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The walkthroughs for Season 1 and Season 2 have been updated.
They cover episodes 1-4 and episodes 5-8, respectively.
I have reformatted the guides to increase legibility.
Enjoy, and thanks for your donation!
Enjoy guys
Thanks King
After a short perusal of the ep 8 walkthrough, I'm a bit disappointed with the reactivity of some things but even more confused about the Others path than I was previously
According to the walkthrough, the Others option is only available if you aren't in Josy's and Maya's relationship and don't have a successful relationship with Jill. Those are basically the requirements for chasing Quinn at this point but my concern is that the overall requirements for Others doesn't mention a single specific girl you had to have been with, does that mean that you can effectively bang none of the side girls and still get the Others path? That seems weirdly designed. Like, you can choose Others and if you have turned down or missed required scenes for Quinn/Lily/Nicole/etc. what exactly does the path consist of? Paying for sex from the restaurant/Madame? Is the Others path actually the Incel path?
Or is the Others path actually the Zoey path and DPC couldn't name it that because he put her cliffhanger after the choice?
I really wish DPC had just bit the bullet and turned the Others path into the Quinn path or Zoey path or at the very least named it something indicative of what it actually is like the Playboy path or something. 'Others' is too nebulous and it's gonna make discussion really confusing once that path starts and some of us are on the Others Quinn path and the Others non-Quinn path and the Others Quinn+Lily non-Nicole+Madame path.
My ultimate fear, given that it appears you can bang no one and still be on it, is that the Others path will just be the main story that every other main LI path gets concerning the diary and whatever, plus random and disconnected lewd scenes with whichever side girl you've banged to fill the quota. Essentially, instead of a coherent narrative built around a relationship, the Others path would just be the MC flitting from random lewd scene -> main story -> random lewd scene. The best case scenario would be an Others path where we get an actual story with Quinn and Lily and Nicole all bundled into one somehow but again seeing as how you can apparently skip all the girls and still be on the Others path I'm struggling to imagine the logistics of such a path.
I'm still waiting for someone big brained to allay all my fears about the Others path and explain it so my monkey brain can understand what will happen on it