VN - Ren'Py - Being a DIK [v0.10.1] [DrPinkCake]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I consider myself now rather experienced reagrding VN-s and games in general.
    Acting Lessons was rather good, but it seemed like a "testrun" compared to this one. The depicted characters have so much personality, so much depth, it is really one of a kind. And it is not just the renders. Some renders(like Isabella) are really breathtakingly beautiful. Other ones not so much, like Jill. Nevertheless, due to all of the characters having complex personalites, the effect of those renders isjust a nice to have. I mean I find Jill's not so well done, I have seen her modell elsewhere already, but still, due to her personality I have to say she is one of my favourites, a real lady with class. This shows quite well, that it is the writing and the distinct personalities, which give life to the whole "construct". I am rather intrigued how the story will turn out and if it will have a more tragis tone like Acting Lessons had...Hopefully not.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I am really enjoying this game: it has a story (in both being a DIK and being a CHIK paths - I've not tried the neutral path and as I like this game so much, I'm saving that path for a rainy day (that's Brit speak for saving something for a special time) and some excellent fap scenes (Quinn I think I might love and hate you…)

    I feel a connection with the characters in the game which is very rare as I play some adult games for similar reason that I go to porn sites.

    So I highly recommend this game – it is my favourite on f95 – and I have played over 100 games so far so have a reasonable sample size J

    Looking through some of the reviews makes me wonder how much of the game the reviewers have played.

    Drako: I have found the DIK and CHIK paths to give some very different scenes (library with Isabella in episode 3 for example)

    Alfred the Fallen: the MC is not a trained MMA fighter – his father taught him to fight and given his father was learning how to fight himself, I’m surprised that the MC has the levels of fighting skills he sometimes shows. (Have a read of the books by Tom Wood about a professional assassin called Victor for a character who has training and is also totally ruthless in how he fights)

    Alfred the Fallen: I have had a sex scene with Maya that was anything but shallow (episode 3) and was definitely not a dream. I found it very moving.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I really want to give a nice review for this game which is amazing, but I want to give a female perspective of the game which maybe is more rare here?

    First, I really appreciate that the male character is at least decent looking (he's not super hot to me, but he's good looking enough to want to fuck if his personality and confidence interested me) and can stand up for himself. I am tired of always seeing these pathetic looking male characters that I wouldn't want to touch with a ten foot pole, so thank you for letting me play as a decent male!

    Second, the girls. I can identify with one of them very much in myself and a lot of my friends with many of the others so it's a lot of fun for me to see characters that are different both in looks and personality. They are fleshed out with great motivations and background so far! The renders are really amazing, and the animations are great too!

    I know I am not going to get as emotionally invested in the girls because I could only really likely get totally into and/or love a male while I look as the females as kind of "fuck buddies" like Sage phrased it. :) So, I probably won't care what happens as much to the girls but I bet most people will get totally invested in these girls even emotionally!

    The plot isn't perfect to me, but the writing is good and really makes you want to see what happens next, always the sign of a good story!

    Play this game! Thank you to the dev for making the rare game that I can enjoy playing a male :)
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    this game is so overrated , it is a good game not a great game or a masterpiece , the renders are the best thing high quality whith hot models (most of them ) average story not impressive , poor game play the story is the same whether you choose being a dick or a chick no big consequence of your actions or multi paths which is confusing , some models are forced on the mc like maya even that i like many others more then her , i was expecting way more then a good renders with all the hype on this game .
    Likes: Jubz
  5. 2.00 star(s)

    Alfred the Fallen


    The game has very high production quality when it comes to graphics and music, but it is rather disappointing once you get past the surface due to the weak story and pathetic main character.

    The player character is supposed to be a trained MMA fighter, but he gets wedgied at school like a nerd in an 80's movie and he later breaks down and cries in front of the hot librarian. So humiliation is big part of the game, no matter what you choose. There is even a scene where a heroin junkie tries to rape you and the only way to avoid it is by being force fed a used condom. The whole MMA fighting aspect of the game doesn't really fit well anywhere. There are a couple of story related fights where you automatically lose, even if you win the minigame, because the author needs the player to lose in order to setup his story. So I don't know why they even bother to put that illusion of control in there when what you choose clearly doesn't matter. This is an ongoing issue with many choices in the game, not something isolated with fights.

    As for the fighting minigame itself, it's currently way too hard for me to beat on the easy setting. It might have been possible if the arrows were colour coded, or if the game wasn't completely stacked against you, but as it stands now I had to mod the game to put an extra half a second on all the timers to make it a challenge instead of it being straight up bullshit. You can earn and spend money in the various minigames, as well as during the actual game itself, but the system is severely hampered by the fact that you can't have more than five $'s at once. So if you invest into fighting skills and earning money through perfect test scores, most of that extra money you earn will be lost if you aren't spending it right away. Of course, if you do spend it, you run the risk of not having enough for scenes in the actual game where it is required at times.

    There is a morality system (of sorts) in the game but you still don't have a whole lot of control over the player character because the author needs him to do certain things in order to set up the plot twists he has planned out. So the player character is always going to be smitten with the main girls, even if you don't like them. None of the five main girls are decent romance options because they are all either using you, lying to you, reject you for someone else, or break your trust in a big way. So there isn't any romance in the game yet, and the future isn't looking to hot either. At this point, the only romance I would be interested in seeing is one with Cathy, but that's a long shot as she is just a side character.

    The girls all look good (some much more so than others), but the sex scenes are shallow because they are devoid of any deeper feelings. The majority of the sex scenes in the game are either with whores that you paid for or they are only dream sequences. Those scenes are all smoothly animated, but many of those animations are awkward and unnatural. The regular character dialogue is quite good, but the overall story is very weak and the melodramatic internal monologues are horrifyingly terrible. Seriously, the one about doors at the end of chapter three reads like something a twelve year old emo kid would think is deep.

    All things considered, there are issues with every aspect of this very superficial game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I started this game thinking its just another porn game but i was so wrong.This game does eerything right the animations,the story the characters are simply perfect.The story provides many twists that make the waiting between releases unbereable.Just try this game and let dr pink cake amaze you with their talent.In my honest opinion its the best vn game out there
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, it's been a long time since I've been so excited with a game.
    First of all, the quality of images is outstanding. Even more for the wide array of girls shown in the game. It sure must be one hell of a job to not only to dedicate work to so many details on their faces, bodies, clothes, poses, settings and the high quality of the renders, but also doing it for so many characters.
    Then, it is a great example of a game outside of the inc*st fad which abounds these days. What's more, I thinkg it's one of the first games here in which a male main character has a good relationship with his father. Wow! It would look ironic if I clapped this, if not for how rare this is.
    Also, I'd like to remark the high quality of the script, which sounds realistic, plausible, modern, and it doesn't resort to fantasy/magic/chemical drugs/medieval themes/super naive characters to add sexual, personal and social relations among the characters.
    Finally, one of the things that amazed me was how much content was included in a 0.3 release. This is exceptional, with so many games out there in which you have to wait until 0.5 for the MC to get laid. In this, I think that there is a wait between the unsuccesful making out scene with Josy and MC finally getting some release, but it's not exasperating and adds momentum to the game.
    I would like to add two more things about the game:
    One is that I think the build quality of it has improved, since I had tried a previous version and I was stuck at the start with renpy errors.
    And second, I hope that developers don't grow tired of it and start releasing less frequently. I know quality takes time, but I've seen this happens.
    Meanwhile, I'll keep playing different paths with such great content available, but please keep the good work!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    oh man, what a game
    The renders and the animations are one of the best I have ever seen in porn games.
    The story is excellent and very well written.
    So far my fav character in all porn games is Isabella really well done with the character development.
    The BEST thing is every update have tons amount of content and I love it
    Nice music collection.
    This game by far is the best 10/10.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    easily the best porn game out there -
    great renders and animations,
    great writing (no broken english or cringy/unfitting "funny" lines),
    fitting/credited music,
    properly playtested (no broken saves every update or choices that lead to the game crashing),
    and most importantly: tons of content every update
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    It is by far the best Game I played.
    The Renders and the Animations are Top Notch.
    The Story gets from Update too Update alot more interesting.
    The Character Models look super Good.
    And in my Opinion the MC looks quite nice when you see other Games MC.
    Im just not a Fan of his Haircut.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I didn't expect to be as engaged by this game as I've become.
    The graphics and models are top notch as is the gameplay.
    If you're not a fan of the minigames you can choose to turn them off by choice as you start the game.

    The story has turned out to be very good and pulls you in, as can be seen by the threads activity.
    Characters are also well contructed with their own needs and wants and as a player you feel like what you decide matter in the grand scheme of things.

    10/10 will play several times on several paths.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    gertru 90

    Dr PinkCake seems to be the best game developer. After a great game like Acing Lessons, he is doing a much better game here with Being a Dik.
    Defenitely it's a game to make history in porn games.
    It has awesome renders, awesome animations. Every update is better than the previous one and their size has nothing to envy to complete other games.
    It has an entertaining and very funny history. And it's characters have a good background history making them very interesting.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The best erotic game ever. Period. Well written, great renders, great storyline, pacing is fantastic and there are actual game mechanics that mean choices actually matter in the long run.

    If you haven't played this I can't recommend it to you more! The breaking bad of the porn world.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best VN currently in development when you consider the amount of sheer sexual content, exceedingly high quality renders and overall visual presentation, all driven by compelling characters and a sufficiently good narrative to hold everything together and drive the story forward.

    Dr PinkCake deserves every penny of Patreon support he receives for this game (and more). Once complete, it could very well compete for the best VN ever published.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    After finishing version 0.3.0 I've come to the conclusion that this game is the BEST erotic game as of now. Ofcourse, tastes differ but you cannot go wrong with Being a DIK. Extremely well written, amazing art and great, unique and memorable characters.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Acting Lessons was one of my all-time favourite games, with high-quality content, perfectly complemented by a brilliant storyline.

    Naturally, when I heard that Dr PinkCake was releasing a new game, I was thrilled! I've only played through the first episode so far, but man - I'm happy to note the same high production value, engaging characters and brilliant humorous undertones. I look forward to playing through the rest of the current version of the game!

    The fact that the creator is able to pull these VNs off single-handedly speaks volumes about his genius, too. 5 stars!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    There is so much work put into this game. I cant believe we play this for free.
    Like, for real, the creators of this game have really thought out the story in a hollywood romantic movie kinda way. I downloaded this game just to fap but then literally fell in love with the charecters. There is a perfect balance of comedy and seriousness.

    I would really urge the one who came up with the story to do something they truly love because that kind of story telling is a gift not many of us possess.

    Besides story telling, the renders and the animations...the whole flow of this game is perfect.

    Do keep up the good work people.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game, one of the best I've ever played!
    The writing is great and well developed, all characters look quite autentic and real, the minigames are quite decent and complicated. The detail level and the graphics are amazing, well drawed models, looks like they were done with love and dedication.
    Can't wait for the rest of the updates!
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    A lot of my problems are very subjective but thought i'd leave a review for like minded people, plus I told some of the lovely people I chat to here i'd see how I felt about after the third update.

    Seems my opinion hasn't changed.

    I was going to give it a 2 but i'll give credit where it's due, the dev puts effort in and the updates are substantial enough to be well worth playing and with content enjoyable enough for people that like this kind of thing.

    The characters are my biggest problem.

    I don't like the MC at all. I can't point to any specific thing I just don't click or empathise with him at all. At first I thought it was a gender issue and being a lass was the disconnect but I play a lot of games with male MC's and don't have this issue. I just can't find anything I like about the guy.

    Same goes for his friend. I know a lot of people here have that 2bro" thing going on but, and this might be a gender issue, I don't get it. He's immature and annoying as fuck. I'd had enough of him by the end of the first chapter.

    And now the big issue ...... the girls.

    I don't care about any of the main girls which, for a dating sim, is a very glaring issue. The only girls that stood out to me as interesting are some of the side girls with the main one being Quinn. Were she to be one of the main girls I probably wouldn't have the issues I have now.

    None of the main 5 stand out at all. By the end of the third I like a couple of the girls even less than I did to start with and it's not for "betrayal" reasons, I wasn't annoyed at the reveal in fact it quite pleased me that something like that happened but it did make those girls look like awful people if you follow certain paths.

    The story didn't grab me either. It's typical teen college drama with frats and sorority's which is an American thing that we don't have here so I don't get the point of them. They always struck me as very cultish. The whole college setting isn't exactly exciting either.

    As I said it's very subjective and my points won't be the same as others.

    The one shining light in all this is the one and only girl that stood out at all and that's Quinn. A lot of what goes on revolves around her some way yet she's relegated to side girl status and that is the single biggest let down of the game. The fact that one of the most interesting characters in the game is side content when far, far weaker characters are main character status, it's very disappointing.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Thanks to this game I can barerly enjoy other games now. Being a DIK takes adult games into an evolution! The writing is very good. The cliffhangers are on point. The way the story is presented and the angles of the scenes makes it feel like a deepening experience. Dr PinkCake, keep it up!