I would expect the game to have three chapters with four episodes each. This I base on an old post by DPC where he said expect at least 10 episodes in the game. Of course it might be 10 with 4-3-3 per chapter. Anyway it might be pretty much any number, everything depends on how long he decides each episode or chapter to be.
The logic in me says that the first chapter is the introduction and maggot era, the next chapter the established college life where you start to decide your path and girls, and finally the endgame where you make your final decisions and live with them.
So far there has been four "major" choices, two in both episodes. If you have played full-on in either direction, you have so far eliminated only the Massive DIK/CHICK option. If you've done like me, you've eliminated 2 from both directions and still have the possibility for the extremes. So I would need at least 9 major DIK choices to eliminate the CHICK path completely. If DPC is consistent with the number of major choices per episode, it's an indication that this will be a looong game.