
Well-Known Member
Aug 3, 2018
I don't think it's such a high-end prostitution ring.

If someone like Camilla limits herself to the glory holes, which until proven otherwise are only internal to the college, I don't see all this coming and going of rich people.

the accounts naturally don't add up and won't add up.... :ROFLMAO:
It's absolutely a high end prostitution ring. It's coming, count on it. Because, if the money for the scholarships was just missing completely, that WOULD get noticed, and pretty quick. But having the quid-pro-quo aspect of rich donors paying for the girls, that could be kept secret for a lot longer. I mean, hey, the money is all above board, right, so all the nefarious stuff is easy to keep quiet.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2019
After such cheap plot twists as the one that Sage is the adopted daughter of the Burkes, the probability that Neil is not the Tremolo's own father becomes so high that I am almost sure of it. The author hints at this more and more clearly.
1) In the introduction of the game says that family is not only a blood relationship. At first I thought it was about Dik's brotherhood, but after the 8th episode and the trends of the soap opera, this introduction is the obvious and main proof.
2) Sage is an adopted daughter.
3) Louis says that MC is like a mother, not a father.
4) Neil gets confused in his memories of Lynette
5) In his memories he behaves like Derek and it doesn't look like Lynette likes him
6)She ran away not because she liked Neil, but because she was pregnant and Neil, as a friend, decided to take her in for a while?
Another question is who can be the real father of MC. Burke will be of course too simple and cheap choice. I would bet on Rusty's father, because their relationship is more and more like a brotherly one. Rusty really behaves like an older brother towards Tremolo, cares about him and is interested in his opinion. Of course, this is just a guess since we didn't see Rusty's father and he was in the background. This is clearly not Royce, in which case we would have fallen into the incest trap.


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2018
I don't think it's her, but she could be. Your assuming that test would have been from just after she left? She could have gotten pregnant recently and the father decided to abandon them and that why she came back to her roots, or perhaps to her parents for help.
I'm explaining why it can't be the mc's kid.


Aug 19, 2018
After such cheap plot twists as the one that Sage is the adopted daughter of the Burkes, the probability that Neil is not the Tremolo's own father becomes so high that I am almost sure of it. The author hints at this more and more clearly.
1) In the introduction of the game says that family is not only a blood relationship. At first I thought it was about Dik's brotherhood, but after the 8th episode and the trends of the soap opera, this introduction is the obvious and main proof.
2) Sage is an adopted daughter.
3) Louis says that MC is like a mother, not a father.
4) Neil gets confused in his memories of Lynette
5) In his memories he behaves like Derek and it doesn't look like Lynette likes him
6)She ran away not because she liked Neil, but because she was pregnant and Neil, as a friend, decided to take her in for a while?
Another question is who can be the real father of MC. Burke will be of course too simple and cheap choice. I would bet on Rusty's father, because their relationship is more and more like a brotherly one. Rusty really behaves like an older brother towards Tremolo, cares about him and is interested in his opinion. Of course, this is just a guess since we didn't see Rusty's father and he was in the background. This is clearly not Royce, in which case we would have fallen into the incest trap.
He also looks just like Derek, and nothing like MC


Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2018
I would bet on Rusty's father, because their relationship is more and more like a brotherly one. Rusty really behaves like an older brother towards Tremolo, cares about him and is interested in his opinion.
No, younger brother. Constantlly seeking his approval, reveling in his praise and asking for his advice are traits of a younger brother. Rusty may be older but the mc is clearly more mature.


Sep 22, 2018
It's absolutely a high end prostitution ring. It's coming, count on it. Because, if the money for the scholarships was just missing completely, that WOULD get noticed, and pretty quick. But having the quid-pro-quo aspect of rich donors paying for the girls, that could be kept secret for a lot longer. I mean, hey, the money is all above board, right, so all the nefarious stuff is easy to keep quiet.
In my opinion Burke is the only "old man" which use the "restaurant" services. But he may use his influence to attract sponsors in exchange for other things like advertising or who knows...


Nov 27, 2021
I don't think it's one or the other. For all the faults Episode 4 had resolving it, I think the twist of Josy showing up as Maya's surprise girlfriend was good for the game. Likewise I think the destruction of the mansion in Episode 5 was a good moment that hit hard and paved the way for the MC's rise to glory; hosting the Halloween party wouldn't feel nearly as satisfying if the audience didn't share the sense of how tough the path back has been.

Of course, the flipside to this is that we need lulls in the drama to appreciate what's been lost or gained. If everything is balls-to-the-wall drama all the time, it loses its impact. Nothing is at stake if any winnings will immediately be imperiled before we can spend them. No sense worrying about any particular crisis, it's business as usual.

DPC excels in the slice of life material and struggles with high-stakes threats, but his instincts to have both is correct. He just needs to learn that less is sometimes more. If he keeps the scale personal most of the time and saves his powder for a few pivotal moments, he can get an even bigger narrative bang without having to strongarm the story into a series of convoluted crises.
My previous post (that I thought would has a lot of "facepalms", but has had a lot of "likes" instead) was a rant, and I was exaggerating a bit (only a bit). I don´t think that this game would be better without any drama and soap-opera narrative resources. But I do think that it has way to much of all that.

The story of Maya and Josy is, first of all, far fetched. The coincidence of Tremolo dating the two of them at the same time in different cities, and then Josy appearing suddenly in the worst moment... that`s cheap soap opera material at its finest. Second, the story of the cute, beautiful and wonderful with-candy-glass-and-a-cherry-on-the-top lesbian romance, ruined by an intolerant religious middle aged white man (the devil!!!) and the prejudices of the society, is a postmodern cliché that I hate. The same goes for the plotline of Chad and the other guy.

All the drama and mystery about Isabella and her husband aren´t good to the story, either. Just creates a dark aura around the character that seems to anticipate a situation with her similar to the one of the ending of Acting Lessons. If at some point, Isabella has any psychiatry problem like a nervous breakdown because of Jill, the appareance of her husband in the worst moment, or something like that, and commits suicide or has to be hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital , is going to be even worst that AL. And that´s the kind of situation that DPC seems to be preparing.

Could it not be better, if this game were a bit lighter? If it would have dramatic and emotional scenes only when needed, and never forced. In a story, drama, emotions and mystery is like cayenne in cooking. A pinch here and there is good for the recipe. Put it in every single plate, and you ruin the dinner for everybody.

Some drama plotlines could be maintained: For example, the mystery about Tremolo´s mom as a recurrent theme through the storyline until, at the end, we know some kind of revelation about Lynette and maybe Jill´s family or family friends. Also, the story of Quinn´s dirty business, connected with Vinnie (the minor antagonist) and Burke (the main antagonist), if DPC is able to not let that plotline of noir cinema become too intrusive and ruin the lightness and sense of humor of the game. But the rest of the big dramas and socking revelations should be out.

- Sage should be a popular girl dating with a popular muscular bowhead that doesn´t value her as she deserves, and Tremolo solves that. With his magic cock at first, and then being a good, supportive friend and a charming, flirting and funny guy.
- Isabela should be a separated woman, bored with her life, that finds a second youngness with Tremolo. There could be some subplots around jealousy and regret connected with Jill, but that´s all. And with a happy ending, please. No more things like the ending of AL, pretty please DPC.
- Maya and Josy, should be just two girlfriends that met Tremolo and, to their surprise, find out that are both attracted by the handsome and charming boy, so they start to compete or cooperate to, either get Tremolo for one of them into a solo path, or to share him into an harem path with the three of the characters. Maybe the scene of the surprise for Tremolo when he knows that they are actually a couple, and the subsequent anger, could be maintained. But all that Drama around Maya´s dad should go out.
- Jill, more or less like she is. Maybe a bit less naïve. And Tybald could have found a less boorish way to manipulate her into dating him, than blackmailing. That´s just lazy writing.

And that´s all. A bit of drama, mystery and emotional moments, but not the overload of situations of Mexican telenovela that we have in this game. Thanks God that DPC knows how to create great characters and funny, sexy and witty dialogues and situations. If not, this game would be just crap.
Last edited:


Engaged Member
Oct 14, 2020
My previous post (that I thought would has a lot of "facepalms", but has had a lot of "likes" instead) was a rant, and I was exaggerating a bit (only a bit). I don´t think that this game would be better without any drama and soap-opera narrative resources. But I do think that it has way to much of all that.

The story of Maya and Josy is, first of all, far fetched. The coincidence of Tremolo dating the two of them at the same time in different cities, and then Josy appearing suddenly in the worst moment... that`s cheap soap opera material at its finest. Second, the story of the cute, beautiful and wonderful with-candy-glass-and-a-cherry-on-the-top lesbian romance, ruined by an intolerant religious middle aged white man (the devil!!!) and the prejudices of the society, is a postmodern cliché that I hate. The same goes for the plotline of Chad and the other guy.

All the drama and mystery about Isabella and her husband aren´t good to the story, either. Just creates a dark aura around the character that seems to anticipate a situation with her similar to the one of the ending of Acting Lessons. If at some point, Isabella has any psychiatry problem like a nervous breakdown because of Jill, the appareance of her husband in the worst moment, or something like that, and commits suicide or has to be hospitalized in a psychiatric hospital , is going to be even worst that AL. And that´s the kind of situation that DPC seems to be preparing.

Could it not be better, if this game were a bit lighter? If it would have dramatic and emotional scenes only when needed, and never forced. In a story, drama, emotions and mystery is like cayenne in cooking. A pinch here and there is good for the recipe. Put it in every single plate, and you ruin the dinner for everybody.

Some drama plotlines could be maintained: For example, the mystery about Tremolo´s mom as a recurrent theme through the storyline until, at the end, we know some kind of revelation about Lynette and maybe Jill´s family or family friends. Also, the story of Quinn´s dirty business, connected with Vinnie (the minor antagonist) and Burke (the main antagonist), if DPC is able to not let that plotline of noir cinema become too intrusive and ruin the lightness and sense of humor of the game. But the rest of the big dramas and socking revelations should be out.

Sage would be a girl dating with a muscular bowhead that doesn´t value her as she deserves, and Tremolo solves that. With his magic cock at first, and then being a good, supportive friend and a charming, flirting and funny guy.
Isabela should be a separated woman, bored with her life, that finds a second youngness with Tremolo. There could be some subplots around jealousy and regret connected with Jill, but that´s all. And with a happy ending, please. No more things like the ending of AL, pretty please DPC.
Maya and Josy, should be just two girlfriends that met Tremolo and, to their surprise, find out that are both attracted by the handsome and charming Tremolo, so they start to compite or cooperate, to either get Tremolo for one of them into a solo path, or to share him into an harem path with the three of the characters.
Jill, more or less like she is. Maybe a bit less naïve. And Tybald could have found a less boorish way to manipulate her into dating him, than blackmailing. That´s just lazy writing.

And that´s all. A bit of drama, mystery and emotional moments, but not the overload of situations of Mexican telenovela that we have in this game. Thanks God that DPC knows how to create great characters and funny, sexy and witty dialogues and situations. If not, this game would be just crap.
I think that DPC really messed up with Tybalt. If he had written him as a serious rival for Jill's affections, and as someone that the MC could take seriously as a rival, it would have been a much better story.

And before the conversation is smothered in hysterical cries of NTR, having Tybalt as a serious romantic threat does not necessarily mean that he has to BE a serious threat, Jill could still look at him as only a friend. But a serious Tybalt would be a much more flexible tool for an author to craft a story without ridiculous contrivances like the blackmail storyline. A few corny watermelon jokes are a high price to pay for burning such a useful character.


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2021
She's in his class, she was taking the test she's the unprepared ready to leave girl. Also at the end if you haven't seen it yet,

I think it's Maya, when you have sex with her in the classroom she's one of the only ones that the MC doesn't have a choice but to cum inside of her. It's just part of the scene. And given that she has repeatedly said that she is not on birth control, she just wants to know how It felt. I want to put it out there. I think Maya's pregnant.
MC's rap name is:

"LL Cool Pipe".


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2019
Since Being a DIK - Season 2 will be sold as a product on Steam soon, it's time to update my Patreon tier rewards. I must do this as I need to keep prices fair for all customers.

Because I have released several products, this becomes increasingly harder to keep affordable, as Patreon tier prices would shoot up with every product I release. And I don't want that. Patrons should never be punished for wanting to support me.

My priority with these changes has been to ensure that future updates don't get more expensive. Because that's what most patrons are interested in.

I'm sorry for the sudden mid-month changes, but there is some exciting news coming soon, which is why I need to carry out these changes. These are the changes to the current tiers, effective Friday, December 10.

Because of the tier changes, make sure you grab your copy of Being a DIK - Season 1 and Season 2 (v0.8.1) soon if you are in the Mini DIK, DIK, or Major DIK tier.

To sum up the changes:

I will still have the same release concept for my future releases:

Huge DIK ($25) tier: 3 days early access of upcoming Season 3 releases

DIK ($10) tier: Access of upcoming Season 3 releases, 3 days after early access

Mini DIK ($5) tier: Access to Season 3 patches, 2 weeks after early access. You'll need the base Season 3 game the first time to patch it in the future.

Huge DIK ($25) tier will have the latest updated full version of Being a DIK Seasons 1 & 2.

Mini DIK ($5) tier will have patches for bugs etc. for Being a DIK Seasons 1 & 2. You can upgrade your version to the latest update with these patches.

There will be a new credit section for Being a DIK - Season 3. If you want to appear near the top of the Season 3 credits, the post where you enter your name will be live on Friday for the Massive DIK tier.

I tried to make the best out of the tier changes, and this was the best I could do without raising the prices for Season 3.

I will make sure that players of any game version can use their saves as an entry point in the first version of Season 3. This means that even a player from Steam can continue playing Season 3 on Patreon when it's released, using their Season 2 transfer saves.

If you have any questions about this, please ask them below, and I will do my best to answer them.

Best regards

Dr PinkCake


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2021
Why were Jill's parents not at her recital? An alleged huge moment for her and they were not there? Jill invited her established friends she has had for years, all her library friends and MC.

A plot mistake in writing or is there a plot path here?


Sep 7, 2021
Still generally agree.
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Believe me, you and I are hoping for the same thing. I just don't see a way for it it happen given how things have unfolded.

To extend the original metaphor, it would be akin to the jeweler forcing us to pick between a bunch of unset gems then foiling the one we pick. We were already sold on it, what does the extra shine accomplish?

Beats me. Still, as therapeutic as it's been to talk through my Zoey concerns, I should probably give it a rest until we actually see her in action. I'll try to shut up about it for now. :censored:

Regarding Jill, she doesn't like it that the MC is dating others. Even a bit jealous, but she doesn't make a big deal out of it because she's falling for the MC and don't want to push him away, just very unsure. If you took the dickpic she will even get jealous and start doubting. Then again, i didn't know till a post few days ago that even then you can continue her path and choose her. Stating that she really fell in love with the MC


Sep 7, 2021
So this has probably been discussed before, but the HOT's "Free Tuition", and the "Mona Scholarship"... I mean we all kinda assume that's the same thing, part of some dodge deal that Burke is doing with Quinn.

But in the news article (with "Tibalt" and the "Texas Chess Massacre"), the article on the Burkes touches on the scholarships and there's Stephen's denial that anything is expected of the student receiving the scholarship:

"...To address the recent concerns raised about the scholarships being quid pro quo between the donors and acceptors, Burke promptly replies: No. Never. That's preposterous. The student may be introduced to the donor, but there are no obligations they need to fulfil after accepting the scholarship..."

From our perspective, this simply draws attention to the free tuition again, and that Burke is the one pulling the strings. If it really is a scholarship that is paid for, these "donors" could be a conglomerate of old horny bastards who know Stephen and all put a share in to receive a share in the "perks".

That said, if real money is changing hands, it's interesting to consider the logistics:
  • Maya's course, as an example, is about 40K (assuming a 4 year course at 5K a semester,- mc mentioned his 5K would just about cover a semester of Maya's course),
  • The mc paid a premium price for a threesome with Quinn and Riona ($500 - he mentions he took that from his own college expenses and repaid it from the 5K),
  • Lets assume the girls are going at half the rate of the Quinn threesome to these old geezers, so $250 a fuck
  • So it means each girl needs to be fucked 160 times across their duration of their course, basically fucking one of these old blokes roughly every 10 days, for 4 years straight.
Mona was probably right to bail.

On the other side of the coin, why would these horny old fuckers for these skanks?
While we are at the topic of Burke and his presumed involvement in Quinn's restaurant.

He told Jade he fucked 3 students. Which 3 do you think the are?
Could it be Quinn herself at first to start of the whole bussiness?


Dec 3, 2017
I think that DPC really messed up with Tybalt. If he had written him as a serious rival for Jill's affections, and as someone that the MC could take seriously as a rival, it would have been a much better story.
I dont know about you, but i enjoy Tybalt what is he now. Its always funny when he show up on screen.
Though i hope end of ep. 8 will change him to be better (not go crazy, or be a dick) and try again with Jill if you only friends with her.
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Engaged Member
Oct 14, 2020
I dont know about you, but i enjoy Tybalt what is he now. Its always funny when he show up on screen.
Though i hope end of ep. 8 will change him to be better (not go crazy, or be a dick) and try again with Jill if you only friends with her.
No, I don't enjoy Tybalt as he is in the game, I think he's a buffoon.

One of the hallmark's of a badly written story is the one dimensional, stereotypical antagonist. BaDIK really falls down on this one. Maya's Father, Tybalt, The Alpha's, and to a lesser extent Stephen Burke are all caricatures, not characters.


Nov 27, 2021
No, I don't enjoy Tybalt as he is in the game, I think he's a buffoon.

One of the hallmark's of a badly written story is the one dimensional, stereotypical antagonist. BaDIK really falls down on this one. Maya's Father, Tybalt, The Alpha's, and to a lesser extent Stephen Burke are all caricatures, not characters.
It´s OK to use archetypes. All writers use them from Homer to our days. But DPC usually uses stereotypes and clichés in characters and situations. And those are different things.


Engaged Member
Oct 14, 2020
It´s OK to use archetypes. All writers use them from Homer to our days. But DPC usually uses stereotypes and clichés in characters and situations. And those are different things.
It's one thing to start with archetypes and build a character from there, in fact one of my favorite novels used Jungian archetypes, but the author built upon that base and thereby created some very memorable characters.

DPC's villains are one trick ponys, while his other characters are more fully drawn. It's obvious he CAN create characters, he just doesn't always do it and I think that's one of the biggest weaknesses in his writing.
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