Regarding the positive pregnancy test, I've been saying it could be Heather and Tommy because that would possibly have the biggest impact on the DIKs, and I overlooked this comment from Heather:
She could just be angry at Tommy, but she could also be stressing that her period is late.
I love the look on Tommy's face as Heather's chewing him out.
differences: Microsoft, AA or AAA Games, develop period only 5 - 10 yrs.
and why is DPC a single developer with $16.000 - $100.000 per month? a good developer(10 - 15 yrs.) costs ~$10.000 per month
DPC isn't just a programmer, he's the CEO/Director.
Compare DPC's pathetic 100K a month to Satya Nadella (CEO of Microsoft) 2.5mil a month, I'd say DPC's got a long way to go yet.
Of course, I'm kidding about the "huge impact" thing. You can fail every one of your classes, and Cathy will still say this in the cafeteria later in the episode:
That shouldn't be the case.
The logic for this scene is:
if failedEnglish + failedMath <= 1:
$ ep3_bella_counter += 2
ca "And he's such an excellent student!"
elif failedEnglish + failedMath <= 3:
$ ep3_bella_counter += 1
ca "And he's a very good student."
The "ep3_bella_counter" is critical to whether Bella tells Jill the mc is just unlucky or he is actively looking for trouble.
Other aspects that affect the Bella counter are:
- MC tries to kiss her in the car (she actually likes that... +1)
- MC offers to pay for her meal (she likes that +1)
- MC is doing OK in class (Bella likes that +1)
- MC is doing really well in class (Bella really likes that +2)
- MC peeked at her when she was changing back in ep2 (she doesn't like that -1)
- Beth is angry at the mc for his jokes about the food from either ep1 or ep2 (Bella doesn't like that -1)
- MC is wearing the DIK helmet (Bella doesn't like that -1)
- Troy mentions the fight (whether mc win or loses the fight, Bella really doesn't like that -2)
If the sum of the above conditions is below zero, Bella tells Jill she doesn't like him but he's still better than Tybalt, that leads to the mc being able to tell Jill he's probably not right for her (you don't have to say that).
Then, she should have the balls to break up with Maya, and get Tremolo.
I know it's almost 2022 and all, but I think I speak for the more traditional guys when I say we still prefer our girls not to have balls...
I understand that the guy doesn´t want to create a team. But he could surely externalize some work. For example, someone could do for him the less important renders like two characters having a conversation and moving slightly their mouths and changing a bit their facial expressions, empty rooms, a corridor or a classroom with some students, and things like that. For sure are time-consuming and don´t really need a lot of creativity. DPC could focus in writing and more important renders and animations. Or could get someone to do some of the coding... That could speed up the development times without creating a real work team.
Everyone who suggests this always misses the point:
DPC would get nothing out of doing that.
He would have to pay them and he would have to check everything they do, and if he's as pedantic as he comes across, it would just be a headache for him. So why would he do it?
To get the game out faster? Why does he need to do that? The longer this game takes the more money he makes. Now I'm not suggesting he drag his feet (which I don't believe he is doing, I get the impression he actually works long hours on the job), but there is no incentive to speed things up further.
From everything we read, he really likes doing the job. So why palm if off to others?
If you can work full time on something you enjoy, and at the end you can look back and say, "I did that on my own", meanwhile, make a fucking load of cash doing it. Why would you get others to speed it along?
Nope, there's really no reason for him to hurry things up. We just don't want to wait so long, but that's all there is to it.
Jill face is okey as long as her mouth is closed
I don't get all the static about Jill's teeth.
It's not literally her teeth. It's usually just her smile (which involves her teeth). Most girls when they smile look twice as good as when they don't (which makes me wonder why girls went through that whole duckface selfie phase - they mostly looked like idiots). But when Jill smiles, she goes from a 9 to a 3!
And speaking of Jill, permit me to segue into some thoughts on her lewd scene.
All the Jill blue-balling, and I mean every damn second of it, was worth it. When I saw Jill do this... heart stopped and I thought, "Oh, yeah! IT'S ON!"
And then the MC said this...
...and I yelled at the screen, "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK IS GOING ON, YOU MORON???"
OFT's Wife: "Are you all right in there honey? Do you need me to bring in some more calming incense?"
OFT: "

I thought the way DPC presented that whole scene was very well done. The only thing I think should have been included (and I go back & forth on this) was an actual indication of Jill climaxing (did she even climax?).
I get the impression she didn't. It was strange that there was no focus on it, but it was a very slow, sensual love making scene though, it's not like he was jackhammering her. I'd say she didn't cum.
Jill is so ok. IDK why people here criticize her that much. She has the most beautiful face in the game and her story is intriguing unlike J&M and Bella. Best girl after Sage IMO.
I'd say Jill is the most beautiful LI for sure, I just wish her smile got fixed.
Don't ask for new girls, that's how we got Madame and the return of Zoey. Do people never learn?
I'm looking forward to Zoey.
Zoey was obviously going to figure into the story again at some point, but Madame strikes me as exactly the sort of thing DPC would invent midway through the project to pad out the VIP path. She couldn't be less connected to the plot if she originated in an incest mod.
I get the feeling The Madame was some sort of an experiment for DPC, given she's probably the most physically detailed character in the game so far. Whilst I don't care for her scenes at all, I won't deny the level of detail in her renders is head and shoulders above most of the other characters. Maybe DPC modelled her on his wife or something?