What do you guys and gals reckon Josy sees in Maya? Like why is Josy so into Maya in the first place? I don't see any chemistry between them at all.
Maya and Josy - They are too depressing together. The only saving grace was the diarrhoea shit joke.
MC and Maya - There are some really sweet moments earlier on, but the throuple has just complicated it.
Nah, thats just anti-Mayaism, to provoke an argument.
The trouple follows a path, everything is ok, then threesome sex, then a problem happens, then MC has solo sex with both off them. It's a pornographic path, a solution to give any posible sexual combination, except lesbian scenes for some reason. At the same time put some conflict into the story, wich is always needed. Yes, mature man don't look for conflict when starting a relationship, but teenagers love it.
I want to write about this, once i finish clearing my ideas, but for now, i will say that Maya-MC relationship is deeper than any other one, including the main LI's, including last episodes. One of my main arguments is this one:
When the MC decided to explore her past in orther to know himself, when it came to explore his most intimate side, the one who made his personality... he choose to do it with Maya.
It's hard for me to think something more important for a child orphan than the image of his death mother. And there she is, the only one who the MC was confortable enough to show her that.
Next episodes things can change, but right now Maya with a single short scene is still miles ahead of the other ones.