
Active Member
Dec 12, 2017
I think I have found out the true revelation of EP7. In EP7, Josy determines which family the MC belongs to. If played correctly, the MC is a hybrid of Burgmeister, Royce, Roberts and Smith.

The cool thing is that despite all this, the MC can get a harem without incest. DPC removes the incest law and goes over to the consanguinity calculation.

Incest consanguinity values
- 0.50 Family members of 1 degree. Parents and children
- 0.25 Family members 2 degrees. Grandparents, grandchildren, siblings.

This is under penalty and will not have DPC in the game.

According to the law, a consanguinity value below 0.25 biological is allowed, because the lower the consanguinity value is, the less there will be deformities in children born from such connections.

What does this have to do with the MC?
After the first sex possibility of Josy and the MC, Josy has her Walk of Shame. She gives the Royce sign with her finger. She confirms that one of them is a Royce. But who?

The Burgmeister and Royce have peculiarities about them. The Royces get horny while they sleep. We know this from Jill when the MC sleeps over without a helmet. The Burgmeister are seducers. But that doesn't decide what happened that one night. Do not worry Jill fans, it goes further. In the second sex choice the MC can make, there are three possibilities.

- If the MC goes to Josy in the pool, Josy becomes a Royce and Lana lives.
- If the MC goes to Quinn, the MC becomes a nobody. This could be the families losing way.
- However, if the MC goes to Maya, he somehow seduces Maya into sex and he becomes a Burgermeister. Who did the MC get the TV from?

Fuck the wall. What does this guy want from us?
You guys need to pay more attention to the details.

When the MC connects with Josy during the backyard party, she gives us all a sign. A slightly raised ring finger, of the left hand. I can already hear the wedding bells (screenshot 1). After the MC fucked Josy while he was sleeping, there is another finger sign from Josy. A slightly raised index finger (screenshot 2). How now?

- outstretched index finger 0.50 consanguinity
- extended little finger (Bella) 0.25 consanguinity
- slightly raised index finger MC<0.25 consanguinity

This can't be, how can it be? 3 of 5.
There are several families in BaD that we are aware of. Roberts, Burke, Royce, Burgmeister, Rox, and Smith. I'm not sure about Rox, that could be Quinn's father's first name. There are 2 colleges. Burgmeister & Royce and Smith & Readme (I assume Roberts because otherwise Burke wouldn't be at B&R). No not Isabella Roberts, but James Roberts. So we have four big names. 4 out of 5. Now how do we get to 5 out of 5? Lynette.

- Burgmeister and Royce have a child together. let's assume it's a son.
- Smith and Roberts have a child together, let's assume it's a daughter.
- Son (B&R) and daughter (S&R) make child. Let's call it Lynette. 5 out of 5.

But that's not enough for our MC to get a harem, if that's what he wants. Yes, that's where the DIK/CHICK scale comes in. (Screenshot 3)
The left image is on the DIK side. Who do we see? A woman whose picture was painted a little while ago. 3 of 5. On the right picture (Chick side) we see an old battle from the 19th century.

Oh yes. In EP8 we go to the fitness center. There the MC is tested, whether Smith and/or Robert's genes are also in him. Just compare the corridors of Bella's college review. OMG.:rolleyes::unsure::geek::eek:
I have no idea what just happend :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2021
in a porn game fucking anyone is a very relative fault...
If I'm interested in Bella but couldn't resist Cathe why would I give it up? I'm choosing who I care about the most and eventually replaying a piece of history. I don't think it's cheating...

The only game where it happened to me is the DIK game, but in the end I decided it's ok, in no other game will I be able to devote myself to teachers for one reason or another, I do it for the science.
Your devotion to supporting education professionals is commendable. :p


Devoted Member
May 17, 2020
Extremely unlikely, Tommy wouldn't have the balls. He acts like banging Arieth was a big thing but isn't even the first DIK to fuck her. He's actually very impressed by the fact the MC dares pursue Sage.

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Tommy keeps bragging every time he fucked someone ( Tania for example ), if he had fucked Sage in the past he wouldn't stop remind it. That's the whole point with Sage, most guys in the campus wouldn't dare to do anything with her in fear of Chad. She showed interest in the MC because he showed no fear facing Chad in the first place.
unfortunately both the hypothesis that Chad was more 'warm' at the beginning of the relationship and that Sage had other fuckbuddies I don't think will ever be confirmed in the story.

the fact remains that Sage, who can't resist for 5 minutes with MC, it's not credible that she resisted a couple of years of abstinence

Your devotion to supporting education professionals is commendable. :p
the education system must always be supported
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Engaged Member
Jul 7, 2017
The only think I can understand is you are trying to make a theory that every character in BaDIK is interconnected by blood relationships. Are the families you mentioned some sort of Adam&Eve of this game??
It's about which family the MC belongs to. DPC has found a way to legally circumvent Patreon's incest rule.

MC mother Lynette is the key to this. That's probably why she had to die.

Now if Lynette were related by blood to all four major families, the inheritance would be monstrous. Now let Lynette's parents also be deceased. Then somewhere there is a Scrooge McDuck safe. Every time one of the four big families dies, that Scrooge McDuck safe gets fuller and no one can get at that money. It may only be known that Lynette had a son. But what if no one knows who it is?

But now everyone wants to get the money. Who should the MC marry now. Our horny criminal Quinn, who does not belong to any of the families. Maybe Isabella Roberts, but she's not a native Roberts. Sage Burgmeister would also be good. With Jill we know she is a Royce. But what about Josy and Maya. We don't know their last names. Which of the two is named Smith? Or maybe Isabella Smith? DPC has made it so that Josy's and Maya's last names are revealed by the game play. But each wants the MC. The gold at the end of the rainbow. The 5 out of 5.

MC is the Limited Edition.
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Engaged Member
Aug 4, 2020
For all those debating Sage and Chad's love life. I'm guessing DPC has left it vague for two reasons:
  1. If you are the kinda person to get all upset because Sage cucked you (before you ever met her) by having sex with Chad, you can believe she didn't because nothing concrete has been presented to indicate they definitely did.
  2. If you are the kinda person that doesn't care about a girlfriend's previous experience, and can't imagine someone like Sage (a horny chick by her own admission) not having sex for at least two years, then you can believe she did have sex with Chad, because there's no concrete evidence that she didn't.
That way everyone wins. We know she's had sex with other guys, we just don't know about Chad.

I don't think Sage cheated on him though, since she took cheating very seriously and only started to think it was OK for her to do it since Chad was cheating on her in the first place.

I don't know if it's because I played through this game in a relatively short period of time (found it a bit over a week ago) or because I'm just that invested, but I feel like I'm experiencing withdrawal now that I'm in the Episode 8 waiting room like everyone else.
Yep, totally went through that after episode 5, except I was lucky the next release came only two months after I first discovered the game.

The 5 months wait between episode 6 and 7 was definitely a pain in the ass.

By the time episode 7 came around this thread had turned into nonsense, with idiotic theories abounding all over the place, unfortunately that started pretty early in this wait for episode 8... :rolleyes:

Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
No biggie, you could try any of the saves we have around here,
experience shenanigans on routes you might not have taken up until now.
I don't know if it's because I played through this game in a relatively short period of time (found it a bit over a week ago) or because I'm just that invested, but I feel like I'm experiencing withdrawal now that I'm in the Episode 8 waiting room like everyone else.
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Canto Forte

Post Pro
Jul 10, 2017
Should chad be the usual gay dumb lucky bastard, to have guys falling 4 him 4 some ungodly reason,
but personality wise he would just love to hang around gurls and talk everything with them,
would the sheer fact he would see so many gurls aside his GF, while denying her intimacy,
not be grounds for break up / inatant thought he is a serial cheater?

If you had a friend that you thought was exclusive to you, like you were something special,
but you found out she was also wining and dining a lotta other babes,
taking time from your life together, not telling you what she talked about,
becasue she was actualy, behind your back, trying to get into many gurls pants,
how would you react to that?
For all those debating Sage and Chad's love life. I'm guessing DPC has left it vague for two reasons:
  1. If you are the kinda person to get all upset because Sage cucked you (before you ever met her) by having sex with Chad, you can believe she didn't because nothing concrete has been presented to indicate they definitely did.
  2. If you are the kinda person that doesn't care about a girlfriend's previous experience, and can't imagine someone like Sage (a horny chick by her own admission) not having sex for at least two years, then you can believe she did have sex with Chad, because there's no concrete evidence that she didn't.
That way everyone wins. We know she's had sex with other guys, we just don't know about Chad.

I don't think Sage cheated on him though, since she took cheating very seriously and only started to think it was OK for her to do it since Chad was cheating on her in the first place.

Yep, totally went through that after episode 5, except I was lucky the next release came only two months after I first discovered the game.

The 5 months wait between episode 6 and 7 was definitely a pain in the ass.

By the time episode 7 came around this thread had turned into nonsense, with idiotic theories abounding all over the place, unfortunately that started pretty early in this wait for episode 8... :rolleyes:
She would still never tell you why.


Engaged Member
Oct 20, 2020
unfortunately both the hypothesis that Chad was more 'warm' at the beginning of the relationship and that Sage had other fuckbuddies I don't think will ever be confirmed in the story.

the fact remains that Sage, who can't resist for 5 minutes with MC, it's not credible that she resisted a couple of years of abstinence
Yes, that part of Sage's story never seemed believable to me. My suspension of disbelief doesn't suspend that much. I think Chad/Sage sex lessened over time as Chad emerged from the closet until eventually Sage sex slacked off to zero (probably when Troy started putting on regular lingerie shows for Chad :BootyTime: ).

My actual theory is Chad/Sage had little to no sex over the summer break, which wouldn't be unusual if they live far apart. Chad started hooking up with Troy, perhaps over the summer. When autumn semester classes began, Sage's jet engine was ready to go, but Chad was like nah, I'm good.....and gay. Without any lovin' for months, Sage goes into fiery, sexually frustrated, jealous, ginger mode. The summer break separation would be the only logical (believable) reason for a sexless relationship of that duration, while still remaining in said relationship.

the education system must always be supported


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2019
The drama around Sage is that she still loves Chad and is probably ready to wait for him. In episode 7, during a conversation with the main character, she admitted that she was ready to wait for such a guy for several months. The main intrigue is whether the main character will tell about Chad or not. It is obvious that he is looking directly at them and they will eventually notice him. The fact that he was blackmailed by his orientation is obvious. But why did Chad decide that it was the main character who was blackmailing him? Who benefits from blackmail? I'm thinking Burke.
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Jun 16, 2021
Wow, This game is awesome! I really liked it and can't wait for the next update!
The waiting game begins..
Cause Burke has fucked three students which I think to be Riona, Quinn and an unknown girl.
Quinn setup Mona with Burke which means she does know Burke sponsors education for needy girls and Quinn could have been a part of it. Remember that at least Quimn doesn't come from a rich/middle class family and her background(drugs and junkies) wouldn't get her a loan easily.
The prostitution ring Sarah, Mel, Riona, Camila, Riona and Quinn do to make money on side and make their lifestyle easier and Quinn Riona takes a cut from it too.
I don't see Quinn as a girl who would fuck Burke though. I would be pretty dissappointed if she did!
That's an extremely poor explanation, I´m afraid. I know most of the people here are fans of this game. I´m too (well, mostly... I´m playing right now the "CHIK" path with Jill and it´s cheesy as fuck. That scene of the picnic and the horses... :cautious: ) but I think we shouldn´t always be so eager to justify the writer.

Mona doesn´t take the phone, so Sage doesn´t even care any more about her... She could, at least, talk with the HOTs that were close with her, try to understand why she left so suddenly after being accepted in the sorority, even try to talk with her family... But it´s all about Maya. Because it has to be, for plot purposes, even if it doesn´t make any sense. That part is extremely poorly written. It would only have some sense if the MC is not at all into Sage's path.

Why Sage would be so eager to get involved into the life of the ex-lover of his lover? (again, Sage knows that the MC had a story with Maya if the MC goes to live with her after leaving Maya's room) Just because Maya leaving make the HOTs look bad? Poorly written.

It´s like the MC being suddenly best friend of Chad and helping him with his problems, in spite of the harm that did to Sage. Even if the writer forces the MC to forgive Maya and they have to be friends (something that, equally, is really poorly written. The fucking MC has to be a saint or something, forgiving so easily humiliations and lies from women he has been in love?), it´s really weird that the new romantic interest of the MC is so eager to trust, befriend and help the MC´s old romantic interest. The most I think about that scene of Sage being so nice and caring about Maya, someone that barely knows and has reasons to not to be so fond about, the worst it looks to me. Sage is also a saint, suddenly? And she knows how to get thousands of dollars for the tuition of students? Why she doesn´t help first Riona, Camila, or even the MC? The MC is going to have to get into debt to pay his own tuition... but Maya, the drama queen, is more important for Sage? Again, only makes (kind of) sense if the MC and Sage have cero relationship, like a "massive CHIK" gameplay.

The writer trying so hard to inspire the player that artificial heartwarming feeling with scenes like this one (and others even worse) is going to destroy the game. Sage was the only female character among the students that is not either a bitch, a slut, or a so-sweet-that-gives-diabetes brat and/or prude, but it seems that the writer is loosing her.
It is possible we just don't see the things Sage does to get in touch with Mona.
Is Jill asian or half asian?
Half Michael Jackson
Yeah, but what he say it actually true :ROFLMAO: . MC is not officially in a relationship:p, but these are Temptation for us for the "Players " :devilish:. and These decisions will bite us in the ass later . You need to say no to her. (y)
No to Lily? Blasphemy!
of all of us , You should see the details and know :cool:, it is definitely not Quinn's feet. I'm disappointed, How could you mistake Quinn's nice feet, with that Abomination ? :ROFLMAO: .
I don't think Quinn fucked with Tommy, Tommy def wants to tho.
On a side note, in that scene with Quinn and Riona, I always felt Riona looked strange at the end of it, like she knew she was being used or something... Maybe she was just worn out, but she really doesn't look happy.
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I always wonder about that too.
Maybe someone can make sense of it. To the banner.

Burgmeister a cock with three fat veins and cum three times.:unsure:

Royce three times alpha.:unsure:

View attachment 1306652
i look at genocides & places with high crime rates in general & I don't see christianity having anything to do with it.

In fact christianity is so non-threatening muslims would have gotten rid of it if not for the mongol invasion.

& he's right, media & academia loves talking shit about Jesus, that's cause they don't fear christians, which pretty much means they're tolerant, Mohammed on the other hand...
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My talking of absinth post got removed but this gets to stay? Why mods?
I think I have found out the true revelation of EP7. In EP7, Josy determines which family the MC belongs to. If played correctly, the MC is a hybrid of Burgmeister, Royce, Roberts and Smith.

The cool thing is that despite all this, the MC can get a harem without incest. DPC removes the incest law and goes over to the consanguinity calculation.

Incest consanguinity values
- 0.50 Family members of 1 degree. Parents and children
- 0.25 Family members 2 degrees. Grandparents, grandchildren, siblings.

This is under penalty and will not have DPC in the game.

According to the law, a consanguinity value below 0.25 biological is allowed, because the lower the consanguinity value is, the less there will be deformities in children born from such connections.

What does this have to do with the MC?
After the first sex possibility of Josy and the MC, Josy has her Walk of Shame. She gives the Royce sign with her finger. She confirms that one of them is a Royce. But who?

The Burgmeister and Royce have peculiarities about them. The Royces get horny while they sleep. We know this from Jill when the MC sleeps over without a helmet. The Burgmeister are seducers. But that doesn't decide what happened that one night. Do not worry Jill fans, it goes further. In the second sex choice the MC can make, there are three possibilities.

- If the MC goes to Josy in the pool, Josy becomes a Royce and Lana lives.
- If the MC goes to Quinn, the MC becomes a nobody. This could be the families losing way.
- However, if the MC goes to Maya, he somehow seduces Maya into sex and he becomes a Burgermeister. Who did the MC get the TV from?

Fuck the wall. What does this guy want from us?
You guys need to pay more attention to the details.

When the MC connects with Josy during the backyard party, she gives us all a sign. A slightly raised ring finger, of the left hand. I can already hear the wedding bells (screenshot 1). After the MC fucked Josy while he was sleeping, there is another finger sign from Josy. A slightly raised index finger (screenshot 2). How now?

- outstretched index finger 0.50 consanguinity
- extended little finger (Bella) 0.25 consanguinity
- slightly raised index finger MC<0.25 consanguinity

This can't be, how can it be? 3 of 5.
There are several families in BaD that we are aware of. Roberts, Burke, Royce, Burgmeister, Rox, and Smith. I'm not sure about Rox, that could be Quinn's father's first name. There are 2 colleges. Burgmeister & Royce and Smith & Readme (I assume Roberts because otherwise Burke wouldn't be at B&R). No not Isabella Roberts, but James Roberts. So we have four big names. 4 out of 5. Now how do we get to 5 out of 5? Lynette.

- Burgmeister and Royce have a child together. let's assume it's a son.
- Smith and Roberts have a child together, let's assume it's a daughter.
- Son (B&R) and daughter (S&R) make child. Let's call it Lynette. 5 out of 5.

But that's not enough for our MC to get a harem, if that's what he wants. Yes, that's where the DIK/CHICK scale comes in. (Screenshot 3)
The left image is on the DIK side. Who do we see? A woman whose picture was painted a little while ago. 3 of 5. On the right picture (Chick side) we see an old battle from the 19th century.

Oh yes. In EP8 we go to the fitness center. There the MC is tested, whether Smith and/or Robert's genes are also in him. Just compare the corridors of Bella's college review. OMG.:rolleyes::unsure::geek::eek:

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Conversation Conqueror
May 29, 2020
Sage having sex with Chad is icky. She must have been a pure virgin before the MC.
When you're not FB of Sage and you have sex with her in chapter 7, she clearly says that she hasn't had sex for a long time, if it wasn't with Chad, now the question is who was the last person she fucked? :ROFLMAO:


New Member
Apr 24, 2021
ok so my dumbass tried to go with everyone except sage, is it ok or would i get a bad ending? lmao forgot that there wasnt a harem option since this game just sat in my backlog and just forgot
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