Avaron1974 lost interest in this thread,
I didn't lose interest in the thread so much as this isn't a game i'm that into. I am only interested in a couple of the side girls so haven't been paying much interest to the main girls enough to have long discussions about. I pretty much splurged all I know about the game and kinda ran out of things to say.
The game is well made and I can see why people love it but when the main love interests don't interest you it's hard to get hooked.
I did say I only played through it for shallow reasons so I could chat to my twinsy and girlfriend about it when they play, I wanted to see what the fuss was about.
The forums entertained me more than the game but there are only so many times I can mock Bella's lack of personality and praise Quinn before it starts to get old.
The story isn't exactly my kind of thing. I don't find college settings, especially frat stuff, to be all that interesting so the only reason to play things like this is the girls. As I said, only 2 or 3 at a push interest me and none of them are the main LI's. I didn't really pay much attention to the details of what's going on so the extent of my knowledge boiled down to yay Quinn, boo everyone else.