Let's talk about sterotypes. As long as it's a common place to question a literary work for having sterotypes... the true is its used all the time in different types of narrative, and succesfully. Just think in the Simpsons. Pretty much every character it's a sterotype, Homer and Marge are sterotypes of american working class, Burns it's a sterotype of businesman class, Lisa is a sterotype of left wing, Joe Quimby of politicians and the chieff Wiggum of police. And i am not even starting with national stereotypes. Still the most succesfull tv show off all time.
But even further, by XIX Flaubert wrote Madame Bovary, wich later become "the first modern novel", a classic beetween classics. On it, Flaubert put a character, the pharmacist Monsieur Homais, a upstart burgoise, deceptive and ambitious. As such the character was never meant to be a genuely character but rather the description of an entire subgroup of people, a whole social class, as such, a sterotype. It wasn't the first time that sterotype was sued as long as it was a common concern in France at the XIX's. Stendhal, Balzac or Maupassant, all of them used the same stereotypes.
But let's go even further. Let's talk about the Iliad of Homer. On it a character is presented, Tersites. he is the only character who has no aristocratic routes, he is a plebeyan. He is the only character ugly, gummy, vulgar and stupid. As it was, an aristocratic poem about nobles made to entartain nobles, the Iliad build represent the lower class by making sterotypes of them. 2.800 years later noone complains.
So, what's the issue?. Well sterotypes are used to make comedy and specially social satire. As long as they are not a representation of a real individuals but a group of people, they allow to represent social conflicts and make social criticism.
And that's exactly what Badik does. Comedy and social satire. It does with the jocs, and the preps. Jocs are not all stupid, rich people are not all... ok, let's pretend they are not... not all of them are as shitty as Tybalt. Yet it doesn't matter couse it' social criticism, if the story want to have complex real people willuse characters as Quinn, Maya, etc. At different momments will use characters as a description of a social group in order to question an entire group practice or practice: bulliers, classism and homophobia.
So, if it's cool, why people complain?
Have you ever heard them complaining about the feminists?
Couse that's another sterotype used all the time and they are perfectely fine with that.