I've skipped mini games in all my routes, I picked money from the ground, stole it from Maya's board (and used it to buy services from Quinn's restaurant, Maya didn't mind), DIK brothers' desk, and PinkRose's nasty sofa... I was confused when other people was talking about repairing mansion
, I wasn't given notice about this task in the game, how do you collect that much money?
The mansion repair management game is worth having a go at. All the other mini games are nothing much to write about.
If you skip the mini games, you always get this status update at the big DIK breakfast:
mc: "We're almost done repairing the damages to the mansion, but we still need quite a lot of money to cover the cost of the windows."
mc: "I'm not sure how much more we need to work, but given what we got since we started... Sadly... It could be a couple of more months."
Jacob: "Months!?"
Jamie: "That's not good. We're gonna freeze."
mc: "I wish I could tell you we could afford it faster, but I don't think we can unless we work harder for it."
Rusty: "Is it that bad?"
mc: "We're doing great with the teamwork and all, but yeah, the windows are expensive."
Rusty: "We'll think of something. For now, don't get demotivated, brothers. If anything, this should motivate you to work harder."
If you do it manually, there are numerous outcomes, ranging from pitiful:
mc: "We're working hard on the mansion, but not hard enough. We have a lot left to repair..."
mc: "Going by how fast we're working, it doesn't look like there will be a party here in more than a month."
Jacob: "What!? Is it that bad?"
Jamie: "No way!"
mc: "And regarding the windows and our budget...""
mc: "I can't sugarcoat this... I'm not sure we're gonna make it... We're earning too little."
mc: "Maybe if we give it all and focus on working, we can still earn enough money to repair it before it gets too cold outside."
Rusty: "That sounds alarming... Fuck..."
Rusty: "Let's keep working hard."
Rusty: "For now, don't get demotivated, brothers. If anything, this should motivate you to work harder."
To glorious:
mc: "We have worked hard on the mansion and accomplished so much! I would be surprised if this takes longer than a few weeks at max."
John Boy: "Wow! That's fantastic news, guys!"
mc: "And regarding the windows and our budget...""
mc: "You guys have been working so fucking hard that I've managed to put aside enough money for us to repair the windows."
Rusty: "Holy crap, that's some good news!"
Jacob: "We managed to save that much money this fast? It almost feels like we're cheating."
Rusty: "Let's keep working hard, guys."