People really need to stop acting like DPC is a literary genius.
He wrote a serviceable story for the game he's making, but it's not a masterpiece. It's not even competent really.
Why is Jill comically naive beyond the point of plausibility? Because she was written that way, not because somebody would be a junior in college and be that way. Why does she have no friends except Bella? Because she's written that way to be painfully shy, but not really in any instance that we have seen. Why does she live in the rich kid frat? Seriously, actually why does she? It makes no sense. Why is the fact that her family is rich and presumably big donors to the school some dark secret? For drama!
Why is Bella so mysterious about her past and where her husband is? For the intrigue. Is she an ax murderer? Did he die in a war? Nobody knows but it's supposed to be some big reveal.
Why does Maya need a cosigner for student loans? Because there needs to be conflict in the story, not because that's how student loans work. Why is she a lesbian? Well she's not really, seeing as in the first month of college she potentially hooked up with this dude. Thus proving her dad right that if she was separated from Josy she'd not be gay. Don't think DPC thought that out all the way.
Why is Josy dating Maya? It's a sex game and because if she wasn't there'd be no conflict in her story. Why do people cook up elaborate stories about how Josy and Tommy actually had sex or whatever and it ended badly so now they hate each other when in reality it would be much easier to assume they just have tension because they're a mixed family but despite that Tommy does see Josy as his little sister in some ways and her being there gets in the way of him having a good time? Again, because it's a sex game and everyone expects incest because they're demented little freaks. Just be happy you get to fuck coeds in the ass on the second date.
Sage is the only coherent LI. She's pissed off her boyfriend dumped her and won't tell her why. Has a bad temper about it.
This isn't even touching on the whole "Quinn is a drug dealer and Burke is a pimp" plotline.
"People really need to stop acting like DPC is a literary genius." - No they don't. The attention to detail to all the facets of the game is outstanding.
"It's not a masterpiece. It's not even competent really." - It's one of the most continuously entertaining games on this site. That's been achieved, among other things, due to the excellent literary style used throughout. I would go so far as to suggest it is an extremely competent creation.
"Why is Jill comically naïve beyond the point of plausibility? Because she was written that way, not because somebody would be a junior in college and be that way." - All characters in a story are created to service the plot. Jill is a sheltered, naïve woman. The seemingly obvious reason behind her sheltered upbringing was the untimely death of her rebellious sister.
"Why does she have no friends except Bella?" - Most of the girls at the college are total sluts. Not really Jill's kinda people. She befriends Josy quite easily. Nowhere has it been identified that she's painfully shy.
"Why does she live in the rich kid frat? Seriously, actually why does she? It makes no sense." - She's an honoured female guest in the frat. As a family member of the college's founders, it would make sense for the preps to invite her there to bolster their egos.
"Why is the fact that her family is rich and presumably big donors to the school some dark secret? For drama!" - It's not a secret. It's just that Jill realised the mc didn't know she was a Royce, it made her happy to know he liked her for her, and not because she was filthy rich.
"Why is Bella so mysterious about her past and where her husband is? For the intrigue." - That's kinda how you do intrigue; you don't tell the reader everything... Not sure how this can be an issue with the game.
"Why does Maya need a cosigner for student loans?" - She doesn't. Her dad tricked her into thinking she was locked into a loan so he could control her. It doesn't have to make sense to us, it's only require that Maya thinks she's over a barrel.
"Why is she a lesbian? Well she's not really, seeing as in the first month of college she potentially hooked up with this dude. Thus proving her dad right that if she was separated from Josy she'd not be gay. Don't think DPC thought that out all the way." - She's a bisexual girl who never had strong feeling with a guy before so she thought she was simply gay. Turns out the "girly" mc appeals to her. We know that because she discussed it with him.
Even though the dad's approach had the desired impact (from the dad's perspective), it doesn't mean the dad was right.
"Why is Josy dating Maya?" - It was an unexpected twist in the story. Lots of stories do that, it helps keep them interesting.
"Why do people cook up elaborate stories about how Josy and Tommy actually had sex or whatever..." - Hardly anyone is saying that. And most comments regarding incest are that there will be none in this game.
Seriously, all the answers to everything you're querying is in the game (except the Maya loan one).