then came the plot holes, and there if you insist in cannonized them:

Then it was also Maya fault for not asking, (happy?)
Then it is Quinn fault for having and ilegal ring and to fool Maya and not even clarified even when it was in her best interest.
You also get to Burkes fault for allowing and using this ring.
Then it is MC fault for being a shitty or stupid friend.
Then it is Josy fault for being a stupid friend.
Finally it is also Sage fault for living in Candy land when her sorority was being taken by an ilegal ring.
You need to relax ... i'm almost sure felicemastronzo here is pushing your buttons .

Derek is stupid thought . he can be kind of cool . He cares about the DIKs the most and MC even
praises him for working the hardest . He seems to have Mayas back

But he will snitch on MC to Josy . i can't forgive him for that (him snitching to Maya is one thing
but Josy ? ) . Also not so sure cheating his way through college is good idea .
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Engaged Member
Apr 7, 2020
You see Derek as an idiot, i dont. Who is right? well we will see, but at least one of us is seeing things wrong, or both.
Derek is most definately not an idiot. He just doesn't give much of a fuck about social convention and political correctness. Everytime he debates about anything he always has great points. Odd enough, he seems to have some rough edge about social interaction. But then, he's a commedy relief, so he has to be to some extent over the edge.


Forum Fanatic
Mar 13, 2021
Derek is most definately not an idiot. He just doesn't give much of a fuck about social convention and political correctness. Everytime he debates about anything he always has great points. Odd enough, he seems to have some rough edge about social interaction. But then, he's a commedy relief, so he has to be to some extent over the edge.
Yeah, Derek is the Jester. Our King Lear's Fool.


Active Member
Jun 30, 2020
I guess non-Italian speakers don't grasp the pun:

Felice MaStronzo (name + surname) = Joyful But An Asshole
Ahhhhhh. That has sense.
I kew the Felice part, but not the Ma stronzo.
In spanish "ma stronzo" is quite similar to "mi trozo" with means: "My piece" or (in argentinian), "My dick". I thought his name was something like "Happy my dick".
Wich in argentinian is actually a quite funny sentence.
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Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Really felice? Now the story is always right? One of our last arguments you claimed that this story was full of unbelieveble stupid people and that was breaking your suspension of disbelief. Now that i partially agree with your statement you denied it?
You love to have pointless arguments, do you?
I don't. I like to argue with a goal, wich is a mutual rational agreement where two people end with the same opinion regardless of what that opinion is as long as it'is the best. Sometimes it cannot be done but i always try and when i cannot means that i fail.

Well, not all stories can be always right. Sometimes a story contradict itself and then at some point it is wrong. Couse the only thing that is ever right is logic.
Also, you should not confuse "what you see" with "what it is".
You see Derek as an idiot, i dont. Who is right? well we will see, but at least one of us is seeing things wrong, or both.

Finally, when you analize a story there a lot more things that what is shown. Historical context, author's background, meta-narrative, narrative influences, narrative structure, public expectative.
It is Derek stupid? maybe but DPC sayd that he identified with him. I don't think DPC is stupid or that he sees himself as one. Then i dont think Derek is meant to be stupid, just goofy.
Yet if DPC sayd that Derek is stupid then it will be canonical to say that he is, regardless of my opinions over inteligence and stupidity.

"Maya needs someone to assist her in everything not just because she's the damsel in distress in the story"

"Damsel in distress". What an awfull expression. It is a discursive artifact made to blame the victim. You guys are going to somehow make me feminist even after all the fight that i put against thoose people.
I don't think thats your concient intention but it still is what it is.

Maya need help in one problem she has. That's not the same as everything. And that's how fiction works. If your understatement over someone needing help is to disqualified them putting the blame on him, calling "damsel in distress" and stupid then you will have a hard time reading any work of fiction.
Personally, you are cool felice, but beetween literature and you, i choose literature one millon times.

No, he didnt. He sayd Quinn uses the girls. Maya ask the obvious question, ¿how? and he never answer. Later Maya include MC in the plan as a collaborator. So, why Maya was stupid couse she forgot to ask and yet the MC get free couse he forgot to tell?. He had every information to knew that Maya's "dream" was to become a prostitute, yet he didnt explain that detail to her friend.
Later he become both her collaborator and her kinda "boyfriend". So, he wasnt smart enough to figure that the "free tuition" meant prostitution? or he wasn't smart enough to figure that her prude girlfriend will not accept prostitution? Why he collaborate with a plan that was not going to work and actually didn't?.

Man i literally answer that question the last post. They are friends, felice. You dont want your friends to fail and get out of college. That's why. You dont want to loose your girlfriend. That doesn't mean to be someone guardian for the love of god. That's the minimum friends do for each other, give advice, provide critial information and offer guide in difficult moments. But it is even worst, they were knowingly collaborating with that plan. They were a part of it, a team.

So, for you Josy didn't give a fuck Maya's position (wich is clearly not true "I give a fucking diarrea about you" Josy dixit). But she wanted to join the HOT's. She told Maya that the plan for the "free tuition" is excelent and will solve all thier problems, but the only thing she wanted was to join the HOT's. Lovely girl.

About the last question... is clear that for you guys to conclude "It is Maya fault" is an imporant thing. So let's talk about fault.

It is Patrick fault. Primarialy couse he started all of this and with malice.
Then it is DPC fault for building a story that doesnt have sense and does not takes into account details.

Then came the plot holes, and there if you insist in cannonized them:

Then it was also Maya fault for not asking, (happy?)
Then it is Quinn fault for having and ilegal ring and to fool Maya and not even clarified even when it was in her best interest.
You also get to Burkes fault for allowing and using this ring.
Then it is MC fault for being a shitty or stupid friend.
Then it is Josy fault for being a stupid friend.
Finally it is also Sage fault for living in Candy land when her sorority was being taken by an ilegal ring.
:unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure:
where would be the contradiction? precisely because for me the story is always right that there are scenes that I don't particularly like because they put my suspension of disbelief to the test. otherwise I would decide which are the things that happen and which are the things that are faked.

the fact that Maya knows that her father has the keys to her room doesn't make Maya look good to me, but since it happens I have to accept it.
the same way I accept that Sage decides to ask MC for another chance after seeing his bulging shorts

some things I like, others less (and if possible I avoid them in the runs), but I accept them all

then of course the interpretation of what we see can be different from person to person, and can also change over time when new elements are added.

"damsel in distress" is a narrative archetype (like the hero, the master, the deus ex machina etc) since the world exists, it's a bit old-fashioned but present in many past and present stories. it's not that if you use it for Maya it becomes despicable.

the negative judgement is all your prejudice, Maya's narrative role is that, all the princesses of the classic fairy tales are damsels in distress

Mc warns Maya, that's a fact, that MC knows that Quinn wants to make her a restaurant girl is your interpretation that I don't share (until proven otherwise girls are voluntary). MC warns her about Quinn, and the fact that he later (could) offers to help her is also meant to defend her from the danger Quinn poses.

what danger does Maya run in completing the scavenger hunt? for me pratically none, she has MC and Josy by her side, they found the ruse to not leave evidence in Quinn's hands, at best it will prove to be all a waste of time.
it's naive to think that free tuition existed, but i don't see any danger in completing the scavenger hunt (which on balance proves to be a good idea anyway giving Josy a place to "hide" and putting Maya on Sage's radar)

I'm sorry that you like BADIK so little.
4.80 star(s) 1,608 Votes