Personally, I'm still on the fence with the route locking. I feel that it would have been better to had it in Season 3, giving the player time to really think on it.
The thing I'm worried on is now that we're locked in, how frequently are we going to be tempted by the 'others', potentially screwing up the relationship, resulting in a 'bad end'.
DUDE IKR! I literally agree with everything you are saying. Like why make route locking a thing already when there’s a whole ass 3rd season on the way. Like I don’t wanna be stuck with the same one or two girl for the rest of playthough. Idk I find it odd in my opinion.
I've gone through Episode 8 with several different runs, and I think I've seen just about all there is to see without a guide. Now I need to sort out my thoughts on it.
This was definitely a large update. Yet somehow it feels extremely thin, as though the important parts were diluted by an unrelenting stream of high-gloss filler material. Worse, while several scenes were quite nice in and of themselves, the overall character/story progression was handled surprisingly gracelessly.
BaDIK hasn't felt this railroaded since Episode 4. Far too many of our choices were ignored or neutered, seemingly for no reason beyond a lack of imagination by DPC. The titular "crossroads" in the MC's relationships comes not as a natural result of our choices, nor even as the result of an external crisis a la Josy's arrival at the end of Episode 3. No, this crossroad is literally because the MC woke up one day and decided dating multiple girls was unworkable no matter what had been said before. The episode then abruptly ends before the MC can actually implement his decision, meaning there's a high likelihood we're going to be stuck doing this dance all over again as Season 3 unfolds.
As a result, my enthusiasm for Season 3 has diminished significantly. It feels like we're going to be stuck in endless loops as the main story is advanced drip by tiny drip. I've long wanted the MC to be able to commit to a single relationship, but that was always with the assumption that the game would branch sufficiently to reflect those differences. Between the ham-fisted "crossroads" and the revelations in the closing montage, I don't think that's going to happen anymore, and the rate at which it fails to happen is going to be glacially slow. That's not going to sit well as we wait 6+ months for the next installment to clean up this mess.
So yeah, overall I'm pretty down on Episode 8, and the game as a whole. Now let's look at the details, which means spoilers.
This is a great post. It also won't come as a surprise to Acting Lessons players, a game which had the same issues. A lot of constructive criticism about choices and the illusion of choice in that thread.
For this update, look at the difference with Sage. If you choose her, she asks why you'd want to stop being fuck buddies ( I dont) If you choose someone else, she talks about how much you mean to her. So now she wants to be more than fuck buddies not because of anything that happens, but because of the choice you make. It's fake, it reads fake.
With so many constraining variables, we players will ditch girls, which leads to, I dunno two "bombshells' dropped at the end of a season which don't mean much to people not pursuing those paths. That's the devs own doing. He's wrecking his own twists.
And yeah, I don't have much interest in playing a 5 gb update to find one scene with a girl, and then grind through 10 mini games for 4 hours again to get a scene with my number two girl. This is what this episode sets up, and if dpc goes back on the monogamy aspect? Then what was the point?
dev writes the best dialogue of anyone, has rendered the hottest chicks, but his stories and gameplay leave much to be desired.
I understand there will always be resource limitations, but that's part and parcel to being a game designer. You need to save your powder for the most important choices first and foremost. To continue the Mass Effect analogy, the decision to limit the ME2 teammates to a single side mission apiece (rather than being part of the team) in ME3 was a shame, but a good allocation of resources. The decision to limit the ME2 teammates to quick holo-cameos before the final battle was a more questionable allocation of resources. The decision to end the trilogy with a simple Red/Blue/Green choice of poorly explained options has to rank as one of the worst allocations of resources in video game history.
Looks like I'm stuck on a loop after reading the mom's diary...I got back to the date dinner with Isabella. I don't mind to fuck her again and again...but I miss advance in the game!
I'm dll the 8.1 and hoping it to solve the loop
Senior. Last year just like Sage i think. In this game the majority of LIs and sidefucks are considerably older then the MC. It might be the only think that bothers me in this near to perfect game.
Senior. Last year just like Sage i think. In this game the majority of LIs and sidefucks are considerably older then the MC. It might be the only think that bothers me in this near to perfect game.
ya That’s odd it’s like why even bother with a serious relationship if they are just gonna graduate and leave in a few months in game. Like kinda odd. damn I thought jill was a year younger then sage so thanks for clearing that up.
Sorry no. That's what I'm going to start now. Pure Jill, no one else. The pure Isabella and so on. I have a feeling this is how this game must be played. The mansion fix minigame is a bitch though. So tedious.